
Bhopal, India - Dec. 3, 2016: Gas affected people burning an effigy of Union Carbide and Dow chemica

Bhopal, India - Dec. 3, 2016: Gas affected people burning an effigy of Union Carbide and Dow chemicals out side the UCIL factory on the 32nd anniversary of Bhopal gas disadter in Bhopal, India, on Saturday, December 3, 2016. (Photo by Mujeeb Faruqui/ Hindustan Times)(Mujeeb Faruqui/HT PHOTO)


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The photo originally appeared in the November 1928 issue of National Geographic. The original captio

The photo originally appeared in the November 1928 issue of National Geographic. The original caption was: “With huge cadaver masks, imitation tiger-skin skirts, and enormous claws, this performer and his seven similarly garbed companions strike terror to the hearts of spectators in the Old Dance. They are assistants of Showa the Deer, messenger of Yama”. The picture was taken in 1925, when Joseph Rock visited Choni monastery in Gansu province, where he based himself for two years while undertaking his unsuccessful attempt to reach the mountains of Amnyi Machen. During that time he witnessed the “devil dancers” of Choni.


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thefugitivesaint:Louis Raemaekers (1869-1956), ‘De l'est à l'ouest, de l'ouest à l'est’ (’From East


Louis Raemaekers (1869-1956), ‘De l'est à l'ouest, de l'ouest à l'est’ (’From East to West, from West to East’), “La Grande Guerre par les artistes” by René Georges Hermann-Paul, 1914-15


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Zdzisław Beksiński (1929-2005), The Trumpeter,

Zdzisław Beksiński (1929-2005), The Trumpeter,

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A skeleton rocking chair.I have no information about this piece, but still wished to publish it for

A skeleton rocking chair.

I have no information about this piece, but still wished to publish it for obvious coolness reason. If anyone has background for it, please message me !

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