#italian langblr


My brain: what if… we learned korean?

Also my brain: you aren’t even studying italian diligently, if you add another language you will stress, give up on both languages and I’ll fight you bitch

Daily reminder that minimal effort is still effort, no one is racing you, take your time.

Anyone wants to share their study plan when starting to learn a new language on their own? I want to go back to studying but I don’t know how to approach it in a methodical way and I just end up creating chaos and tiring myself within a week

So if you’re not in Italy there are a bunch of shows that won’t work and that’s the reason I made this list with the ones that do work, is a real hit or miss honestly, I don’t know if depending on where on earth you are more or less show links work, but this ones were a bunch that worked for me so…

Mind you there are some categories in which I chose less things than in other so there might be other shows that also work if you’re outside of Italy.

In order to watch anything on RaiPlay you have to create an account (Don’t worry is free and it takes only a few minutes) I divided the shows in the categories that you’ll find them.

And don’t even ask me what most of these shows are about I’m as clueless as you, I saw that the links worked and added them to my list.


Zio Gianni

Un medico in famiglia

Bambini e ragazzi

I saurini

L’arte con Matì e Dadà



Bob Aggiustatutto


Under Italy

Museo Italia

C’era una volta una casa

Lievito Madre

Le ragazze del ‘46

La vera natura di Caravaggio

La libertà di Bernini


Le ragazze


Tale e Quale Show

Virginia Raffaele – Facciamo che io ero

Vieni da me

Giovani e influencer


Brunori Sa

Andrea Bocelli: Ali di Libertà


Imagine recovering your motivation to study a new language because of a fever dream you had in which you could speak said language

How fucking dumb… anyways I got my motivation levels high and I’m back on track

I am going to be fucking fluent in Italian even if it’s the last thing I do

I’ll be able to laugh, flirt, fight, have long conversations and fucking breakdowns in Italian not tomorrow but soon… but not that soon y'know


(That’s me getting ready to fight laziness and discouragement)

This is another list that has new-ish Italian songs that I either found or were recommended to me.

1.       Pensare male – The Kolors ft Elodie

2.       Frida (Mai mai mai) – The Kolors

3.       Torna a casa – Maneskin

4.       Blu – Rkomi ft Elisa

5.       Dove e quando – Benji & Fede

6.       Vuoi sposarmi? – Irama

7.       Asia Occidente – Mahmood

8.       ROMEO – Margherita Vicario, DADE, Speranza

9.       MANDELA – Margherita Vicario

10.   ABAUÉ (morte di un trap boy) – Margerita Vicario

11.   Gesù Cristo sono io – Levante

12.   Groupie – Beba

13.   Male O Bene – Beba, Lazza

14.   Déjà vu – Peter White

15.   Si, ah – Frah Quintale

16.   Lo stretto necessario – Levante, Carmen Consoli


18.   Morirò da Re – Maneskin

19.   Andrà tutto bene – Levante

20.   Stanza singola – Franco126, Tommaso Paradiso

There are a few more that were recommended to me but I either didn’t listen to them yet or I’m not sure if I liked them or not, there are certain songs that I have to let grow on me, so yeah. 

For example, Asia Occidente I had to hear it on different occasions before I liked it.

If any of you knows of an italian youtuber that does vlogs visiting places in Italy or visiting places in general, please recommend it.

I need to find more italian youtubers of that kind before I finish all of the vlogs of learn italian with Lucrezia


This is me home alone listening music in my target language really loud even tho I only understand a few words here and there

I’m supposed to be studying some Italian, but instead, I was googling in my computer how to learn a new language (no, googling how to learn will not teach you shit, you have to sit down and learnyour target language not how to do it, I know but I’m lazy.) and I came across LingoHut, and I have to share it.

I don’t know if someone ever talked about this page, but if they did is worth mentioning again.

So basically you go to the website and in the Home Page you have to choose what is your first language and what language are you trying to learn.


Once you choose it’ll take you to another page in which you have tons of lessons, for ex. In Italian, there are 109 lessons.


I haven’t checked every lesson yet but for example, the first one is greetings and such. You click that lesson and you have 16 flashcards that will show you the word in your target language and the translation, at the same time that someone pronounces the words.


Below the flashcards, you have this  ⬇️


And basically is a bunch of game, an easy matching words kind of game, some kind of tic tac toe with words, a memory game do you know the one that kids play in which they have to find the matching pictures? Same but with words and lastly a listening and matching game.

Below the bar of the games, we have the vocabulary list of the words we are taught in that lesson, and you can click the word and listen the pronunciation.


In the end, you have a bunch of the next lessons.


The lessons vary from the content it can be greetings, numbers, health stuff, office words, computer terminology, etc.

The website doesn’t have every language in the world, but it has a lot of them. choose your target language, in my case Italian, and enjoy, is fun and simple if you want to practice or do something related to your target language but you don’t have the willingness that day to study something more consistent like structure.

And the best part is that as far as I went looking around in this page it’s fucking free. Sure, you won’t end the one hundred and something lessons speaking like a native from whatever target language you’re learning, but it can be useful to expand your vocabulary.

I’ve been trying to learn Italian for a while now, and every time I looked for songs people would recommend me old ones as in ten or twenty years old songs which is not bad because music doesn’t age, however, I wanted newish songs, so I finally found some that I liked so I’m sharing them with you in hopes that you maybe find newish songs to add to your Italian playlist or some musician style that you like and from there you make your own playlist.

1. Vivere Tutte Le Vitte - Elisa, Carl Brave

2. Calipso (with Dardust)- Charlie Charles ft. Sfera Ebbasta, Mahmood, Fabri Fibra

3. Il Nilo Nel Naviglio - Mahmood

4. Gioventù Bruciata - Mahmood

5. La ragazza con il cuore di latta - Irama

6. Arrogante - Irama

7. 2 ore - Irama

8. Musica che resta - Il volo

9. Remo - Mahmood

10. Uramaki - Mahmood

11. Milano Good Vibes - Mahmood

12. Soldi - Mahmood

13. Senza farlo apposta - Shade, Federico Carta

14. Per Un Milione - Boomdabash

15. È sempre bello - Coez


17. L’esercito del selfie - Takagi & Ketra, Lorenzo Fragola, Arisa

If you have any new(ish) Italian song, please recommend it.


y’all ever just watch polyglot videos for motivation, but then spend all your time doing that so you don’t actually study any actual languages??? because same. 

30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


I searched on Google “How to set goals for yourself”, and these are the 7 steps that popped up in the suggestions’ box:

  1. Think about the results you want to see. (Pensa ai risultati che vuoi vedere)
  2. Create SMART goals. (Crea degli obiettivi INTELLIGENTI)
  3. Write your goals down. (Scrivi i tuoi obiettivi)
  4. Create an action plan. (Realizza un piano d'azione)
  5. Create a timeline. (Crea una sequenza temporale)
  6. Take action. (Agisci)
  7. Re-evaluate and assess your progress. (Rivaluta e stima i tuoi progressi)

I feel that goals are pretty personal though. I mean, each one of us should think about their life and envision what they want to make out of it. After envisioning, come the choices: what do I have to do in order to reach that goal? Almost for sure, I’ll have to learn something: be it about myself, how to plan or really buildt a knowledge by studying (language, IT, …anything). What can I renounce to do and what I cannot? I think it’s also related to regrets, at a certain levels.
I am re-evaluating the timeline part: I have never been a fan of having a fixed timeline on the long run: I have always liked to leave my future a bit more adaptable to changes, but I found out I tend to get lost on daily basis (learning new things, chaning my mind, improvising) and that makes me lose sight of the future. So, also after talking with Panda, who’s way better than me at this, I decided to change a bit.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
Just remember to never give up if it seems that goals are never coming true. You never know when the right time is coming.


goals = gli obiettivi
timeline = la cronologia degli eventi, la sequenza temporale, la timeline
action = azione
progress = il progresso
to learn = imparare
to envision = visualizzare
choices = le scelte
to renounce = rinunciare
to get lost = perdersi
never give up = non arrenderti/si mai

DOMENICA IN started with ukraine esc’s winning song and they’re still talking about the eurovision now, you can watch the show later tonight or tomorrow as well on raiplay

Tonight (10:10 PM GMT+2) on RAIUNO there will be a Special 75 minutes docushow about Sanremo 72, how it was created and all the songs from behind the scene

But wait…


Mi ero anche dimenticata del post programmato (male) buongiorno a tutt*

Concurrences exercise (2)

Short exercise about adjective-noun-article-verb concurrence (this is not a gender-free exercise cause Italian grammar is still very related to genders and there are occasions in which is hard to find a gender-free way of writing). Make your choice and check it under the keep reading link.

A. Io e mio fratello sono molto felici.
B. Io e mio fratello siamo molto felice.
C. Io e mio fratello siamo molti felice.
D. Io e mio fratello siamo molto felici.

A. Luigi e sua sorella va al mare.
B. Luigi e sua sorella vanno al mare.
C. Luigi e suo sorella vanno al mare.
D. Luigi e suoi sorella vanni al mare.

A. La tua casa e molto grande.
B. La tua casa è molto grande.
C. La tue casa è molta grande.
D. La tua casa è molta granda.

A. Lo mio gatto beve il latte.
B. Il mio gatto beva il latte.
C. Il mio gatto beve il latte.
D. Il mio gatto beve lo latte.

A. Io rispondono al telefono.
B. Io rispondo allo telefono.
C. Io rispondo a il telefono.
D. Io rispondo al telefono.

A. Oggi abbiamo scritto sul quaderno.
B. Oggi abbiamo scritto sul cuaderno.
C. Oggi abbiamo scritti sul quaderno.
D. Oggi abbiamo scritto sullo quaderno.

A. I cani abbaia al ladro.
B. I cani abbaiano al ladro.
C. I cani abbaiano a lo ladro.
D. Gli cani abbaiano al ladro.

1D - 2B - 3B - 4C - 5D - 6A - 7B

Ciao! Got another question for you:

Who wants to try to tell me about your fav movie? In Italian ofc. Or your fav food, actor(actress), musician, subject, language, book… anything that makes you comfortable.

Remember that writing is harder in Italian, so don’t worry too much about the mistakes you may make… just give it a try. We Italian make mistakes as well. It may be of help!

(Go anon if you rather!)

30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


Anime. This word always makes me think cause in Italian it means “souls”. I am not a huge fan, I have probably watched more TV adaptions than read actual books, but still… I remember the first years of University, when I used to travel by train basically everyday from my hometown to the city in which I was studying. In the train station there was this small but really very well supplied kiosk, and I loved to spend there some time before jumping on a train. I remember it had LOT of animes there. I often felt like buying one,but I generally ended up buying something else? LOL.
But nowadays I really would like to start reading again, and probably anime would be good for that. I need to find a good one :)
Suggest me something, maybe?

I’d like to draw some anime’s inspired person but who knows… for now I already have problems with drawing easier stuff soooo better if I stop there!

(Song: Anima mia - I cugini di campagna)

anime(s) = un/gli anime
character = il personaggio
black and white = bianco e nero
colors = colori
storyline = la storia, la trama
drawing = il disegno
line, stroke = il tratto
pencil = la matita
ink (n.) = l'inchiostro

Concurrences exercise #…idk

Short exercise about adjective-noun-article concurrence (this is not a gender-free exercise cause Italian grammar is still very related to genders and there are occasions in which is hard to find a gender-free way of writing). Make your choice and check it under the keep reading link (+ some rules).
I divided it into singular and plural versions.

(Don’t scroll too much further if you have the “expand” thing on. The questions are 7)

1.the younger sister/s
A. la sorella minora
B. la sorella minore
C. la sorella minori

D. le sorella minore
E. le sorelle minori
F. le sorelle minore

2.the big dog/s
A. il cane grande
B. lo cane grando
C. lo cane grande

D. i cani grandi
E. li cani grandi
F. i cani grande

3.the big rock/s
A. il sasso grossi
B. lo sasso grosso
C. il sasso grosso

D. i sassi grossi
E. li sassi grosso
F. i sasso grossi

4. the small egg/s
A. la uova piccola
B. l'uovo piccolo
C. lo uova piccolo
D. lo uovo piccolo

E. le uova piccole
F. le uove piccole
G. li uovi piccoli
H. i uovi piccoli

5.the broken arm/s (human body)
A. il braccio rotto
B. la braccia rotta
C. lo braccio rotto

D. le braccie rotte
E. i bracci rotti
F. le braccia rotte

6.the green field/s
A. lo campo verde
B. il campo verde
C. il campo verdo

D. li campi verdi
E. i campi verdi
F. il campo verdi

7.the black piano/s
A. le pianoforte nere
B. il pianoforte nere
C. il pianoforte nero

D. i pianiforte nero
E. li pianoforte neri
F. i pianoforti neri

Thanks tumblr for adding the “expand” thing: so very useless if it removes the keep reading link as well.
So I basically have to make this longer?

  • Pianoforte is one of the few composed nouns that acts as a normal noun (changes the final vowel when it turns plural)
  • Egg: the weirdo noun. It’s masculine when singular (L'uovo) but it turns feminine when it’s plural (LE uova). One more problem: the article. Remember that the plural is so even if you have the noun ending in -a. I wrote a post already about it if you want to get more into details.
  • Similar things happens with il braccio and le braccia. I added “human body” cause, “braccio” can also be a mechanic one (of a crane, e.g.). In this case, the plural stays at the masculine: i bracci. Again, I go more in detail in an older post.
  • Some articles, as “grande”, “maggiore and "minore”, have only singular and plural. They have no change in genre, no matter the subject:
    e.g. mia sorella minore, mio fratello minore; le mie sorelle minori, i miei fratelli minori.

1 B,E - 2 A,D - 3 C,D - 4 B,E - 5 A,F - 6 B,E - 7 C,F



I have a question for you: what is something typically Italian for you?
I mean, if I say Italy/Italian, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

(Please use stereotypes too, I don’t mind, is a genuine question. And ofc you can send your answer through asks on Anon if you aren’t comfortable)

The good parts of being home!!

Food wise my brain supposedly leans more Italian-American versus italo (as so I am told; makes sense because I’m IA.) My most beloved foods from home are ziti, asiago, roasted red pepper, manicotti, cannoli, and lasagna. Making time to just sit together and talk. Family to the point of bursting - including “adopting” kids’ friends as family - and the words (very sternly) “you are always welcome back.” Family elders.

Grazie for this!!

Yeah there’s a lot behind Italian families, lot of traditions, lot of habits to share… especially when elders are around. They are the real home, the glue of the family.
