#canis canem edit


Jimmy: Ah, Mr. Galloway’s class, where we learn about writing and Mr. Galloway’s personal problems.

Gary: Relax. once the termites are gone, we can move back in and everything will be back to normal.

Pete: What do you mean “normal”? Jimmy dropped out of college!

Jimmy: Zoe went to Boston!

Zoe: Gary brought termites into the house!

Gary: Well Petey-… what did you do again?

Pete: Nothing. As usual, I’m the good one.

Mandy: Why don’t I take my shoe, flip it sideways, and stick it up your uterus you stupid cunt?

Angie: Wow, she sounds like HBO!

Gary: I’m working on my 5 year plan.

Gary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. And then they’ll all be sorry.

Pete: I think we may have found the root of your problem. You have mother issues!

Jimmy: Yay, I have mother issues!

Pete: No, that’s bad.

Jimmy: Aw, I have mother issues.

Lola: I love these parties. I feel like I’m an ambassador, or a spy, or, like, a really high-class prostitute

Gord: Well Lola, who’s to say you can’t be all three?

Gary: Alright, so you and I are married.

Pete: We are not married.

Gary: Relax, it’s just pretend.

Pete: I don’t want to pretend.

Gary: Scared you’ll like it?

Pete: Okay, if we’re married, I want a divorce.

Jimmy: Are you two like this all the time?

Gary and Pete: Yes.

Pinky: You know who’s looking fine tonight? Derby.

Mandy: Okay, you did not just say that.

Pinky: What? He’s a good kisser.

Mandy: … He’s your cousin.

Pinky: Yeah but he’s my first cousin.

Mandy: Right.

Pinky: So you have your cousins, then you have your first cousins, then your second cousins-

Mandy: Uh-uh honey, no.

Pinky: That’s not right, is it?

Mandy: That is so not right.

Derby: I assume you realize this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in my clique.

Justin: Is there another type of idiocy you’d be more comfortable with?

Bucky: I’d do anything for you, Beatrice.

Beatrice: Thanks, Bucky.

Bucky: I’d eat trash.

Beatrice: Well, don’t do that.

Bucky: I ate trash.

Beatrice: Okay.. well… that doesn’t really help me…

Wade: Let’s fight.

Davis: About what?

Wade: I don’t know. What’s your favorite animal.

Davis: Elephants.

Wade: Fuck elephants.

Pete: I did something terrible.

Zoe: I’ll get the shovel.

Pete: No I- wait what do you think I did?

Zoe: Doesn’t matter, no one will ever know.

Jimmy: What language do they speak at the center of the earth?

Jimmy: Core-ean.

Gary: The center of the earth is around 5430 degrees celsius. Nobody is going to live there so they dont need a language.

Jimmy: … Core-ean.

Casey: What about my dreams?

Bo: Casey, I told you, we can’t build you a candy house. It will fall apart. The sun will melt the candy, it won’t work.

Pinky: Guess what, I have flaws too. What are they? Oh I don’t know. I sing in the shower. Occasionally I’ll hit somebody with my car. So sue me.

Jimmy, to Gary: Hey, don’t insult Petey! His life is pathetic enough without you!

Pete: …

Jimmy: Don’t say I never defend you.

Pete: Can I say you never defend me well?

Peanut: *shrieks*

Vance: *sinister laughing*

Peanut: Were you laughing at me?

Vance: Um…

Peanut: Were you?!

Vance: Well, you see, um, I didn’t mean nothin’ by it. It’s just a generic pirate thing I do.

Mandy: Why is it always Romeo and Juliet?

Miss Peters: I don’t know, ask teenage romcoms.

Beatrice: And why am I always the boy?

Ms. Peters: Uh, your flat chest, your general demeanor, your silhouette, your voice, I could go on.

Mandy: And why am I Mercutio?

Miss Peters: Because I wanted to kill you off early.

Pinky: And I’m Juliet because I’m the prettiest, right?

Miss Peters: No, it’s because you definitely tried to poison yourself when you were about 14 over a boy you met three days ago.

Pinky: Eh, you live and you learn.

Beatrice: Juliet didn’t.
