#cody x obi wan


No, you don’t understand—If Cody during his appearance on The Bad Batch says outright that he feels guilt over the death of Obi-Wan, or even mentions Obi-Wan the Codywan fandom will lose its damn collective mind.


Entire Codywan fandom collectively (it has been established that we are a hive mind):

Obi-wan: I love you, for who you are Cody.

Cody smiling: Thank you, it means a lot to be honest.

Obi-wan: But that dick, sure is a bonus.

Cody to Obi-wan: Roses are red, foxes are clever. I like your butt, let me touch it forever.

Rex: Seriously dude? You think it will work?

Obi-wan blushing: I want you, to meet me on my office commander.

Cody: Goodnight Obi

Obi-wan: Goodnight Cody

Obi-wan: Goodnight force ghost

Cody fully awake:WTF!?

Cody laying on the bed: So no homo, right?

Obi-wan laying on the bed: uh…. We both naked.

Cody: I know

Obi-wan: We did “stuff”

Cody: I’m aware. But?

Obi-wan: Yeah, sure no homo..

Dooku: You took my grandpadawan’s virginity.

Cody: Sorry. Won’t happen again, sir.

Modern au

Obi-wan checking his phone: Shit! I’m late for school! *get up*

Obi-wan: Wait… I finish school, years ago. *lays back to bed*

Obi-wan: I’m the teacher! *runs*

Obi-wan coming back: We are closed due a pandemic.




Obi-wan run out of the bed: I have a zoom meeting!!

Cody: Every morning..

Obi-wan blushing: A’m starting tae develop feelin`s fur ye bit a’m tae scared tae say it in yer coupon. ‘n’ richt noo a’m tae stressed 'n’ ah pat a bet yer doilt.

Cody: Yer coupon???

*Obi-wan blush harder and leaving*

Fox: The coupon bother you? I didn’t get shit.

Obi-wan: Sometimes, when I’m tired of my kids. I just put some movies in my native language, they don’t get shit. Totally confused and I just *laughing* say “I don’t know guys. Seems normal to me. Maybe you just tired.”. When they back from their nap, I just change the language back to basic.

Anakin: You think, it will work for the twins?

Ahsoka: Wait. Who are your kids though?

Cody: Take a guess little one.


Ahsoka: You son of..

Cody laying on the bed:Obi?

Obi-wan half asleep:Yes?

Cody: I want a kid.

Obi-wan: You already have two, dear.


Obi-wan: Anakin and Ahsoka.




Cody: I want a divorce.

Cody: I don’t believe in love. Love is a lie, plus it makes you weaker.

Obi-wan: Thank you for the tea,dear Cody *kiss his cheek*

*Cody fifty shades of red*

Boil: What happened Superman?

Waxer: Found your kryptonite?

Cody: You want to clean the bathrooms?

Cody: I want to kiss you.


Cody in gay panic: I said if you die, I won’t miss you.

Waxer speaking with rookies: And just like that, you don’t get your man of your dreams. Please keep your notes.

Cody: What are you drinking?

Obi-wan: A smoothie, it’s very healthy.

Cody: What’s in there?

Obi-wan: Oh, you know. Fruits, berries vodka, antidepressants…


Cody: You want a hug??
