#you are your owen person




I never share an opinion on tumblr bcz frankly, no one cares abt my opinion. However, l feel a need to reblog w a brief comment: No woman, man, child or animal deserves to ever experience the type of abuse depicted on this video. Abuse of any kind is never appropriate or acceptable. This is not a mutually healthy relationship. Reach out. There is help. For those of us on the outside looking in, never ignore the warning signs and be the person who makes a difference. It may save a life.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.7233 or text START to 88788

Love Sam Hunt and this song…and the video is an important reminder ⚖️

Now I’m back to being carefree and fun!

La otra cara de la vida.

“Y hallarás detrás de la voz que te injuria busca herir … el silencio que sufre.”

De que otra forma, ¿creerías que detrás de la fiera imagen mora una ovejilla amedrentada? ¿Acaso que ocultos debajo de la violencia se hallan la inseguridad y el temor?

— Interpretaciones. [Incidental.]
