

30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


I searched on Google “How to set goals for yourself”, and these are the 7 steps that popped up in the suggestions’ box:

  1. Think about the results you want to see. (Pensa ai risultati che vuoi vedere)
  2. Create SMART goals. (Crea degli obiettivi INTELLIGENTI)
  3. Write your goals down. (Scrivi i tuoi obiettivi)
  4. Create an action plan. (Realizza un piano d'azione)
  5. Create a timeline. (Crea una sequenza temporale)
  6. Take action. (Agisci)
  7. Re-evaluate and assess your progress. (Rivaluta e stima i tuoi progressi)

I feel that goals are pretty personal though. I mean, each one of us should think about their life and envision what they want to make out of it. After envisioning, come the choices: what do I have to do in order to reach that goal? Almost for sure, I’ll have to learn something: be it about myself, how to plan or really buildt a knowledge by studying (language, IT, …anything). What can I renounce to do and what I cannot? I think it’s also related to regrets, at a certain levels.
I am re-evaluating the timeline part: I have never been a fan of having a fixed timeline on the long run: I have always liked to leave my future a bit more adaptable to changes, but I found out I tend to get lost on daily basis (learning new things, chaning my mind, improvising) and that makes me lose sight of the future. So, also after talking with Panda, who’s way better than me at this, I decided to change a bit.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
Just remember to never give up if it seems that goals are never coming true. You never know when the right time is coming.


goals = gli obiettivi
timeline = la cronologia degli eventi, la sequenza temporale, la timeline
action = azione
progress = il progresso
to learn = imparare
to envision = visualizzare
choices = le scelte
to renounce = rinunciare
to get lost = perdersi
never give up = non arrenderti/si mai

30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


Anime. This word always makes me think cause in Italian it means “souls”. I am not a huge fan, I have probably watched more TV adaptions than read actual books, but still… I remember the first years of University, when I used to travel by train basically everyday from my hometown to the city in which I was studying. In the train station there was this small but really very well supplied kiosk, and I loved to spend there some time before jumping on a train. I remember it had LOT of animes there. I often felt like buying one,but I generally ended up buying something else? LOL.
But nowadays I really would like to start reading again, and probably anime would be good for that. I need to find a good one :)
Suggest me something, maybe?

I’d like to draw some anime’s inspired person but who knows… for now I already have problems with drawing easier stuff soooo better if I stop there!

(Song: Anima mia - I cugini di campagna)

anime(s) = un/gli anime
character = il personaggio
black and white = bianco e nero
colors = colori
storyline = la storia, la trama
drawing = il disegno
line, stroke = il tratto
pencil = la matita
ink (n.) = l'inchiostro

30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


I have had a very huge and passionate dive in period last year concerning this subject: being into photography and movies, I bought a couple of books that only talk about colors, the theory of colors, how they were used in different medias (especially communication/marketing) in the different ages (e.g. how they discovered and used each of them for paintings!) and let me say, it’s soo interesting. Colors speak to us on subconscious levels too. Not to mention that we may not perceive most of them in the same way.
I don’t read much anymore, but those two books had me hooked. I don’t know if you can find them in your mother tongue or not, still I’ll leave you the titles here, just in case (and I think you can find a couple of epubs on Google too, especially of the first).

  • CROMORAMA by Riccardo Falcinelli (so very accurate and complete)
  • DI TUTTI I COLORI by Alberto Boatto (smaller, but still good)

From the first book, on the back of the cover, you can read these questions (to which the author answers accurately in the book):
Perché le matite gialle vendono di più delle altre?
Perché Flaubert veste di blu Emma Bovary?
Perché nei dipinti di Mondrian il verde non c'è mai?
E perché invece Hitchcock lo usa in abbondanza?

(If you’re curious about these and other questions, feel free to ask. I will write you the answers)

Another media I want to leave you is by the Italian illustrator Fraffrog (that I have already mentioned another day): she just posted a video on youtube about the nonexistent color magenta that we all can actually see (but she also explains well how we all can perceive colors differently, like in a couple of viral images we all have seen online - the shoes and the dress). She has made an older video about the colors’ theory too (the link to that is in the video as well).

I’d talk about colors with your for ages, as it’s a subject that fascinates me a lot: there are so many hidden meanings behind each of them, its crazy.
And for this reason, I’ll leave some more links on youtube (non-Italian ones)
Color Theory in movies (short, tw:blood)
Understanding color in film (useful for colorists too and explains kinda well the subject)
There are so many videos though… I will stop here.

(As for music, I already used the song by Alessandra Amoroso so… Il Mondo è fuori by Velvet)

-> No vocabulary perché il post è già abbastanza lungo così, MA vi lascio questo vecchio post sui colori: the name of colors.

30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


About the magic of our mind (I know this is a serious condition, but still I find our mind to be magical in this sense, cause it’s not always easy to understand it and how it works and from how something originates)…

Memory is located in our brain inside the sistema limbico, where it is supposed to register new events, store old ones and analyze the received infos. If any of these three phases is altered, we can have a subject affected by amnesia.
Amnesia can happen and appear after an injury of the brain, a psychological trauma (that could have also taken place during the early days of the subject), medical conditions, abuse of alcohol… Aging too can be a factor.
Having amnesia means you cannot remember a recent or a past event (recent ones are more common), and you cannot form new memories, but you can still learn new actions.

memory = la memoria
brain = il cervello
mind = la mente
events = gli eventi
amnesia = l'amnesia (pronunciation.: amnesìa)
aging = invecchiare, l'invecchiamento (n.)

30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


Online there are many different acceptions of this word but the most common is “the belief that something beyond our self exists and we’re connected to it, and through it”.

What is your relationship with spirituality? I feel like in Italy, this side of each person isn’t really taken into consideration, especially by the youngers. On the other side, there are also elders who are quiet devoted to their spiritual side but are a little close minded: this because spirituality is often connected to Church and, historically, it has never been really open but always tried to address people thoughts and beliefs in a specific direction (no offence, just stating the truth).

Anyway,this is the Italian wikipedia page, and later, you’ll get your short vocabulary:

Spirituality can have different acceptions and interpretations. It denotes behaviours, ideals and values related to the spirit.

From the most basic point of view, it consists of a perspective according on which there’s a reality’s level that one cannot perceive through their physical senses, that it’s located beyond the tangible matter, from which it takes life, intelligence and the meaning of existence. It can include faith in supernatural beings or powers (as in religion), but it always keep the focus on the personal experience.

spirituality = la spiritualità
behaviour = il comportamento
interpretations = le interpretazioni
perspective = la prospettiva
to perceive = percepire
beyond = oltre
existence = l'esistenza
faith = la fede
supernatural (adj.) = sovrannaturale/i (sing/plu)
being (n.) = l'essere
power = il potere
