#setting goals


30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda

Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!


I searched on Google “How to set goals for yourself”, and these are the 7 steps that popped up in the suggestions’ box:

  1. Think about the results you want to see. (Pensa ai risultati che vuoi vedere)
  2. Create SMART goals. (Crea degli obiettivi INTELLIGENTI)
  3. Write your goals down. (Scrivi i tuoi obiettivi)
  4. Create an action plan. (Realizza un piano d'azione)
  5. Create a timeline. (Crea una sequenza temporale)
  6. Take action. (Agisci)
  7. Re-evaluate and assess your progress. (Rivaluta e stima i tuoi progressi)

I feel that goals are pretty personal though. I mean, each one of us should think about their life and envision what they want to make out of it. After envisioning, come the choices: what do I have to do in order to reach that goal? Almost for sure, I’ll have to learn something: be it about myself, how to plan or really buildt a knowledge by studying (language, IT, …anything). What can I renounce to do and what I cannot? I think it’s also related to regrets, at a certain levels.
I am re-evaluating the timeline part: I have never been a fan of having a fixed timeline on the long run: I have always liked to leave my future a bit more adaptable to changes, but I found out I tend to get lost on daily basis (learning new things, chaning my mind, improvising) and that makes me lose sight of the future. So, also after talking with Panda, who’s way better than me at this, I decided to change a bit.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
Just remember to never give up if it seems that goals are never coming true. You never know when the right time is coming.


goals = gli obiettivi
timeline = la cronologia degli eventi, la sequenza temporale, la timeline
action = azione
progress = il progresso
to learn = imparare
to envision = visualizzare
choices = le scelte
to renounce = rinunciare
to get lost = perdersi
never give up = non arrenderti/si mai


If your only personality traits are framed around needing more money/needing more prestige, what happens when you get it? You’ll be fucking lost lmao. You can get to your destination at the same time, but with more enjoyment/fulfillment if you simply let yourself live life.
