#cleansing spell



House Cleansings & Blessings

practical and simple ways to cleanse and bless your home

burn cedar sticks or cedar incense. cedar helps drive away negative influences, energies, and spirits. really good herb to work with when moving into a new space. helps with protection on all levels.

sprinkle a blend of salt, sage, and mint on the floors to soak up all the negative energies on the ground and vacuum up when you feel it has picked everything up. clean out all that salt from your vaccuun and dispose of it in the trash outside (not in nature)

diffuse lavender oil. lavender oil is very protective and helps bring serenity and peace into a space.

manifest abundance and prosperity by meditating with citrine and placing it in your home. place a clear quartz next to it to amplify abundant energies

make a crystal gird out of selenite, black tourmaline and white jade. these crystals will create a barrier of protection around your house and they will cleanse the hell out of it.

place pieces of selenite in windowsills, this will purify energy coming in and out of the house. immediately raises the vibration of the room

when burned, palo santo releases a cleansing smoke filled with healing energies. great for filling spaces with good health and fortune

ask your spirits/deities to cleanse, protect, and bless your space and leave them offerings when you are done

sandalwood incense raises vibrations, cleanses, offers psychic protection, and helps to open up psychic awareness

amethyst is not only a enhances the intuition and increases calm energies, it is also very protective and will shield you from psychic attacks

work with the elements for protection, meditation and visualization works well

visualize an impenetrable bubble of protection surrounding your home protecting you from all lower energies

visualize a waterfall pouring into your space washing away all stagnant and negative energy leaving your space with abundant and healthy energy

put mint leaves all around your house, in your windowsills, in your shoes, jewelry boxes, altar, etc. to protect you from evil intentions. also good for protecting your home from misfortune

wind chimes will warn you when a negative spirit is around, there sound will also help drive them off your property

cinnamon is extremely protective, i love dressing candles with ground cinnamon for cleansing and protection

burning dragon’s blood incense will create a wall of fire protecting you and your space, also a really good incense for clearing bad spirits

sleep with a lavender sachet underneath your pillow to protect you from psychic vampires

labradorite protects you and your home from demons

placing a vase of flowers in a room will lift the energy and invite positive energy in. use different flowers for attracting different things example sunflowers for happiness, roses for love, marigolds for success and creativity, etc.

How to make and use Four thieves vinegar Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing. How to make and use Four thieves vinegar Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing.

How to make and use Four thieves vinegar

Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing. History suggests it was burned on bonfires to banish the plague in England).
Garlic is for healing, banishing, powerful protection and is also anti theft.
Peppermint for protection and healing.
Sage for protection, banishing, purification and healing.
Rosemary is for healing, protection, purification, and when placed at doorways and windows, acts to deter thieves.
Thyme for protection and healing.
Black pepper for protection and banishing.

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Do you have an area in your home that gives you the creeps, gives off bad vibes, or holds a bad memory? This spell can help. 

Disclaimer: I used this on a single shelf. There are probably practical differences to cleansing an entire room. That being said, never be afraid to experiment when it comes to magic. Different things work for different people. Also, the spell is slightly centered around the goddess Brigid; However, all materials used are common in cleansing, so should not need to change if you do not follow Brigid.   


1. A spray bottle. This needs to be able to create a mist and not a harsh stream of water. Put in fresh water, or put in water that means something to you spiritually. For instance, my spray bottle and the water had been sitting in the windowsill, soaking up sun and moon energies. 

2. Salt. Any kind of salt will do, as long as it’s not mixed with other spices. 

3. A lighter or matches. 

4. A small piece of paper and a pen. 

5. Access to the area that you wish to cleanse. 

6. A small bottle or container (optional). 

7. A broom

8. A trash can. 

Let’s get to business! 

-First, we’re going to write out the spell on the piece of paper. If you mess up, that’s okay. You can either scribble out the mess up and keep going, or you can start fresh. This is entirely up to what feels right for you. 

Spirits, demons, residents of any and all sorts: Please leave this area and allow it to be cleansed of all presences. 

(flip the paper over so you’re writing on the other side)

Energy, positive and negative: Flow out of this area with the water of the well and be gone from the perimeter which the flame creates.  

-Stand in front of the area with all of the necessary materials. Grab a handful of salt and begin to rub it into the surface of the area you wish to cleanse. Do this to each solid surface of the area. While doing so, say the first half of the spell repeatedly. 

-Take the broom and sweep away the salt. Throw it away. 

-While saying the first half of the second side of the paper repeatedly, spray water on each solid surface of the area you wish to cleanse (you can just say, “flow out of this area with the water of the well after saying the very beginning once).

-While saying, “be gone from the perimeter which the flame creates,” Light the piece of paper on fire. Wave the burning paper in front of each edge and corner or the area you wish to cleanse, including ones open to the air. When you have covered every corner, or when the flame gets too hot, spray the water out with your spray bottle. Don’t be like me; spray out the flame while you’re still holding the paper. 

-As the smoke dissipates, feel all of the negative energy float out of the space and disappear. 

-If you want, take some of the ash from the paper and put it into a small bottle or container. Keep this in the area to insure that it stays cleansed for a longer period of time. 

-This area is probably covered with salt that you missed, water, and ash. Don’t be afraid to clean all that up. Those ingredients have done their job already. 

Enjoy the space that is now really, truly, yours!    



Sea water 

- cleansing, purification and banishment

River water 

-movement, change and new opportunities

Lake water 

-peace, contentment, self-reflection

Rain water 

-creativity, inspiration, energy, cleansing, protection

Melted snow water

- transformation, new beginnings

Moon water (water that has been charged under moonlight) 

-universal magickal properties, can be used in most spells for cleansing, purification, balance, and energy

Cleansed water (tap/filtered water that has been cleansed) 

-again has universal magickal properties but not as strong as moon water. Mostly used for cleansing and purification. 


1. Run tap water into an empty bottle and immediately pour it out

2. Fill the bottle again but this time seal the bottle.

3. Draw out a cleansing sigil. I use this one HERE

4. Tape it to the outside of the bottle.

5. Arrange four white tea lights and a long candle into a pentagram with the long candle at the apex.

6. Place the bottle of water at the centre of the pentagram

7. Light the long candle and use it to light the tea lights in a clockwise rotation.

8. Place a clear quartz on the bottle

9. Place your hand over the clear quartz and allow your positive energies to flow through it. Imagine the quartz like a magnifying glass and your energy the sun.

10. Finish your spell with your preferred method. I  blow out all the candles and say “so it is”

an-aspiring-witch: My Home Is Protected Spell Jar! I made my first spell jar! Its purpose is to prot


My Home Is Protected Spell Jar!

I made my first spell jar! Its purpose is to protect and cleanse my home, or the room it is in. It’s perfect for my dorm, and very easy to make!

Everything inside this jar has some association with protection or cleansing or banishing negativity and creating a loving environment.

What’s Inside:
-3 dried bay leaves with various protection and safety sigils drawn on them
-sage leaves
-mint leaves
-charged full moon water
-sea salt
-a pinch of black pepper
-some lemon peel
-a small piece of clear quartz
* I added some chicken bones in there since I’m very connected to the earth, and I feel as though the bones strengthen the spells connection and gives it an extra oomph, but that’s optional.

You can add a chant or any other ingredients that fee right to you. I just told each ingredient its purpose in the jar and charged it with white candles and intent!

Let me know if this jar is of help to you! I think it’s a perfect and simple spell jar for your altar or your room.

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Intensive Space Cleansing

  1. Take an entire bunch ofpeppermint and rub it vigorously against walls, furniture, objects, and whatever else needs to be cleansed.
  2. When the cleansing is complete, wrap the peppermint in brown paper and remove it from your home immediately.
  3. Dispose of it far from home, returning via a circuitous route.

(fromThe Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)

so, i’m not normally inclined to write a post like this, but i’m feeling really…off. i’ve always had this “natural intuition,” but as each year passes it seems to fade. it’s hard to distinguish between my “intuition” and my paranoia that accompanies the illnesses i have. i’ve gotten better at keeping the two apart—at least, most of the time. the two do feel different enough that, although dealing with paranoia is never fun, i can usually work through it and tell myself, “these things aren’t really happening. this fear is irrational.” 

last night, though was…honestly terrifying. on saturday, february 25, i began having a severe amount of pain. this isn’t strange in and of itself—i’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, so i figured it was just an extraordinarily intense flareup. by the end of the night, i was literally writhing in pain, and somewhere in this fog, i thought, “this isn’t right.” i had visited a metaphysical convention earlier that day and i literally wondered if maybe one of the psychics i didn’t get a reading from was pissed at me or something. (she was really pushy, i got a weird vibe from her, and i couldn’t afford the 80 dollar reading.) immediately, i started telling myself i was just being paranoid.

fast forward to the evening of sunday, february 26. i was doing some homework, but it was getting late and i decided to go to bed. out of nowhere, i was hit with this overpowering feeling of badness. wrongness. something was fucking wrong. i pushed it out of my mind and went into my bedroom. the feeling persisted. i didn’t feel safe…i felt something enter my apartment. it was just this giant, black shape. i felt it hanging over me in the bedroom, and i just lost it. i ran into the bathroom and it followed me, hovering over my right shoulder. i kept telling myself that this was just some sort of symptom, but i hadn’t felt this much terror in years. i wanted to believe it was irrational, i was too stressed from school, this feeling of being watched is, no, not a good thing, not “normal,” but something i’ve dealt with throughout my life because of ptsd. but i couldn’t ignore it. this was different

i finally told my partner that something was up—we needed to cleanse the space now. he grabbed the sage and i hurriedly threw together a satchel of lavender, a bay leaf, and an amethyst, and just closed my eyes and held it for a bit until i felt more calm. however, i immediately had another barrage of negativity, feeling guilty that i wasn’t “good enough,” i wasn’t a real witch, i was pathetic and could never be “whole” because of chronic illness: just every goddamn bad feeling and thought was being thrown at me. it’s something i’m used to, but not to this degree. this was amplified, like someone or something was preying on all my weaknesses and using them against me. it honestly felt like a straight up attack.

i went to bed not knowing if i was having some sort of “episode,” or if something more sinister was actually happening. in the morning i read on facebook that several of my friends had also had uncharacteristically harrowing experiences sunday night. i got to school and only two other students showed up for class—my prof said that someone had gotten into a car accident last night, several students had fallen ill, basically every single person in the class had emailed him sunday evening and said something really bad had suddenly happened. 

he cancelled class, and i drove home wondering if all of these things were just “coincidences,” my brain simply trying to draw correlations between my experience and what had apparently been some horrible experiences of a ton of other people over the weekend. maybe all these other students just needed an excuse to skip class. i don’t know.

other mentally ill witches, empaths, psychics, anyone who might have an idea what is going on, or otherwise not feel as completely drained as i do right now and have an open window into reading the situation—what do you think? this little seed of what i think is intuition is telling me that there was just a monstrously huge decision made that’s going to impact all of our lives. did anyone else have a scary experience over the weekend, or feel overwhelmed by impending, negative energy? is this all in my head? if anyone believes they may have some insight into this, feel free to reply to this post, send me a message on tumblr, or even email me at [email protected](for some reason i don’t always get notifications for the messages i receive on here).       

sorry for the long post, i felt i needed to share and i’m seriously worried (for anyone thinking this is strictly a mental health problem, i do have an appointment with my therapist today. she knows i’m a witch and i plan on telling her about this weekend). but does anyone know what’s going on?       


Simple Spells

Some simple spells for my fellow lazy witches.

custodiat animam - “Protect Mind” ~To protect against psychological attacks

Beati mundo Tenebrae Responsories - “Clean of darkness” ~ A simple cleansing spell

beatus somnum - “Blessed Sleep” ~ For a good night’s sleep

visus posterum - “future sight” ~ for good decision making or insight

calidum et tutum - “Warm and safe” ~ To make a place comfortable or to enchant a blanket to be nicer
