#business development


Business can be your Cinderella Story…

Business can be your Cinderella Story…

Get your business

The rags to riches stories are more than a romantic fairytale love story. Many business owners have stories to share of roughing through hard times, catching a break, and boom, they made it to the success highway of life. The stories never stop there as happily ever after is elusive, and requires consistent work to remain relevant.

Relevance equates to customer interest, need,…

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Deep Diving…

Deep Diving…

Get Your Business

The deep dive in business is the gathering for information, to be ready and prepared for negotiations. Its the knowledge and understanding gained which helps to build confidence, based on awareness.

A key aspect of preparing entrepreneurs for building their business, is the importance of understanding their surroundings, profiling and scenario planning. Its uncertainty that…

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Get Your Business Ready for NEXT…

Get Your Business Ready for NEXT…

Get Your Business

What comes next?

This question should always have an answer for anyone in business. If there is to be a harvest, something has to be planted. There are many stages of growth – the first is critical, and that’s planting something.

The pandemic – Covid19, certainly showed most businesses that a harvest could be wiped out due to changes in market conditions. Industries across…

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