#clone captain rex



| Rex - painted in Procreate 11/05/22 |

*click for better quality if on mobile*


It is unfair how good you’ve gotten so fucking fast I’m ready to flip tables

Hardcase: The chef won’t let us into the cafeteria anymore, not unattended.

Echo: What, why?

Rex: They keep stealing utensils, they were warned to stop.

Fives:*leaning over to whisper* It’s a whisk we’re willing to take.

Tup:*aggressively smacks Fives*

Fives: *enters a tired Rex’s office* Hey, can me and Hardcase borrow a bathtub to-

Rex: Short answer; no.

Fives: Bu-

Rex: Long answer; oh fuck no.


Hardcase:*in the hallway waiting with his arms full of shaving cream and white glue*:(

Rex: Look, I really really need you two to stop flipping people off. Especially the Chancellor, he’s going to notice eventually.

Echo: But it’s like a secret code.

Fives: Yeah, a special salute from our middle fingers.

*cue them flipping the bird while saluting a sighing Rex*

Rex: *sighing and flopping into a chair* Finally, got rid of Fives and Hardcase for a while. They should be gone for hours, time for some peace and quiet.

Kix: How did you manage that?

Rex: I sent them to the store for an item that doesn’t exist.

lonelinessisadisease: dovahbutt: thank you anon ^^ and here you go. i tried to make it fairly accura



thank you anon ^^ and here you go. i tried to make it fairly accurate, but i stopped watching the clone wars show a long long time ago (not my favourite by any means) so i apologise if anything is wrong.

okay so why does rex have blonde hair? jango has black/dark brown hair, so is there a legit explanation? does he bleach it?

I was going to just leave a comment and reblog separately, but it got too long so here it is as a reblog:

Dude I love the art style! It’s really cool and I love the shading/lighting for everything. I really, really like the armor. Like, cannot get over it. The scratches? Very sexy. I think my favorite part is the … shoulder thing. Also my boy has forearms oh my God.

So, there are couple theories for the hair thing, though there isn’t a canon explanation:

1. He dyed/bleached it. Easy enough, we see several clones with clearly dyed hair in TCW (google “Crys” for reference, and possibly Gree, though he doesn’t work if we also think about the second theory).  Although you would think that Rex’s hair, if dyed/bleached, would grow out and start showing roots during times where he’s captured, on the front lines, etc. But it never does, so idk.

2. It’s a genetic mutation. Also pretty easy to consider seeing as we know there are other genetic mutations in the cloning process that can happen (see, the Bad Batch and clone 99), this can also happen in real life (minus the cloning), and we also see very young clones with blonde hair as well (Omega and that one other kid we see in one of Boba’s episodes). Considering the Kaminoans’ take with clones and their individuality (which seems to be rather strongly against it), it’s unlikely these two children were able to access the same hair dye that clones on the front lines can.

We also know it’s in Jango’s genetic material according to Legends (though I think the comic’s been semi re-canonized due to the Mandalorian season 2), because his sister and mother were blonde. His mother’s hair in particular seems to have similar texture and style to the blonde clones’.

We can’t use a punnett square or anything for hair, because it’s determined by multiple alleles and thus, could happen regardless, but with the mother’s hair, and considering it can’t be totally recessive if the sister was also blonde, it’s possible that a mutation occured in the cloning process and, if Jango was likely to be blonde himself anyway, this is reasonably an occurance that could happen more than once (thus explaining how there’s multiple clones with this mutation).

An additional point of notice is that if his (Rex’s) hair is naturally blonde, it’s possible that there are clones with mixed hair types, or hair with other colors from Jango’s DNA. Now, according to this one article I read xD, black hair is made from a subtype of the same pigment that makes brown and blonde, but is dominant and less likely to blend with other colors. And Jango definately has black hair (look at the movies or the Wiki, comics is iffy) like his father.

But Boba doesn’t (even if it says so on the Wiki, look at movie Boba’s actual hair), so what I’m saying is, it’s already pretty likely that hair mutations are happening, even if you don’t personally think it’s happening here with Rex. There is … at least a decently good change this is what’s happening with Rex.

Also possibly Commander Gree, who might just have naturally red-brown hair and eyebrows along with his monstrosity of a haircut (god, it is sobad).

3. He’s naturally blonde and dyes his eyebrows. Lmao, could be? I mean, not all naturally blonde people have blonde eyebrows. You can’t really tell by the mother in Open Seasons (the comic), but the mom might have acutal eyebrows and the sister definately has blonde eyebrows, so 50/50 I guess. That said, if this were the case, dark-haired people can also have blonde eyebrows so if this mutation occured it’s also possible that we’d get dark haired clones with blonde eyebrows. Soooooo, food for thought.

Anyways, all this to say, nobody knows, and this got way longer than I meant it to be. Sorry my guy. Hope you like the answer because it takes up most of the page. (×̯×)

(p.s. ur art is sick af)

Post link



Rex: So, Sir, when did you get your pilot’s license?


Anakin: My what?

Anakin: Rex, you do know that I have been piloting things less safe than speeders and ships since I was younger than you are. And you’re like ten.

Anakin: And anyways, podracers didn’t need licences. If you’re good enough, you win. If you aren’t good enough, you’re probably dead. Either way, makes for really great entertainment.

A General and his CommanderCaptain

With this kind of pictures it’s really hard to decide which character should be upward

I think I’ve overcome my art block for sure bc I’m having fun again with more detailed drawings like the one above

I love the idea with the General/Commander (or Captain) card like combo so here are Anakin and Rex Some other characters will also follow. I’ve already planned to draw Kenobi & Cody, Plo Koon & Wolffe and Aayla & Bly like this, maybe some more ♡

The war left its scars on all of us.

This was a commission for a cosplayer to have himself sit on a throne of droid parts and some helmets as Rex, hence the brown hair. Cosplayer is rex_aholic and I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Find me on Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram @MiddiMidori.
