#ch john watson

 John Watson; A Study in Pink  John Watson; A Study in Pink

John Watson; A Study in Pink

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John: Uh… Should I be concerned?

Sherlock (dragging a body bag up the stairs): Nope.

Sherlock and Eurus standing in front of the burning kitchen, John enters.

John, resigned: What happened?

Eurus:We wanted to make waffles.

John, sighing:And?

Eurus:It’s not exactly rocket science.

John, signing again: Yes, I know. And?

Sherlock:That was the problem. If it had been rocket science this would be a lot more spectacular.

John: What are you doing?

Sherlock sitting on the table: This is my house, I can sit wherever I want. I don’t see why—

John:Where is the spider?

Sherlock:Under the table, please get it for me! please

John:I am SO mad

Sherlock:I know, the criminal was a total asshole 



John: I stepped in a puddle and now my foot is wet! THE AUDACITY! my foot is frozen. Who left water on the floor for me to step in?!?!?! They are the real criminal!!!

John:When we go out I expect you to be on your best behaviour 

Sherlock: That’s right, Rosie

John: I was talking to you 

Sherlock: Oh, great, so she gets an A- and I get a broken eye and a black nose

John: I think you meant–

Sherlock: I know what I meant.

Molly: My dog has a black nose. It’s so cute, like a baby meatball!

Sherlock: Meatballs are brown.


John: You’re up early 


John:you never went to sleep, do you?!

John: What’s the worst that Moriarty could do?

Sherlock: Hack into any database. Access launch codes for nuclear missiles.

Mycroft: Destroy the world’s economy.

Sherlock: I think I capped it with the nuclear missiles.

Mycroft: Yes, yours was better.

Sherlock:I’m sorry I was a terrible flatmate. 

Sherlock: I’m sorry I never did the laundry.

Sherlock: I’m sorry I waited until you did your laundry and then I secretly filled the basket with my laundry to trick you into doing it.

John:You didn’t trick me, I repeatedly asked you to stop.

Sherlock: i haven’t even spoken to that person in over 10 years! what they did was unforgiveable 

John: you can’t remember what it is, can you?


Sherlock: they know what they did!
