#clark kent imagine


Requested by @green-spotlight:Hi Can u do a Clark Kent x reader? Where she is like a antihero, with some superpower, and always in conflict with Superman, but actually in love with each other, and he asks for your help to defeat Doom? Just some fluff and angst? Thank you so much

A/N:Oh I really like this one! Probably one of my favorites right now! Thank you for requesting! If I went over board I’m not sorry. I enjoyed writing this!
WARNING:Gosh. There’s tears, blood, conflict. almost smutty! Mild profanity. Impalement, and death. You know the drill guys



“Agh!” You screamed from down the hall, with your head in our hands. You paced back and forth, eyes glowing a dark menacing red, almost like blood. 

“Who does he think he is?!” You seethed out loud through your teeth to no one. “I am not his puppet! He can’t control me!” 

Your breathing was hard and it took you every ounce of strength to not collapse the building you’re in with a single flick of your wrist. He knows you can’t be or act like him…. it’s just not in your code, you’re much different than him.

“He always has to butt in! How am I supposed to be confident with my actions when he still doesn’t trust me?” You still asked to no one but rather more yourself. “It’s not fair…..”

“What’s not fair?” His deep familiar voice said from behind you.

Not bothering to turn around you answer: “You…. who you are. It’s not fair”

His features soften a bit. “Jane.” He starts but you quickly shoot back a glare at him.

He holds a hand up, “Right. (Y/n). Sorry.” 

You then roll your eyes and start walking away. “I quit.”

“Just like that? You’re just going to quit?” He catches up to you. “What happen to proving them wrong huh? Your father believed in you.”

“Don’t!” You turn around quickly and point a finger at him with gritted teeth. “You shut your mouth. You of all people shouldn’t be saying that about father figures.” 

When you turned back around he caught your arm and pulled you close. “I’m sorry…. I shouldn’t have said that. Stay…. please.” He said softly and you look up to see his gentle smile. 

You sighed heavily and dropped your head back with your eyes closed. “I can’t be like you…” you said lowly, not sure to him or you but he heard your voice clearly.

“I’m not asking you to. I want you to be yourself.” He says sincerely, looking at your features for any sign of something.

With a small hint of a smirk you asked; “Are you sure about that?” Reminding him of the last time he said that you got a little too out of control and practically tried to rip his head off.

He smiled at the memory because oddly enough, that’s when he really started to fall in love with you. The fire you had, the drive and the strength; it matched him perfectly where he actually had to put up a fight.
Fast and strong will driven, all that attracted him to you even more. There was a spark in your eyes when you fought and he wanted to see more of it.

You didn’t start out as a good guy either but more of a ametuar villian just coming out and when he first met you, there was something about you that he couldn’t exactly figure out but he liked it. 

He would try to avoid physical fights but more try to persuade you into changing sides. Of course you would get frustrated with him as it felt like he wasn’t taking you serious so you would try harder with every encounter you had with him.

At first they started out as minor things like stealing a bike or something electronic from a cheap store but as time pass you got bolder with your powers and that’s when the serious crimes started.

Robbing banks and destroying buildings. At that point he had no choice but to take you serious because you were deliberately trying to hurt people and you were now being seen as the villain you wanted to be.

People feared you and gangs were too scared to cross you so you had control of the streets. But then something happen, your father got sick and ended up in the hospital. He was sick before but it got worse to the point of being in the ICU and he didn’t know about your double life of a War Lord of the streets. 
Every night when you got home and would check on him in his room he always warned you to be careful out there as there was someone causing chaos in the streets. Innocently, you would reassure him hiding this secret for the soul fact that robbing these banks and controlling contraband was to pay for his bills and he would get the best doctors.

Even with all the money you had and the medical help you can provide there was no saving him. You didn’t want to accept the fact that there was no way to save him.

Days past since his funeral and you were still in denial, you destroyed everything you created and built, and went on a rampage of rage. You cursed at the sky and buildings shook while people screamed and ran for they’re lives.

Your hands glowed a angry red and you shot out randomly not caring what they hit, tears streaked down your dirty cheeks and cars were being blown up.

Superman floated above, watching you, he felt your pain and he knew what was wrong. Silently he descended down and gently put a hand on your shoulder, you reacted but not in the way he thought you would. Instead of turning around and lashing at him you just lowered your hands, the red dimming and slumped to the floor. Your sobs grew softer and dust started to clear up.

“I’m sorry….” He simply said, and stood next to you.

You stayed silent, numbingly staring at a piece of rubble from a fallen building that you blew up.
“I could have done more” you said ever so above a whisper.

Those words sunk into him, he felt the same about his own father.

“We’re not invincible,” he replies.

“Are you kidding?” You turn your head to look up back at him and then you got up. “You’re Superman. You’re seen as some God. Nothing can kill you.” 

He looked away, not sure what to say.

“That’s what I thought.” You almost spit out of jealous. When you walked away he called to you, you hesitated but stopped.

“What?” You yell back.

“What happen to you isn’t fair and I know why you did what you did. I’m sorry that had to happen to you but please– you’re not alone.”

“What do you mean?” You then turn around.

“This power that you have, it’s incredible and you can be good. Show these people that anyone could have a bad day and still be the best. Show them that its possible to keep climbing to the top– even when the hill turns into a mountain.”

“You want me to be a hero like you?”

“Be your own hero.” 

“My hero died.” You said coldly and turned around.

He didn’t respond after that but let you go, you needed to grieve but he waited.

Two Years later here you were in the hallway with him, bickering like an old couple. 

“Please don’t give up.” 

Another moment passed and you sighed, “Okay!….okay. I won’t but please lay off. I’m trying my best.” He smiled and nodded; “Deal.”

He gave a warm smile, that same smile that always calms you down. The man in front of you as been by your side non stop since that day, the day you thought you were done. But he gave you hope, save for the ‘S’ symbol on his chest. 
You needed a friend and someone for support and he was there in a heart beat. That’s what you loved about him the most, and you also loved him too but you will never tell him that. How can you? You got blood on your hands and he’s….. too pure. All he’s tried to do is good in his life, you can never match up to him. 

“Let’s head back.” He says comfortingly and you nod, following him.


“He dresses like a bat?” You practically laugh out as you watch the news. 

Clark walked up around you and sipped his coffee as he watched the tv. “He’s doing no good in this city with his vigilante actions. It’s just adding fuel to the fire.”

You turn your head with raised brows, “And what are you doing exactly on your spare time huh mister super man?” You said teasingly, and nudged him with your elbow.

He shakes his head with a small smirk on his lips, “I don’t kill anyone unlike some people.” He takes another sip of his coffee.

“Hey!” You push him hard but of course he barely moves. “Take it back!”

 “I will when you do!” He chuckles taking a few steps away from you.
“Na-uh Kent! You take it back! That was low and you know it.” You start to follow him.

“Was it?” He gives that cheeky smile that showed his teeth, furthering himself from you, knowing exactly where this was going.

“Oh, honey. It was was low enough to be buried six feet under.” You purse your lips, swaying your hips side to side as you made your way slowly to him. a mischievous grin plastered on your face.

“Yeah?” he winks at you. Rounding in front of the couch, he sets his cup of coffee down, not wanting to risk spilling it although that should be the least of his problems right now as you were ready to pounce on him.

“Yeah.” You reply, nearing him now; your tongue sticking out just a little since you were now concentrating on his next move. He watched, just for a millisecond how your lips looked so good he almost wanted to just let you tackle him just so he can sneak a kiss.

But he missed you just by inches, after all, you were able to catch up with him. 

You two ran around like a bunch of kids playing tag, running a couple of circles around some furniture. Until finally you had enough and jumped over the couch, knocking him down with you. 

“Got you!” You laugh pinning his arms above his head while you straddled his hips. He chuckles, “Not exactly.” and in one swift motion you were now the one under him with your arms above your head.

“Nice try sweet heart but I’m Superman.” He winks down at you. 

“More like pooperman!” You say with a smile. 

He squints his eyes but can’t help the smile that crept to his lips.

“Well? You win, so now what?” You ask leaning your head a little to the side.

He looked into your eyes silently, taking in every detail of them; the patterns in your irises, every line, every tiny color the light above enticed. The way your pupils expanded as he grew closer. The faint pulse rising from your neck, the small specks of freckles scattered across your cheeks from sunlight. The tiny scar above your brow all the way down to your waiting lips.

“Clark?” you said ever so above a whisper which pulled him back from his thoughts.

Mindlessly ke lowered himself and pressed his lips to yours, a tiny squeal of surprise rose in your throat but you relaxed into it and closed your eyes.

Warm and so soft, exactly how he thought your lips would feel. His hands went from your arms to cup your cheeks, deepening the kiss and you brought your hands to his sides, pulling him closer to you.

He buried his fingers in you hair, his tongue skimming your bottom lip, begging for entrance, happily you let him in. Wanting more of him you wrapped your legs around his waist, he pushed his pelvis into you, the friction not enough.

You were the first to pull away, “Wait. We can’t do this.” Your breathed in, opening your eyes.

He looked into them, those ocean blues making you weak. “Is something wrong?” he says softly but with concern. 

“No just–.” you sighed, dropping your head to the floor, Clark quickly putting his hand beneath but you ignored it. “we can’t do this. We’re partners, not lovers. You’re Superman!” you say louder turning your head to the side.

He furrowed his brows down at you, “What does that supposed to mean?” He lifted himself, resting on his knees.

You propped yourself on your elbows, “I mean, there’s no way this” you point between the both of you, “will never work.”

“What?” He gets up placing his hands on his hips. 

“Oh c’mon on Clark! Don’t act surprised.” You scoff getting up on your feet. 

“Why do you think that?”

“Uh–hello?” You wave your hands around, “Ex-bad guy remember?” 

He shook his head, “I thought you put that behind?” He raises his voice. 

“I did! But you know what?” You scoff again walking to the kitchen. You placed your hands on the edge of the countertop, hanging your head low. 

Silence fell into the atmosphere, it settled like a thick blanket, uneasy and tight.

“Apparently some people can’t seem to do the same.” You scoff once again and looked back at him.

He kept his eyes trained on the floor.

“I knew it. I fucking knew it. You haven’t changed one bit. I’m such an idiot.” you laugh to yourself, feeling the tears prick out.

“Just say it Kent.” Your voice clip. “I’m still the bad guy right? Keeping me close under your radar just so I won’t cause chaos? Real good plan. Gotta say, you fooled me.” You almost chuckled, giving your head a pat on the head with one of your hands. 
“I almost fell for it. Thinking I can turn my life around, be the good guy, not perfect but good. You know? Boy was I a fool!” You then gripped the counter and tore a corner off and dropped it on the wood floor.

“(Y/n)–” He barely took a step towards you but you turn swinging your hand around, a red light illuminating the room and sending Clark, furniture and anything possible back.
“Don’t!” You yelled.

 He landed on the other side of the living room, but before he could get up you were out the front door with your things in hand. 

Since magic was a weakness for him and your forte it was easy to block him out, for days, months. 

You didn’t see him and he couldn’t see you, hear you or even sense your heartbeat. You were good at that. All the other times you two fought you would do this but not for this long.

He was worried, he felt like an idiot for not speaking up. Telling you the truth. He just stood there like a moron watching you hurt instead of bringing you in his arms. And things with the city of Metropolis isn’t going too well either. Of course people noticed your place of absence when ever Superman was seen.

No one trusted him, some people say he’s a hero while others say he’s a false god. The council surely didn’t want him around, he was stuck on what to do.

Is this how you felt when you were trying to do good? He could only imagine what went on in your head during those times; the embarrassment, humiliation, guilt, shame.

He didn’t think about that or even ask how you felt.

He closed his eyes and sighed, shaking his head. “Fucking idiot…” he said to himself. 

“You okay?” He heard the mask bat say from behind. 

“Yeah…” he answered half assed.

“We can’t stop it. We need a plan,” Diana landed just a few feet from them.

Lex let loose a monster, he called it Doomsday, made from the mutation of his blood and General Zodd’s corpse. 

“It’s a long shot but, I know someone that can help. Someone powerful.” He spoke up. Batman turn to him, “The girl? Is that a good idea.”

“It’s the best idea I got.” Superman shrugged his shoulders a little. 

“Go get her. We’ll keep it busy till then. Hurry.” Diana said sternly jumping back into the battlefield, Batman close behind.

You put two scoops of sugar into your the light brown liquid and gave it a few rounds of stirring then you clinked the spoon against the cup edge and took a sip of the warm coffee.

After a satisfied sigh you put the cup down and breathed in deeply.

“Hey Clark.” you said turning around to see the cape crusade in that all too familiar blue, skin tight outfit of his. He stood patiently on your balcony, eyes on nothing but you. They looked…. pained.

“(Y/n),” he said softly.

The sound of his voice made you almost cry, you’ve missed him so much. 

“I know why you’re here.” You point to the tv showing the fight between the monster Doomsday and Batman with a mysterious woman.

“Will you help?”

“Of course. But I have to know…” you walked over to your open balcony.

He watched as you neared him, hesitant to take your hand but entwined your fingers in his while your other hand rested on his shoulder.

“Did you ever have faith in me? Did you think I could really do good?”

He nodded in silence. “I never doubted you.”

You nodded this time, tracing the ‘S’ symbol on his chest.

“I love you.” He said and you looked up at him. 

Again, he took the opportunity to look into your eyes, those same patterns were still there, you even got a little more light freckles and he smiled to himself.

You kissed him, softly, the same passion from both ends like the first time.

“I love you too.” you say back. 

He laughs shakily, “I promise, with all my heart. I will be better.”

“Don’t get sappy on me dork,” you lightly hit his chest.

“You’re have to get used to it.” He replied kissing you on the cheek.

You both laughed and then it fell silent.

“It’s not easy huh?” You spoke. “Being seen as the bad guy all the time?”

He shook his head.

“Well,” you shrug. “Let’s bag ourselves a monster.” 

Tears stained your dirt covered cheeks, this thing was stronger than you thought. The only way to kill it was with the kryptonite spear Batman had made, you managed to distract the thing long enough for Clark to pierce its chest with it.

A smile formed on your cheek but it quickly faltered when you saw the stump on it’s arm grow out a long thick horn. It was going to stab him through the chest.

“No!” You yell jumping in front of it and took the blow.

“(Y/n)!” You heard Clark cry out before he took the advantage of digging the spear deeper Doomsday’s chest. A bright green light shined from it’s mouth and eyes sockets before it collapsed onto the ground throwing both you and Clark opposite directions. 

Clark ran to you as fast as he could only to see you were already gone, blood coming out the corner of your mouth. He pulled you into his arms, tears falling on your cheek. 

“No…..no…” he said lowly, wiping the hair away from your face. “(Y/n) please, wake up…”

He cupped your cheek, shaking your face lightly.

A hand gripped his shoulder softly, he turned halfway to see Diana and Batman standing silently behind. “I got her.” She said.

Hesitantly he nodded and Diana came around to pick your body up and carried it away from him. 

The funeral was small and quick, not many people showed as you didn’t know much. Diana and Bruce showed for support of course.

He stood where you were buried, breathing in the cool morning air. “I miss you (Y/n). I wish we had more time but you had to be the hero, you always were one, people just didn’t  see it.

Your death is not in vain, I promise you. I love you and people will know who saved them. Your hero may have died but you died as one.”

I was just thinking how I love that Bruce, even in canon, is often “selective” with his affection

I already wrote about this sort of things, like how I headcanon that he’s a “slow texter” EXCEPT when his kids try to communicate with him (you can read it here : Bruce Wayne is a slow texter). I don’t know, I just really enjoy this aspect of Batman where he appears cold and harsh to many, but then if you’re in his close circle of family/friend he can be an entire other man :). And this is just yet another sort of little scene like this, but involving Batmom this time. I hope you’ll like this very short drabble ^^  : 




It was his idea. 


Which could be surprising…to anyone who didn’t actually know him.

The real him.  

To his invitation, the Kents came over for a Sunday lunch, something that was rather rare to be honest. There wasn’t many peaceful time for either family. So today, was cherished and appreciated by all. 

And it was his idea. 


Recently, Gotham’s nights had been particularly busy and stressful, and he just wanted his family to relax. To be happy. Letting out all the anxiety they felt, after quite a rough week.  

To have just one normal day.

And it was normal, to invite friends over for lunch. 

If the Bruce from years ago, the one he used to be before you and Dick entered his life, could see himself right now, sitting at a dinner table with his family and with friends, he’d probably think he had died and was now in a rather nice afterlife. 

For years and years, it seemed so unfathomable to him that he would ever be happy again.

And yet. 

Yet, one day, you barged in. And soon after you, Dick followed. 

You gave a new meaning to…Everything. 

To a lot of people, it would feel so surreal to see the Batman invite anyone over to HIS home. Have LUNCH with them. Talk and LAUGH with them. Smile. 

SMILE ???? 

After all, “he was the night”, right ? A vengeful vigilante who would never rest until he cleansed his city, Hell, the World of all evil ? Any means necessary ? 

It wasn’t quite true. Those who knew him, who really knew him,knewthat. 

Sure, he was definitely a “workaholic”. And he would probably not retire before a very long time. And his goal, was still to indeed make Gotham a better and safer place, and by extension, the World, if not the Universe. 

But his motivations changed. Or maybe they were always the same, he just didn’t see it at first ? Yes. Yes maybe that was it. 

For a while, Bruce’s only thoughts and drive was indeed vengeance. But he quickly realized, once he became Batman, and once he adopted Dick and let you in his life, that his actual driving force, was love. 

What made him become Batman, was love for his parents. Was the wish to never let any other child feel what he felt, live the tragedy he lived. It was love for them, but also for you, for his children, for Gotham’s people, for his city…

Love, is what always drove him forward. It just took him a while to realize it. 

Ever since you and Dick entered his life, so many things changed, and everything was meaningful again. And every time a new kid came in, it made more and more sense (even if certain events, like Jason’s death, threatened to shatter it all). 

And his twenty-something self, coming back to Gotham after years of training to bring JUSTICE to his city, and make sure no child would ever be left in a back alley, crying the senseless murder of their parents…Would never believe how happy he would feel again. 

He didn’t need to pretend anymore. His smiles were not fake. And sure, he still had “dark days”, he could still be SUCH A JERK. He wasn’t flawless after all, and he really did try hard to better himself. 

He finally was willing to give himself a second chance at having a family, and being happy. 

Not that every day was a treat. You guys’ life was quite something. There was a lot of pain and misery, in doing what he chose. Even with a supporting family, a loving wife and children. 

But each and everyone of you was willing to take on the burden. No matter what anyone said, you all ended up choosing this life too. 

Because you believed in the same principles. And because…You loved Bruce. 


Your driving force. The one making all of you go forward.


Which made those peaceful moment of domesticity, where everything almost felt normal, priceless. And though they were rare, none of you would pass on it. 

Not Bruce, not Clark, not you or any of the kids. Certainly not Lois. It gave all of you a sense of normalcy you often thought you could never feel again. 

A sense of belonging, too, oh so precious. 

And here you all were, normal, if for only one day, having a Sunday lunch between family and close friends. 

And that’s when it happened. 

A very silly event, that made you glad nonetheless you were here, you took time to do this. That you had so many people around you, that you loved and that loved you. 

A silly little thing. 

That yet showed that behind all the masks (literal and figurative), costumes and fighting evil mastermind…You all were still human (even Clark, who could never quite get behind Kryptonians’ elitism). 

Yes. Such a mundane moment. Yet it stuck with you all the rest of the day, making you smile when you thought back on it. And maybe it was because it wasso mundane, that it truly meant a lot ? 

It happened during dessert time. Because you knew it was Clark and Jon’s favorite (and though Lois would NEVER admit it, hers too), you baked an apple pie. 

And that…That’s when it happened. 

“AH !” 

Jon gasped loudly, which made everyone look at him, curiosity in their eyes. The boy, seemed absolutely shocked, and was staring at Bruce. Damian glared at him, grumbling :  

“Why the heck did you feel the need to scream in my ear like that ?!” 

Jon grasped his shoulder, and without thinking this wasn’t very polite, he pointed at Bruce, at his plate which had TWO slices of apple pie (he loved your baking) and exclaimed : 

“Your dad !”

“What about my dad ?”

“He’s eating pie !” 

“Yes and ?” 

“I thought you said he didn’t eat pie ! LIER ! HE IS LIKE EVERYONE ! He does eat pie !”

This makes you smile. All of you. 

It probably isn’t as big a deal as little Jon makes it out to be, but at the same time…You understand him. 

After all, him too fell for the : “Batman never smiles” schtick. Even if he did slowly realize he was maybe wrong, as he started more and more to hang out at the Manor, and as he saw that Damian too, wasn’t actually how he liked to portray himself in public…He was so much nicer and unsure of himself !

So. Yes. You’re not really surprised by this reaction. 

And Damian LOVED to boast about his dad, and to say things about him that would sound crazy to others, and make him exceptional. 

You agree, of course. Your husband WAS exceptional. Although the fact he didn’t eat pie didn’t seem like a big issue…Ah but it was for  Superboy, apple pie, in his family, meant a lot. 

It meant a normal day at his grandma. It meant a normal family night. It meant his mom baking it with care, or his dad trying to bake it but not succeeding very well (although the secret ingredient, love, made it edible…So cheesy).

As odd as it could sound, a simple apple pie, to little Jonathan Kent, meant normalcy. And it became an important part of his life exactly for that reason. Which is why he felt so shocked, that night Bruce didn’t even touch his slice. 

Especially since he thought his mother’s pie was the best in the world. 

For now, your son was absolutely outraged at the accusation that he lied, he jumped on his feet, and said loudly, pointing a finger at his friend : 

“I didn’t lie ! Not really ! He only eats my mom’s pie !!” 

And that was all that was needed. Enough to make this day oh so necessary. An innocent little argument, that yet made everything worth it.

Clark almost choked on his pie as he bursted out laughing, while Bruce also almost choked but for obvious different reasons.  

Both Damian and Jon didn’t understand why Bruce went pale, why you looked embarrassed, and why Clark was trying to hold his laughter while Lois insistently elbowed him, while simultaneously not being able to retain her own chuckle. Or why Damian’s older siblings pushed their piece of pie away, looking like something definitely cut their appetite ?!

What was so funny in Batman only eating his wife’s pie ?!

“Adults, amarite ?” their exchanged look seemed to say. 

Oh, to be young and innocent. 

And this. This innocence. Was exactly why, those normal albeit rare days were so important. To all of you. 

This innocence, that made you forget all your troubles. That made you forget about your “night job”, or the responsibility to have powers. 

This innocence, and this kind of normal day, between family and friends…Was often what kept you sane. And the fact that the fearless and fearsome Batman didn’t eat pie, unless it was baked by his wife…Made him all the more human. Gave him an endearing side. 

Showed that well hidden side of care, love, sweetness and…Of the child he used to be before his parents’ died ? Yes. Yes. 

The innocence. And discoveries like this one. 

Just for that, just for that it was worth holding such simple and normal events. 


It’s very silly, yes. And short. And maybe too stupid to post ^^’…But I don’t know, I really like Bruce’s “selective affection” (I’m gonna call it that now), and I have a shitty humor ‘k ? Haha. Anyway, I hope you still enjoyed this small slice of life (I kinda wanna write more of those, it takes me literally two minutes to write and it’s fun and allows me to blabber about domestic batfam haha), and see you soon with an actual story:). 

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