#candle witch


Centering & Grounding

To begin working with energy we must learn how to center and ground ourselves.

What is centering and what is grounding?

Centering: A term that’s used to describe the practice of collecting together your energy. You can collect it into a central point from which you can direct it into items or release it into magickal workings

Grounding: The ability to create a energetic connection between you and the earth. (The earth’s energy is neutral, it’s neither positive or negative).

This is different then using a crystal, or herb as they have their own energy and intention for a specific purpose.

It’s normal to feel drained after a spell or ritual, this is often caused by using your own energy for that magickal working. This is why you should ground before, during and after workings, that way you are replacing the energy that you are losing.

How to Center and Ground? (visualization involved)

Centering: You need a calm space, quiet space.

Now close your eyes and visualize your energy gathering together. For me I visualize a white shimmering light that is evenly distributed around my whole body. Now draw it in towards your core. From your extremities to your spine. From your fingers and toes, up your arms and legs; gathering it together into a central ball. This may take place anywhere around your body.

Now practice holding it. Then when you’re ready release that energy and allow it to spread across the body. Holding it in that central point, is centering. The ability to draw the energy in to a collective location from where you can distribute it elsewhere. For example; Directing it into your hands or out through your voice.

Grounding: You don’t need to be outside or physically touching the ground, you can do this in an apartment building with your shoes on. This is just your energetic connection to the Earth.

Now sit comfortably in a calm quiet space and put your feet firmly on the floor. Now you want to begin to center, draw all that energy in to that core and allow it to focus itself wherever it wants to focus in your body(for me it’s in my stomach). Now visualize slowly pulling that energy down and splitting that energy into two and direct it down your legs and into your feet. Then let that energy spread throughout the entire foot.

Now you’re then going to want to visualize roots growing out of your feet into the floor, these roots are going to go deep down into the earth. You can visualize them passing through the stone, earth, water. Once you’re there you will finally see the earths energy(for me that’s a white light). You’re going to want to tap into that energy with just the tip of the roots. You’re going to connect to it by creating an energetic link between you and the earth. Now draw in some of the earths energy(I visualize the roots drinking). Visualize the roots drawing up the energy, and as it draws up the energy visualize it coming into your feet and blending into your energy. Once you feel you have enough energy, you can go ahead and start your magickal workings. Periodically if you feel you need more energy, go ahead and draw up more.

Once it’s time to disconnect, just visualize drawing those roots back up from the earth; disconnecting from the white light. The roots coming back up into the bottom of your feet. Then disconnect from that energy and uncenter by releasing that energy to re-distributed evenly around your body.

Candle Color Meanings

  • White- Spirituality, peace, higher self, purity, substitution.
  • Black- Banishing against negativity, protection, binding.
  • Brown- Home protection, animals, stability, family, material goods.
  • Red- Vital energy, strength, passion, courage, fast action, lust, charisma.
  • Pink- Romantic love, emotional healing, friendship, caring, nurturing, self love.
  • Orange- Business, success, justice, opportunity, celebration, ambition.
  • Yellow- Intelligent, learning, reason, focus, memory, joy, comfort, hope.
  • Green- Nature, physical healing, money, abundance, fertility, growth.
  • Blue- Communication, traveling, inspiration, calm, creativity, forgiveness.
  • Purple- Influence, psychic abilities, wisdom, authority, hidden knowledge.
  • Silver- Intuition, psychism, dreams, femininity. The Moon.
  • Gold- Wealth, masculinity, luck, power, happiness. The Sun.

Kitchen witchery

Courage: Pepper , Basil, Chives, Nettle, Horse radish.

Fertility: Cinnamon, Mint, Coriander.

Happiness: Cinnamon, Feverfew, Mint.

Insight: Orange, Lemongrass, Marjoram.

Health: Allspice, Cinnamon, Angelica, Coriander, Poppy seed, Chamomile.

Money: Basil, Dill, Cinnamon, Ginger, Spearmint.

Wisdom: Bay, Chamomile, Dill, Parsley, Sage, Marjoram, Basil, Chervil, Thyme, Cumin.

Travel: Caraway, Dill, Fennel, Mustard, Parsley.

Success: Bay, Levage, Rosemary, Suffren, Marjoram.

Protection: Angelica, Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Garlic, Mint, Peppermint, Pepper, Marjoram.

Peace: Marjoram, Mint, Clary sage, Lemon balm.

Luck: Allspice, Camfrey, Nutmeg, Heather.

Love: Serrel, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Coriander.

Laws of Candle Care

Candles, while popular in religion and magik, are rarely properly cared for. Many who use them don’t even know how to take care of them. And when you don’t take care of your candles, especially candles used for divination, you use them up much quicker and get a lot of false responses.

This guide is important for anyone who burns or wants to burn candles, regardless of how much you think you know.


There are many, many types of candles. This isn’t anywhere near all, but the four kinds you should be aware of:

  • Tealights: (small, round candles, usually about an inch in diameter)
  • Pillars: (freestanding cylindrical candles of varying sizes)
  • Container candles: (candles poured directly in a container–includes prayer candles, which are tall glass pillars)
  • Tapers:(Tall, thin candles that stand in holders–includes chimes, which are miniature tapers)

Wick: The string, wood, etc. in the center of a candle that you light. Usually a cotton string coated with wax.

Hugging the edges: The process where the outer edges of a partly melted candles are pushed in to extend burn time.

Burn time: The amount of time it takes a candle to burn out when properly maintained and/or the amount of time a candle is being burned

Double boiler method: Heating wax in a pot inside another pot of water. This prevents it from catching fire or burning.


Location: Burn candles at least 1 foot from other flammable materials. Never burn a candle directly under anything–candles need at least a meter/yard of space above them to burn safely. Be careful when burning candles on a desk or near other candles. If burning a non-container candle, make sure it’s on a heatproof surface like a plate to catch wax.

Wicks: Always trim your wick to ¼ inch before burning, no exceptions. Wick trimmings should be removed from the candle, not left to accumulate in the pool.

Holders: Use a properly sized holder. This is a holder that the candle can sit in the bottom of, but will not shake or fall if lifted.

Burning: Not all candles can burn unattended. In fact, very few can. Always assume that you can’t let a burning candle out of your sight. The main exceptions to this are container candles, but even so, not all container candles can burn alone. Prayer candles are designed to burn continuously, but still require clear, safe space, and should be checked on.

Melting: The first time you burn any candle, you must allow the wax to melt up to the edge of the candle before extinguishing it. Ideally, you’d allow this pool to reach the edge every single time. If you don’t, the candle will tunnel, shortening its lifespan.

Extinguishing: Blow, pinch, or snuff a candle. Never use water to extinguish a candle–this makes it more likely to explode in future.


Candle wont light: Check if the wick is too short. If it is, hold a flame near the wick and pour out wax in increments until it can light.

Candle is tunneling: Burn it all the way out to the edge. You may need to manually melt the edges with a separate flame. You might also have forgotten to hug the edges.

Flame is smoking: There’s a few possible reasons;

  • Wick is too tall: This one’s easy, simply trim it.
  • Too long burn time: If a candle burns too long (usually 3+ hours at a time), the wick may curl or “mushroom.” Extinguish and trim.
  • Insufficient air: Most smoking comes from a flame not having enough oxygen (which the above two can cause). This can also come if your space isn’t well ventilated, or if there’s wind, breezes, or other moving air.

Only one side is melting: The candle’s wick is likely poorly centered, or you’re burning it with one side in a hotter/colder place. You may be able to move it the wick to the middle when melted, or move the candle. Otherwise, it’s usually fine to ignore on its own.

“Oh no, what do I do if my candle…”

Spills: Surround the pool with paper towels. Wait for it to cool, then pry off wax with a knife. Beeswax peels easiest. If there’s still wax and it’s on fabric, put paper to blot on both sides, and iron. Wash as normal.

Explodes/Cracks: If it didn’t put itself out, extinguish it immediately. Clean spilled wax and, if present, glass. Do not try to re light the candle, even if the candle is still usable.

Has a curling wick: Extinguish, trim, and wait to fully solidify before burning again.

Catches something on fire: Immediately extinguish both. It’s best to own and use a fire extinguisher for this, as water doesn’t always work or cool it down well. Avoid blowing if at all possible, as this can feed the flame. Do not reuse the candle afterwards.

Candle FAQ

Q: How are candles made?
A: It varies based on the candle! The most common method is by melting down wax in a double boiler and pouring it into a mold, or dipping string repeatedly in a vat of wax.

Q: How do you scent a candle?
A: Typically, you would mix in fragrance or essential oils when the wax is melted before pouring it into a bowl.

Q: Can you put herbs in candles?
A: Certainly! But please don’t do this if you aren’t experienced in candle care, it can be dangerous when they catch fire if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Q: How do you color a candle?
A: You use specific wax coloring! It’s very important to use colors designed for wax, because those are designed to burn safely. Things like food coloring can and will explode or ruin your candle.

Q: What kinds of candle wax are there?
A: There’s a few, but the three you’re most likely to find are paraffin, soy, and beeswax. Paraffin is essentially plastic, making it the least ecofriendly option, but it’s cheapest. Soy wax is from the soy plant, and generally fairly cheap. Beeswax burns the cleanest and longest, and is the best for the environment, but it’s the most expensive. They can generally be told apart by texture if there’s no label; paraffin is usually hard, flat, and bumpy, soy can be flaky and greasy, and beeswax is smooth and sometimes slightly rippled.

Candles in Magik & Divination

Chances are, if you’re here, this is what you use candles for. While it’s exciting to see candles doing weird things, remember you should always check for mundane reasons. Fire isn’t a toy, and an oddly behaving candle can be a hazard, not just symbolic.

When doing a spell with candles, make sure anything on or around the candle(s) is safe to burn. For example, ensuring you used cotton thread or yarn to tie the candle, not adding dangerous herbs to inhale, and keeping an eye on the type of paper you’re burning indoors. (Rolling paper is ideal for burning sigils.)

It’s a bit disappointing to learn a “sign” was only a poorly cared for candle, but it’s far worse to burn your house down over a false sign from an unsafe candle. So take care of them.

More questions? Send in a DM or ask! Feel free to add on in RBs or notes.
