

It’s holiday seasons, and we know the holidays come expectations! Expectations for how we’re supposed to feel, how we’re supposed to interact with family, what type of son, brother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, partner, sibling, etc we’re supposed to be. In this video I talk through how to manage family expectations and create boundaries during the holiday. You may have toxic family members, Christmas stress, holiday family stress, or so many other things with going home for the holidays. Let’s look at these expectations, how we should feel about family expectations and then how to create boundaries with family. 

My surviving the holiday playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_loxoCVsWqwHvhgnIH3_vg_t6ESwApdX

#kati morton    #therapy    #boundarysetting    #boundaries    #expectations    #setting expectations    #family    #holidays    #holidaystress    #familystress    #katifaq    #psychology    #communication    #enmeshment    #codependant    



I never share an opinion on tumblr bcz frankly, no one cares abt my opinion. However, l feel a need to reblog w a brief comment: No woman, man, child or animal deserves to ever experience the type of abuse depicted on this video. Abuse of any kind is never appropriate or acceptable. This is not a mutually healthy relationship. Reach out. There is help. For those of us on the outside looking in, never ignore the warning signs and be the person who makes a difference. It may save a life.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.7233 or text START to 88788

Love Sam Hunt and this song…and the video is an important reminder ⚖️

Now I’m back to being carefree and fun!

La otra cara de la vida.

“Y hallarás detrás de la voz que te injuria busca herir … el silencio que sufre.”

De que otra forma, ¿creerías que detrás de la fiera imagen mora una ovejilla amedrentada? ¿Acaso que ocultos debajo de la violencia se hallan la inseguridad y el temor?

— Interpretaciones. [Incidental.]

“…They say that what you look for finds you”. But I don’t understand why if you show your eagerness and interest in someone, as the surprise and pleasure pass, then you only receive indifference? As if you had never existed, which is why I think so It’s how one changes and becomes the same as the others.

— Juan Francisco Palencia.    
