#cosmic witchcraft



Here are some cosmic and celestial things you can work into your everyday life to make it a little more magical. You do not need to be a cosmic witch to practice these!

  • Wear clothing and accessories with symbols of space and the stars. Allow your appearance to remind yourself and everyone of your connection to the cosmos. 
  • Use a galaxy bath bomb. There are many shops online that sell glittery bath bombs that make your tub look like the night sky. 
  • Decorate your room with fairy lights. Let the small dots of light remind you of the stars even when you are indoors. 
  • Check your horoscope every day. Turn to the stars for guidance. 
  • Put your bed near a window so at night you can gaze at the stars and the moon. 
  • Notice when the moon is out during the day and remember that she is surrounded by stars even if you cannot see them. 
  • Wear blue goldstone jewelry or keep a blue goldstone in your pocket to remind you of the stars. 
  • Decorate your altar with stars. You can use beads or charms or little bottles of glitter.
  • Study the constellations during the day and see if you can find them at night. Keep up to date on what constellations are visible at the current time of year. 
  • Keep notes on the moon phases and how they affect your day. You might notice you have more energy on full moons or you feel more anxious when it is waning. See how you are connected with the moon. 
  • Make moon water nightly and drink it in the morning to prepare yourself for the day. 
  • Buy moon shaped crystals and use them for your altar or for meditation.
  • Meditate with selenite to connect to the moon and access your higher self.  
  • Use labradorite for warding and protection. It is a crystal that can harness the energy of the moon to protect you and your home. 
  • To purify things using lunar energy, use opal. Place an opal next to your water at night to make it moon water. Opalite is a cheaper alternative but know that it is a manmade stone. 


This is a general guide to my particular path!
There are three basic components: air, water, and cosmic witchcraft!

Air☁️: wind and clouds! Ground using the wind or practice divination with the clouds. Also good for sigil work. Associated with the colors yellow and light blue, swords and other blades, clarity, and education. Dawn and springtime are good times to work with this element!

Water: rain, mist, and clouds! Gather rain or try making moon/sun/storm waters. Associated with blue, mirrors, cups, emotion, and healing. Sunset and autumn are this element’s associated times.

Cosmic: sun, moon, and stars! Perfect for stargazing and charging stones or sigils with the sun or moon! Associated with black, indigo, silver, gold, fate, and wisdom. The best times for this are year-round at night- special events like meteor showers or eclipses can be very helpful!

The types of divination that go well with it are cartomancy, astrology, and aeromancy (divination by clouds/weather phenomena)! Thanks for reading!

Jupiter Offering for Those Affected by Hurricane Harvey

For any witches who practice cosmic witchcraft and can’t volunteer in person/financially due to safety, health, personal, or proximity reasons, consider making an offering to Jupiter this evening.

Ask Jupiter for fair weather in southeast Texas, good fortune/health to those affected by the hurricane, and some luck. The prediction models are showing so many different possibilities for the future of this storm; some luck may help turn the outcome into one that will relieve the region of this bad weather.

In exchange, burn Jovian herbs, candles, incense, charge crystals, whatever you wish. The people of southeast Texas need whatever help we can give them now. Let’s do everything in our power to help them out ❤️✨


A collection of original content from myself and other Cosmic Witches relating to Cosmic Witchcraft.


Planetary Associations

Planets & Intent

Planets & Lunar Phases

Planetary Pairs

Planetary Octaves

Baneful Aspects of the Cosmos

The Aid of the Planets

Planetary Composition & Correspondences

Celestial Body Correspondences

Celestial Music

Celestial Bodies & Animals

Common Asteroid & Minor Planet Associations

Lunar Phase Associations

Lunar Phases - Explained

The Moon in Zodiac Signs

Supermoon Activities

Micromoon Magick

Planetary Botanical Blends

Planetary Fruit & Vegetable Blends

Zodiac Botanical Blends

Zodiac Essential Oil Blends

Planetary Essential Oil Blends (infographic)

Planets & Colors

Planets & Minerals/Crystals

Planets & Metals

Planets & Numerology

Planets & Types of Divination

Planets & Days of the Week

Planets & Elements

Planets & Zodiac Signs

Planetary Tarot Card Correspondences

Common Witch Types & Their Planets

Planets & Pokemon Types
























Star Magick

Constellation Correspondences

Behenian Fixed Stars

Royal Stars

Behenian Fixed Star Sigils

Stellar Death

Draconids Meteor Shower Magick

Orionids Meteor Shower Magick

Taurids Meteor Shower Magick

Leonids Meteor Shower Magick

Geminids Meteor Shower Magick

Supermoon (in Aries)

Supermoon (in Taurus)

Common Witch Types & Their Planets

Cosmic Nail Polish Chart

Reasons Behind Saturn’s Correspondences

Astronomical & Astrological Events


Dream Key

Supermoon Spell Jar

Mercurian Intellect Spell

Martian Independence Spell

Venusian Self-Love Spell

Jupiter Success Spell

Saturn Banishing Ritual

Saturn Vortex Spell

Neptunian Clairvoyance (spell)

Plutonian Crisis Curse

“Shooting Star” Hex

Dark Matter Invisibility Spell

Supernova Ruination (curse)

Spacial Rend (curse)

Death Reborn Revolution (curse)

Quasar Banishing Spell

Shooting Star Wish Spell

Meteor Shower/Shooting Star Emoji Spell

Black Moon Emoji Spell

Jovian “Luck and Wealth” Emoji Spell

Saturnian “Get Through The Day” Emoji Spell

Neptunian “Restful Sleep” Emoji Spell

Motivation Star Jar(by@astro-craft)

Phoenix Cluster Rebirth Spell(by@phaesphore)

Full Moon Reflection Jar Spell(by@phaesphore)

Planetary Aspect Sleep Sachet(by@phaesphore)

New Moon Banishing Ritual(by@phaesphore)

Hercules Cluster Jar Spell(by@phaesphore)

Saturnian Spell Jar(by@phaesphore)

Balance of Gemini Spell(by@nerdywitchmomma)

Cosmic Witchcraft 101(by@phaesphore)


What is a “Cosmic Witch?”

Cosmic Witchcraft 101

Types of Cosmic Witches

What planet do you connect with most?

Planet Worship & Astrolatry

Actions as Offerings

Tasks for the Cosmic Witch

Cosmic Altar & Room Ideas

Top 10 Items for the Cosmic Witch

Cosmic Witchcraft - In the Shadows

Book of Cosmos

Astral Travel

Enchanting Items with Cosmic Energy

Planet Invocation

Channeling Cosmic Energy

Spell Timing With Planetary Hours

Planetary Aspects & Orbs

Spiral Meditation

Black Hole Grounding

Neptunian Sea Magick

Uranian Weather Magick

Plutonian Death Magick

Cosmic Magick Terminology

Astronomy Terminology (from SeaSky.org)

Black Hole Jar

Black Hole Decoy

Nebula Jar

Star Jar

Solar Jar

Celestial Warding

Celestial Roll-On Perfume

Celestial Gem Elixir

Planetary Shower Disk

Planetary Bath Salts

Uranian Coffee Scrub

Solar Herbal Salve

Starlight Charm

Star Oil

Stardust Powder

Stardust Powder Variants

Baneful Stardust Powder

Star Potion

Star Water

Planetary Powders

Planetary Charm Jars

Moon Potion

Moon Water

Uses for Moon Water

Moon Water & Lunar Phases

How to Celebrate the Full Moon

How to Celebrate the New Moon

Black Moon Water (by @nightkunoichi)

Planetary Tarot Spread

New Moon Reflection Tarot Spread

Stellar Divination

Constellation Runes

Celestial Sigils(by@ofcloudsandstars)

updated on 7-30-2017

Sharing a peek of a WIP page in my book of shadows focused on astrology in cosmic witchcraft

sproutaesthetics:witchcraft | SPACE WITCHES space witches use the power of the stars, planets and sproutaesthetics:witchcraft | SPACE WITCHES space witches use the power of the stars, planets and


witchcraft|SPACE WITCHES

space witches use the power of the stars, planets and the space between them in their magic. they often work with glitter, moon water and planetary representations.

Post link


reblog if you’re a starseed witch!

just want to know how many of us are out there


[☾] Moon - moonstone, selenite, pearl, milky quartz, aquamarine

[⊙] Sun - topaz, citrine, goldstone, gold, amber, carnelian, tiger’s eye

[☿] Mercury - blue lace agate, fire agate, aventurine, opal, alexandrite, mottled jasper, citrine

[♀] Venus - emerald, jade, rose quartz, celestite, turquoise, peridot, malachite, sodalite, coral

[♂] Mars - ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, sardonyx, lavastone, red tourmaline

[♃] Jupiter - yellow sapphire, yellow apatite, yellow jasper, green aventurine, azurite, lepidolite, kyanite

[♄] Saturn - hematite, jet, onyx, obsidian, blue sapphire, halite, black tourmaline, black diamond, garnet

[♅] Uranus - quartz, diamond, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, blue topaz, tanzanite, opalite, aqua aura

[♆] Neptune - sapphire, amethyst, turquoise, fluorite, labradorite, aquamarine, celestite, vauxite

[♇] Pluto - smoky quartz, snowflake obsidian, black tourmaline, kunzite

compiled from my personal grimoire 

updated on 9-7-2016
