#bully cce


Jimmy: Ah, Mr. Galloway’s class, where we learn about writing and Mr. Galloway’s personal problems.

Gary: Relax. once the termites are gone, we can move back in and everything will be back to normal.

Pete: What do you mean “normal”? Jimmy dropped out of college!

Jimmy: Zoe went to Boston!

Zoe: Gary brought termites into the house!

Gary: Well Petey-… what did you do again?

Pete: Nothing. As usual, I’m the good one.

Mandy: Why don’t I take my shoe, flip it sideways, and stick it up your uterus you stupid cunt?

Angie: Wow, she sounds like HBO!

Gary: I’m working on my 5 year plan.

Gary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. And then they’ll all be sorry.

Pete: I think we may have found the root of your problem. You have mother issues!

Jimmy: Yay, I have mother issues!

Pete: No, that’s bad.

Jimmy: Aw, I have mother issues.

Lola: I love these parties. I feel like I’m an ambassador, or a spy, or, like, a really high-class prostitute

Gord: Well Lola, who’s to say you can’t be all three?

Gary: Alright, so you and I are married.

Pete: We are not married.

Gary: Relax, it’s just pretend.

Pete: I don’t want to pretend.

Gary: Scared you’ll like it?

Pete: Okay, if we’re married, I want a divorce.

Jimmy: Are you two like this all the time?

Gary and Pete: Yes.

Pinky: You know who’s looking fine tonight? Derby.

Mandy: Okay, you did not just say that.

Pinky: What? He’s a good kisser.

Mandy: … He’s your cousin.

Pinky: Yeah but he’s my first cousin.

Mandy: Right.

Pinky: So you have your cousins, then you have your first cousins, then your second cousins-

Mandy: Uh-uh honey, no.

Pinky: That’s not right, is it?

Mandy: That is so not right.

Derby: I assume you realize this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in my clique.

Justin: Is there another type of idiocy you’d be more comfortable with?

Bucky: I’d do anything for you, Beatrice.

Beatrice: Thanks, Bucky.

Bucky: I’d eat trash.

Beatrice: Well, don’t do that.

Bucky: I ate trash.

Beatrice: Okay.. well… that doesn’t really help me…

Wade: Let’s fight.

Davis: About what?

Wade: I don’t know. What’s your favorite animal.

Davis: Elephants.

Wade: Fuck elephants.

Pete: I did something terrible.

Zoe: I’ll get the shovel.

Pete: No I- wait what do you think I did?

Zoe: Doesn’t matter, no one will ever know.

Jimmy: What language do they speak at the center of the earth?

Jimmy: Core-ean.

Gary: The center of the earth is around 5430 degrees celsius. Nobody is going to live there so they dont need a language.

Jimmy: … Core-ean.

Casey: What about my dreams?

Bo: Casey, I told you, we can’t build you a candy house. It will fall apart. The sun will melt the candy, it won’t work.

Pinky: Guess what, I have flaws too. What are they? Oh I don’t know. I sing in the shower. Occasionally I’ll hit somebody with my car. So sue me.

Jimmy, to Gary: Hey, don’t insult Petey! His life is pathetic enough without you!

Pete: …

Jimmy: Don’t say I never defend you.

Pete: Can I say you never defend me well?

Peanut: *shrieks*

Vance: *sinister laughing*

Peanut: Were you laughing at me?

Vance: Um…

Peanut: Were you?!

Vance: Well, you see, um, I didn’t mean nothin’ by it. It’s just a generic pirate thing I do.

Mandy: Why is it always Romeo and Juliet?

Miss Peters: I don’t know, ask teenage romcoms.

Beatrice: And why am I always the boy?

Ms. Peters: Uh, your flat chest, your general demeanor, your silhouette, your voice, I could go on.

Mandy: And why am I Mercutio?

Miss Peters: Because I wanted to kill you off early.

Pinky: And I’m Juliet because I’m the prettiest, right?

Miss Peters: No, it’s because you definitely tried to poison yourself when you were about 14 over a boy you met three days ago.

Pinky: Eh, you live and you learn.

Beatrice: Juliet didn’t.

“You’re art is a bit weird tbh”

Brewski…. We are all in the bully fandom over a decade after it was released with no real sequel. Many of the people in this fandom have been in these trenches FOR YEARS. We’re all a bit weird here. If your barometer for weird is something so small as adult!AU and vampire!Gary idk what to tell you.

Lola and Zoe are just vibes.

Also, drawing on lined notebook paper is hard and yet I love it so much. There’s like 0 pressure, idk why.

Not me making college age Jimmy have a whole mop of hair.

Btw if you want to see my stuff in 3-5 days in advance and some bully stuff I haven’t posted on this account consider checking out my Patreon.

Also, I try to draw Gary and Jimmy as adults unless stated otherwise.

Damn I’m sorry for not drawing something for the anniversary‍ but I did make a Halloween doodle if that makes it any better.

I drew this a minute ago and realize I forgot to post it… anyway if you want to get my art with a guarantee I can’t forget to post it, check out my little Patreon. A lil warning college has been kicking my keister this semester, so I’ve had very little time for personal projects. Please be patient with me.

Have you ever had a relationship that fundamentally changed you and shook your world down to its deepest foundation?

I love drawing adult jimmy with a head of hair, but I’m mad I forgot his freckles.

Small reminder: If you want to see my art before everyone else and see pieces and sketches I make exclusive to Patreon, feel free to check it out.
