#lunar magic


Herbs/Plants: Roses, Aloe, Strawberries, Passionfruit, Bamboo, Poppies, Myrrh, Ginger, Coconut, Turnips, Morning Glory, Seaweed, Iris, Willow, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Bananas, and Hazel 

Crystals: Pearl, Opal, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, and Clear Quartz. 

Incense:Rose, Wintergreen, Dragon’s Blood, and Sandalwood. 

Day of the Week:Monday


Colors: White and Silver

1: You could use it to make coffee or tea, cook with it, drink it as is, and water your plants/animals.. 

2: Charge and cleanse your crystals with it, just make sure your they’ll be safe around water beforehand. 

3: Add a few drops to essential oils before a spell. 

4: Put a little in your bathwater or liquid makeup.

5: Leave it as offerings to the fae, your gods/goddesses, or the earth. 

6: Use it in spell workings and rituals. 

7: Sprinkle it on your third eye chakra to enhance your psychic abilities. 

8:Use it to make potions and tonics. 

9: Fill a bowl or a glass and use it for scrying. 

10: Carry some in a small bottle in your car, on your person, in your purse, in your pockets, etc.

Dark Moon: This moon phase is a good time for curses, hexes, jinxes, etc. It’s also a good time for focusing on what you want to manifest in the next couple of weeks and a powerful time to do prophetic workings. 

Waxing Moon: Bring things you want toward you. You could do spells involving growth, enchantment, money, success, etc. A good time to start on projects. 

Full Moon:  A good time for charging crystals, tools, yourself, water, etc. Some people think the energy during the full moon is more powerful than in any other moon phase. The intentions you set in the dark moon should be manifesting themselves now. You could do workings that involve divination, legal matters, protection, heightening your psychic abilities, connecting with gods/spirits, creativity, and knowledge. 

Waning Moon: A good time for letting go of people/things and doing banishment workings, You could do spells to let go of addictions, negative energy, and bad habits. It’s also a good time for cleansing and house cleaning. 

The Sun:

Your Solar placement establishes what influence the Sun has on your personality, core, soul, livelihood, artistic taste, and character.

The Moon:

Your Lunar placement determines what influence The Moon has on your emotions, subconscious, secrets, habits, and instincts.


Your Mercury placement affects what influence Mercury has on your expression, education, intellect, communication, and exchange


Your Venus placement establishes what influence Venus has on your romance, trust, romance, maternity, adoration, harmony, and beauty.


Your Mars placement determines what influence Mars has on your rage, wrath, lust, love, passion, intensity, revolution, rapid flares, and motive.


Your Jupiter placement affects what influence Jupiter has on your health, prosperity, profession, abundance, career, and achievements.


Your Saturn placement establishes what influence Saturn has on your motives, goals, aspirations, destiny, maturing, and responsibility.


Your Uranus placement determines what influence Uranus has on your imagination, development, growth, education, goal chasing.


Your Neptune placement affects what influence Neptune has on your dreams, creativity, aspirations, and possibly illusions.


Your Pluto placement establishes what influence Pluto has on your growth, development, chapters of life, beginnings, and endings.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects

While every single month’s Full Moon may be perceived and look analogous and similar from Earth, each individual one possesses their own names, foundational narratives, energies, qualities, and spiritual meanings gained throughout thousands of years.


The Wolf Moon:

The January Full Moon is frequently titled the Old moon, Ice moon, and the Wolf Moon, and speculations of the reasoning include the howls throughout the night during this period of the year for food was scarce for them and they were hungry. The wolf stands up for itself and others, being firm with its boundaries and provides food and protection when needed which is what this Full Moon embodies.


The Snow Moon:

The February Full Moon is called the Snow Moon since this is when some of the heaviest snow would fall. Various communities and tribes also dubbed this the Hunger Moon since food became very scarce this late into the winter. Although February’s Full Moon is indeed the Snow Moon, its spiritual meaning is all about heat, and setting our passions ablaze.


The Sugar Moon:

A Full Moon is in the sky during March, and the worms are uprooting from beneath the soil. The Sugarcane is easily at its most prominent stage of growth, and you feel spring waltzing around the corner. This Full Moon brings conclusions, movement, and emotional relief. The Earth around you is beginning to thaw, and life is about to emerge in abundance, go enjoy it!


The Pink Moon:

April’s Full Moon received its sobriquet from the Phlox flowers which bloom in North America throughout April and are among spring’s earliest blossoms. This prominently luminary celestial body is also called the Grass, Fish, and Paschal Moon since it occasionally aligns with Easter. This Full Moon promotes grounding, harmony, tranquility, and peaceful energies. Enjoy the fresh grass, and traveling fish,


The Flower Moon:

The Full Flower Moon in May is one magnificent springtime occasion to look forward to, and is a time for fresh beginnings, radical development, revitalization, optimism, extreme evolution, inspiration, and personal growth much like the sprouting and budding flowers all around us. Plant and sow your energetic seeds for this year now.


The Strawberry Moon:

This Full Moon that adorns the sky during June is known as the Strawberry and Honey Moon. This is because strawberries and honey production is flourishing, and afterwards being harvested in plenty for throughout the year. Like the sweet bliss of the first bites of strawberry, and the scent of honey alone, we can learn to be sweeter to ourselves and others, letting go of spite and embracing forgiveness.


The Buck Moon:

The Full Moon in July is called the Buck, Hay, and Rose Moon because at this time the antlers of male deer are most prominent, the roses have bloomed, and hay is ready for harvest. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, generating a greater and more impressive pair each time, and inspires us to release what is necessary for our personal optimal growth.


The Sturgeon Moon:

This Full Moon embodies thankfulness for the rewards of Earth and asks us to step into the rhythm and energies with awareness and gratitude for what you possess, your beginnings and present, and what is blooming around you now. The Sturgeon Moon and nature’s plenty can inspire us to embrace individualism and set basic adjustments to our lives.


The Harvest Moon:

The Harvest Moon, occasionally described to as the Corn Moon, is the nearest full Moon to the Autumnal Equinox. This Moon corresponds as the period of harvesting and gathering food for the colder months, often being corn. The Harvest Moon’s spiritual meaning is all about balance, fortitude, and abundance, a time to respect and appreciate.


The Blood Moon:

A Blood Moon can help give attention to traveling inwards towards unacknowledged feelings and thoughts. Blood Moon astrologically communicates the chance for an expressive reset and a purge of your emotive shadows. The Blood Moon is a time of encouragement for inner reflection, releasing, and healing your denied grimmer emotions.


The Beaver Moon:

The eleventh full moon of the year is known as the Frosty and Beaver Moon. The Beaver itself reminds us to harness the energies of imagination, innovation, collaboration, determination and accord within ourselves. The Beaver Moon holds its name since in November, beavers retreat to shelter.


The Oak Moon:

The December Moon is recognized as the Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Winter Moon, and Wolf Moon. This full Moon holds to energies of resilience, endurance, reincarnation, commitment, perpetuity, connection, clarity, and release of anguish. The Oak tree itself embodies strength, confidence, endurance, concentration, resistance, and knowledge.

“Smoky” the Lunar Dragon

Smoky is a spirit who has been with me for five months now and is ready to find his forever home. Smoky is a nick name we both came up with because when he gets excited wee puffs of smoke come out his nose like little hiccups.

Age: 2500-2800, exact year uncertain

Appearance: As a Dragon, Smoky is longer than he is tall. Only around 8 ½ feet tall, he is approx 25 feet long from snout to tail. He is an iridescent white with some silver scale armoring down his neck, chest and sides and silver eyes. His wings are leathery and more of a cream colour with a full wing span of approx 30 feet. He is most comfortable in his dragon form, but can shapeshift to a human form as well. In this form he is approx 7 feet tall looking to be in his late 20′s, pale skin, silver almond shaped eyes and white hair that hangs in a silver plait to his waist. He is slender though with defined musculature and prefers to appear dressed in black jeans, grey turtle neck and white trenchcoat, though this can change to suit the occasion (I have seen him in a full tux and holy moly). He is stunningly handsome, with a clean shaven square jaw, straight nose and regal bearing.

Personality: Smoky is blunt and does not suffer fools. He demonds respect and likes to remind you he could burn you to a crisp and eat you for an entree if he really wanted, but he wouldn’t. Pity the person who tries to harm his companion in any way, though. In saying this he has a sarcastic sense of humor and flirtatious gleam in his eye even when in dragon form. He likes his personal space to go flying and hunting, especially when the moon is full. He is more of a home-body when it is waning/dark, and likes to read with his companion, preferably with a glass of red wine to share. when the moon is waxing he loves to get outside with his companion, particularly in forested areas, and to take them flying astrally to watch the moon rise.

Magick: Smoky is particularly attuned to lunar and protective magicks, in particular banishing, binding and warding. He strongly prefers an intermediate to advanced companion in both magickal and astral workings that has a frim grasp of telepathy which is his preferred communication method, though he also enjoys tarot and spirit boards, either with a planchette or pendulum.

Family: He does not mind family size, though prefers less than 10. As long as he can have his own space and enough asral room to shift and go flying as he pleases. He is undecided about whether he wants a vessel, it would depend what it is, but likes the idea of a dragon pendant or ring. He is pansexual and wouldn’t mind exploring the idea of an open relationship with his companion in his human form.

moon in cancer

- ✨

we’ve got a cancer moon on our hands right now (july 18th - 20th) and i definitely plan on utilizing it in some healing/relaxing spellwork; here’s just some quick info on some traits of the waning/new moon in cancer, spellwork & activities that pair well with it, etc <3

[waning moonin cancer]

- banishing built up or unwanted emotions, cleansing/purifying negativity & staleness

[new moon in cancer]

- rest, intention setting, emotional healing, meditation, journal/BoS entries

- •


- moonstone

- rose quartz

- selenite

- aquamarine

- clear quartz


- rosemary

- lavender

- eucalyptus

- thyme


- patchouli

- rose

- dragons blood

- sage

✨ For Magickal Work:

Because this Moon sign is the most inquisitive in nature, it can be a great help when it comes to magickal efforts that require data retrieval or the attainment of long over-due answers. Its energies also pack a wallop when it comes to any work involving control issues, optimism, self-confidence, and friendship, and can be a real boost to those that relate to legal matters, good luck, and prophetic dreaming.

✨ Mundane Event Planning:

If you’ve thought about going back to school, now is the time to do it; knowledge gleaned from classes taken during this Moon sign will stick with you forever. Since solutions and answers come easily now as well, work on projects that require research or problems that require tact and diplomacy. This Moon isn’t all about work though! It’s also about spontaneity, so it’s great for taking a vacation, throwing an impromptu party, getting together with friends, or forming new relationships! (Due to the pandemic, this would be online or at a safe social distance of course!! Be safe my loves!)

✨ Gardening Tips:

Another barren sign, the Sagittarius Moon is best used for soil cultivation and harvesting. Since its energies also discourage growth, it’s a good time to cut plants back before putting the garden to bed.

Brightest Blessings!

[]  All-Things-Witchcraft

✨ For Magickal Work:

The Scorpio Moon has a raw, pure energy that makes it perfect for efforts involving sex magic. It also lends itself to magickal work involving psyhicism, separation, truth, transformational change, courage, wishes and goal accomplishments. Use it also for blessing and consecrating scrying mirrors, crystal balls, or other divinatory tools.

✨ Mundane Event Planning:

When drastic measures are necessary for personal growth (setting plans in motion for long-range goals comes to mind here), nothing can beat the transformational and separating energies of the Scorpio Moon. For this reason, save any life-altering decision-making such as cross-country moves, career changes, relationship endings, and so forth for this time. It’s also useful for surgical procedures where growth, tumor, or cyst removal are at issue, as well as the commencement of treatment for other health problems. But those aren’t the only things this energy is good for. It’s also great for buying new bed linens and lingerie, and using them to your full advantage!

✨ Gardening Tips:

A very fruitful sign, seeds sown during a Scorpio Moon tend to germinate very quickly. It’s also a good time to prune if you want to encourage the growth of a leaf or flower buds!

Brightest Blessings!

[]  All-Things-Witchcraft


Full Moon Wish Jars

(An anytime update to my Supermoon Wish Jarspost.)

Intent:To harness the power of the lunar cycle for the manifestation and fulfillment of wishes.


  • Small Jar with tight-fitting lid
  • Chime candle & fire source
  • Oil for sealing
  • Herbs and Items representing your wish

Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon

Find a clear space to work. Make sure it’s free of fire hazards. If possible, try to work near a window through which you can see the moon. (If you don’t have one, that’s all right too, since you’ll be setting the jar out for the moonlight when finished.) Light your candle, focus your intentions, and get to work.

Select herbs and trinkets which fit inside the jar to represent your wish. For example, if your wish is for money or prosperity, you might include coins or small craft gems. If your wish is for health, you might include vitamin pills or a charm representing medicine. Check your books for herbs or crystals that correspond to your wish as well. This is your wish - make the spell your own. The contents of the jar can be whatever you want. Use the materials that resonate best with you, but remember that your intent is the most important component of all.

Some common plants associated with wishmaking include:

  • Bamboo
  • Bay Leaf
  • Blue Violet
  • Dandelion Seeds
  • Dogwood Petals
  • Nutmeg
  • Peppermint
  • Sage Leaf (any color)
  • Sunflower Petals or Seeds

Once your jar is complete, drip three drops of wax from the candle into the jar and circle the mouth of the jar three times with the oil to seal the charm. Then cap the jar and seal it with wax. Leave your thumbprint in wax on top of the lid. Place the jar somewhere that it will be touched by the light of the full moon and leave it overnight. The jar should work for about a month, or slightly longer if you’re working with a supermoon. When the next full moon rolls around, you can recharge the jar by leaving it out overnight again, or make a new jar with a new wish.

Happy Witching!

Additional recipes under the cut:

Keep reading

These idiot witches on witchtok really learned nothing from the episode when the moon was killed in ATLA smh.

The Full Moon is the culminating point in the lunar cycle. It occurs approximately two weeks after the New Moon and is fully illuminated in the night sky.

In witchcraft, all the preparation you have done since the New Moon manifests during the Full Moon phase. It is also a time for big spells or rituals that require a lot of energy. Since the Moon is at its fullest and brightest, its energies are also at their peak.

Some things to do during a Full Moon:

  • Draw down the Moon - this is a ritual with roots in pagan and Wiccan traditions and has a lot of significance to those beliefs. Wiccans also celebrate the Full Moon with Esbat rituals that they perfom with their covens.
  • Full Moon wishes - Because the Full Moon’s energies represent manifestation, sending your wishes into the universe during this phase packs a bigger punch. A few ways to do this are: write your wish(es) on a bay leaf and burn them, create a wish jar and fill it with items that correspond to your desire and leave it out to soak up the Moon’s energy.
  • Charge and cleanse your magical items and crystals - pretty self explanatory, but if you are unsure what I mean, gather up your favorite crystals, set them out under a Full Moon and retrieve them before sunrise. They will be extra powerful afterwards!
  • Make Moon Water - grab a glass jar with a lid and fill it with water (any kind works, filtered if you plan on drinking it). Place the jar outside under the Full Moon and bring it in before sunrise the next day. Now you have magical water imbued with the Moon’s energies. Use it for potions or spells or to make your favorite cup of coffee or tea when you need a magical boost. I put some in my coffee pot every morning and I have a little vial full of Moon Water on my altar that I use to finish off spell jars and things.

<Waxing Crescent, First Quarter and Waxing Gibbous Moons ✧ Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter and Waning Crescent Moons >

The Waxing Crescent Moon takes place shortly after the New Moon, usually 1-2 days after. During this time, a small sliver of the moon is once again visible in the night sky and over the next several days, the sliver will grow in size as it moves to the Full Moon phase of the cycle.

In witchcraft, the Waxing Crescent Moon is all about growth. As the light of the moon grows brighter so does it’s energies. Because of this, the Waxing Moon phase is ideal for manifestation magic. Any spell that is meant for attraction (whether it be for love, money, good fortune, success) works best during the waxing phase.

The First Quarter Moon comes about a week after the New Moon when half of the Moon’s face is illuminated. It is visible in the night sky after sunset and sinks back into darkness after midnight.

If the Waxing Moon is about growth, the First Quarter Moon is about keeping the pace. All the energies manifested during the waxing phase are going strong and steady during the First Quarter. It is a time for action and as with the Waxing Moon, any magic to attract is most beneficial here.

The Waxing Gibbous is the next phase in the lunar cycle right before the Full Moon. During this time, the Moon is almost completely illuminated and can be visible during most of the night.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon energies are full of anticipation. It is momentum. It is the last breath before the leap. All the energies from the waxing phase culminate during this phase in preparation for the Full Moon. If you are doing a prolonged spell, this is the time to maintain that energy and see it through to the end.

<Dark Moon/New Moon ✧ Full Moon>

The Dark Moon (or what most people refer to as the New Moon) is the end/beginning of each lunar cycle. This is the time when the moon rises and sets at the same time as the sun and we cannot see it in the night sky.

In witchcraft, the Dark Moon represents endings. It is the last phase of the Moon’s cycle before beginning anew. Because of this, the Dark Moon is good for banishing magic, as well as ending any extended spells or rituals you may have been working over the course of the last few weeks.

The Dark Moon is also a time to rest. Recharge your energy for the upcoming cycle. Practice self care during this time and spend the phase being introspective about your craft, what works for you and what no longer does. Magic to release negative energies also works well during this phase.

The New Moon occurs when the smallest sliver of light can be seen from the Moon. 1-2 days after the Dark Moon, the New Moon is visible in the sky.

In witchcraft, the New Moon represent beginnings. It is a time to set your intentions for the upcoming cycle. Because of this, the New Moon is good for magic that attracts or increases things.

The New Moon is also a time to open yourself up to new opportunities. Work a spell to rid yourself of negativity or do a tarot reading that help clarify goals. I personally like to do a three card, past/present/future tarot spread to see where I am, what lead me to this point and where I could be if I work hard to reach my goals.

This is also a great time to start any project you have been putting off. Set up an altar, start learning a new skill, look for a new job or just do something good for yourself.

Sharing a peek of a WIP page in my book of shadows focused on astrology in cosmic witchcraft

thewitchystuff: Witchy Moon*:・゚✧ A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witthewitchystuff: Witchy Moon*:・゚✧ A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing wit


Witchy Moon*:・゚✧

A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witchcraft!

The moon is so important in cycles and everyday life so pay attention to what she says!

Post link



To help harness the energy of the supermoon, or any full moon, to help your wishes come true, here’s a fun little project you can do by yourself or with your witchy friends. This also makes a nice activity for esbats that doesn’t require a lot of setup.


  • Small Jar with tight-fitting lid
  • White or Black candle
  • Incense of your choice
  • Herbs and Items representing your wish

Find a clear space to work. Make sure it’s free of fire hazards. If possible, try to work near a window through which you can see the moon. (If you don’t have one, that’s all right too, since you’ll be setting the jar out for the moonlight when finished.) Light your candle and choice of incense and get to work.

Select herbs and trinkets which fit inside the jar to represent your wish. For example, if your wish is for money or prosperity, you might include coins or metallic glitter or small craft gems. If your wish is for health, you might include vitamin pills or a charm representing medicine.

Check your books for herbs or crystals that correspond to your wish as well, to give the jar plenty of oomph. The contents of the jar can be whatever you want. Use the materials that resonate best with you.

Some basic herbs for wishmaking include:

  • Bamboo
  • Bay Leaf
  • Beech
  • Black Walnut
  • Blue Violet
  • Buckthorn
  • Chicory Root
  • Dandelion Seeds
  • Dogwood Petals
  • Lotus Root
  • Nutmeg
  • Peppermint
  • Pomegranate
  • Sage Leaf (any color)
  • Sandalwood
  • Spearmint
  • Straw
  • Sunflower
  • Tonka Bean
  • Walnut
  • Willow Bark or Leaves

Once your jar is complete, drip three drops of wax from the candle into the jar and circle the mouth of the jar three times with the incense. Then seal the jar and place the jar somewhere that it will be touched by the light of the full moon and leave it overnight.

The jar should work for about a month, or slightly longer if you’re working with a supermoon. When the next full moon rolls around, you can recharge the jar by leaving it out overnight again, or make a new jar with a new wish.

Happy Witching!

Bringing this back since we’re expecting another supermoon at the end of the month! Go forth and witch it up, my darlings!


✨ wolf moon eclipse magic ✨

an outline of january’s full wolf moon eclipse energy and its uses it in magic and spellcraft ✨

the wolf moon and penumbral eclipse occur in cancer and carry several different energies:

protection | many may feel protective of themselves, loved ones, or their property during this time

emotion | moodiness and generally heightened emotion are a seen for most folks during any full moon

homesickness | not wanting to leave home or missing home while you’re away, especially strong for those who have been away for longer periods of time or those who are a greater distance away from familiar comforts

cleansing | purifying the energy around those who have recently released or are currently in the process of releasing to make room for manifestation

rapid change | any lunar eclipse is expected to bring on a sudden or rapid change for most

how to use them:

protection spells, especially those for your home, belongings, friends, and family

wards for yourself, especially in the form of a charm that you can charge in the moonlight

meditation and reflection, preferabley warm and comfortable in your own home

or, alternatively, finding or creating a small totem that reminds you of home to ground you for meditation

cleansing yourself and your home, using whatever method you deem appropriate for you

spells that encourage smooth transition when sudden change inevitably crashes into your life

active spells to release strong emotions and get rid of overwhelming or strong negative energy


✨ lunar magic ✨

a little list of lunar phases and their associations ✨

new moon | renewal, new beginnings, destruction, death, release, curses, cleansing, setting intentions

waxing crescent | creativity, planning, new projects, communication, action, organization, motivation

first quarter | momentum, moving forward, commitment, concentration, determination

waxing gibbous | cultivation, learning, knowledge, study, attraction, love, power

full moon | harvest, fruition, manifesting, completion, peace, amplifying energy, charging

waning gibbous | celebration, accomplishment, gratitude, contentment, calm, closure

last quarter | release, letting go, banishing, protection, relief

waning crescent | rest, reflection, contemplation, meditation, healing, health


☀️✨ sunset in a jar spell ✨☀️

a simple jar spell to capture the reinvigorating energies of midsummer sunsets ✨

what you’ll need:

☀️ small jar | to contain your spell

☀️ sunstone | solar energy, joy

☀️ citrine | energy

☀️ rose quartz | peace, love

☀️ amethyst | calmness

☀️ carnelian | motivation

☀️ blue calcite | recuperation

☀️ selenite | lunar energy, clarity

☀️ white candle | to seal your jar spell


☀️ cleanse and consecrate your spell ingredients

☀️ hold each of the crystals in your hand one by one, focusing on their purpose and intent before placing them into your jar

☀️ close your jar, and set it outside at sunset to charge, preferably when the moon is also visible and admire the view for a bit

☀️ after the sun has set, bring your jar inside and seal it with wax from your white candle

if you wanna go the extra mile, you can also drip some blue, purple, pink, orange, and yellow wax on top for a sunset gradient

☀️ keep it in your home and recharge as needed to keep the spell active


✨ simple motivation spell ✨

a simple spell to bring forth motivation to overcome obstacles and reach your goals ✨

what you’ll need:

last quarter moon | overcoming obstacles, motivation

orange candle | energy, change

paper | to write down goals or corresponding sigils

firesafe dish | to dispose of burning paper


cleanse and consecrate your spell materials

on the night of a last quarter moon, preferably outside, light your orange candle

by your candlelight, write down your goals on a small slip of paper (you can also use sigils, if you prefer)

meditate on feelings of motivation and high energy, as well as the completion of your goals. read over your paper a few times if you’d like

pass your paper through the flame of your candle until lit, then place it in your firesafe container to burn it. scatter the ashes outside

the next morning you should feel energized and motivated ✨


I’m bugging out here. No matter what tags I look into, I can’t seem to find like any witchy posts about the upcoming flower/blood/super moon. Like, altar component recs, spells, other ways to observe/celebrate. Anybody got anything?

I’d suggest plugging “full moon spells” into your favorite search engine, since the tags here aren’t as reliable as they used to be. That should return some idea-generating material.

In general, the full moon is a time to get what you want and look ahead to see what’s coming. So if you have anything in that arena in mind, now’s a good time!

(I have this post for Full Moon Wish Jars, which is always a fun activity.)


Full Moon Wish Jars

(An anytime update to my Supermoon Wish Jarspost.)

Intent:To harness the power of the lunar cycle for the manifestation and fulfillment of wishes.


  • Small Jar with tight-fitting lid
  • Chime candle & fire source
  • Oil for sealing
  • Herbs and Items representing your wish

Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon

Find a clear space to work. Make sure it’s free of fire hazards. If possible, try to work near a window through which you can see the moon. (If you don’t have one, that’s all right too, since you’ll be setting the jar out for the moonlight when finished.) Light your candle, focus your intentions, and get to work.

Select herbs and trinkets which fit inside the jar to represent your wish. For example, if your wish is for money or prosperity, you might include coins or small craft gems. If your wish is for health, you might include vitamin pills or a charm representing medicine. Check your books for herbs or crystals that correspond to your wish as well. This is your wish - make the spell your own. The contents of the jar can be whatever you want. Use the materials that resonate best with you, but remember that your intent is the most important component of all.

Some common plants associated with wishmaking include:

  • Bamboo
  • Bay Leaf
  • Blue Violet
  • Dandelion Seeds
  • Dogwood Petals
  • Nutmeg
  • Peppermint
  • Sage Leaf (any color)
  • Sunflower Petals or Seeds

Once your jar is complete, drip three drops of wax from the candle into the jar and circle the mouth of the jar three times with the oil to seal the charm. Then cap the jar and seal it with wax. Leave your thumbprint in wax on top of the lid. Place the jar somewhere that it will be touched by the light of the full moon and leave it overnight. The jar should work for about a month, or slightly longer if you’re working with a supermoon. When the next full moon rolls around, you can recharge the jar by leaving it out overnight again, or make a new jar with a new wish.

Happy Witching!

Additional recipes under the cut:

Keep reading



January 31st, 2018 contains 3 special lunar events in one night. A Supermoon, a Blue Moon, and a Total Lunar Eclipse. (Please click the link to find out when your best time to view the eclipse is).

Scientific Definitions for Each Event:
Supermoon = moon is full while it’s closest to Earth in its orbit (making it bigger and brighter than usual)
Blue Moon = when a second full moon occurs within the same month as the one prior (each calendar month normally only has 1 full moon)
Lunar Eclipse = when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align perfectly (in that order) so that the sunlight reflected onto a full moon is eclipsed by the earth; thus, the full moon becomes dark for a short while

Below are the magical correspondences of each event.

Supermoon:source,Supermoon Activities

  • Amplifies the Full Moon’s energy, allowing for a heightened ability to cast a spell that will come to fruition. It’s a good time to pull out the spells that mean the most to you; the ones you really want to work
  • Powerful time for meditation, energy healing,recharging your energy field and chakras, increased psychic awareness, enhanced divination, cleansing, charging, andhealing

Blue Moon:source1,source2

  • Considered to be twice as powerful or at least more powerful than the full moon it precedes. It’s a good time to cast the spells you really want to work
  • Best for magic that encourages wisdom, healing, logic, andstudying

Total Lunar Eclipse:source

  • Embodies the energy of every phase of the moon
  • Excellent time for a multi-part spell
  • Time for change that may be uncomfortable, but will ultimately lead to maturity

Thank god I’ve seen all the hype but was clueless as to what all these correspond to

Lunar Phase Meanings and Associations

Southern Hemisphere Edition

New Moon — time used for starting anew, personal growth and setting new intentions

  • Magic: consecrating new tools, cleansing and banishment
  • When: the moon is directly between the sun and earth, so we see the dark side of the moon

Waning Moon — time used for gratitude and banishing negativity

  • Magic: cleansing and banishing rituals
  • When: the sun begins to move further from the moon so we see the first dark crescent until the moon is dark

Full Moon — time used for using power and energy and sealing intentions

  • Magic: cleansing and charging rituals, manifesting and divination
  • When: the sun is opposite the moon so we see the entire light side, two weeks after the new moon, for three days before and three days after

Waxing Moon — time used for gaining power and energy and acting on intentions

  • Magic: love and attraction magic, cleansing and protection rituals
  • When: the sun begins to move closer to the moon so we see the first crescent of light until the moon is almost full

Dark Moon — time used for regaining energy and reflection

  • Magic: no magic is performed, focus on personal matters and self care
  • When: three days before the new moon, the moon cannot be seen in any phase


Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches

Fun fact: The moon appears upside down from Australia! That means the waning/waxing phases appear opposite to how they would from the southern hemisphere, which is why the emojis seem incorrect (this is an edit because im stupid and didnt realise)

It’s generally accepted in witchcraft that we get our energy and power from the moon. As the moon goes through different phases, so do our abilities. This is why it’s important to pay attention to the moon phases, so we know which forms of magic are best to perform and what time for the highest success rate.

I never did this, and I dont know why, but i regret it. I lost motivation in witchcraft for a while because nothing i seemed to be doing was impacting my life. I had a recent spark that brought me back though, and i regret not paying more attention to this stuff, because i’m a very structured person as it is.

An important note is that this isnt a complete list of all the phases, it’s an overview. there are more detailed versions all over tumblr with crescents, gibbouses and quarters, but this is my current understanding at my current level, and one day i’ll expand it.

Also, other versions have setting new intentions during the waxing phase, whereas i have it in new moon. This is just personal preference because it’s what makes sense to me. If you have questions or corrections, let me know!

Cleansing is a very important step you need to take before charging any object or stone. Whether you want to charge a piece of jewelry or a stone its important to wipe clean any previous energies the item has acquired prior to you having it now. It is also good to cleanse and recharge stones and items from time to time to “delete” any negative influences. Cleansing is fairly easy and theres many ways to go about it so do what you feel comfortable with.
Options of cleansing:
- burn sage, lemongrass, sandalwood or cedarwood (incense sticks can be used)
* you may pass the item through the smoke (smudging) and visualize the negative energy disintegrating
- Burry it in the ground
* leave up to 24 hours, the longer the better!
- Place it in salt water
* preferably full moon blessed water but this is optional. Leave up to 24 hours, again the longer the better
- Place it in a bowl of salt
* you may leave it in the salt for several hours or even several days.
- Hold it under running water
* this is great if you’re short on time or don’t have many resources. This does the job of energizing the stone as well.

Consecrating is only really nessecery for ritual tools and very important objects used in your magic (wand, athame, chalice, ritual space, etc). For other objects cleansing is enough. Consecrating an object is making that item sacred through an incantation or ritual.

Charging an item should be done as soon as you are able to after cleansing if not right after. Charging an item can just be infusing it with positive energy or aligning it with a specific goal in mind. When you charge an item you are basically directing energy from another source into that item and there are several ways to do such.
Options of charging:
- Leave it outside in the sun and/or in the moonlight.
* remember sun energies are stronger while lunar energy is gentle. You can leave it out for various lengths of time and for both day and night.
- Run under running water or stream (10 to 15 minutes is fine)
- Handling item
* by having physical contact with the stone or item you are putting your energy into that stone. You may choose to sit and meditate with your item and infuse it with good energy. Do this until you feel you are satisfied. You may also direct energy from a tool such as your athame or wand.

REMEMBER: There are certain stones or gems that should not be exposed to certain things for long periods of time (i.e amethyst in sunlight or metal in salt water). If you are unsure look it up to see what you should avoid to avoid rust or fading of certain stones.

You may cleanse, concecrate and charge at your hearts desire! Hope this helps!

Blessed be )0(
- Adviceforwitches


things you need:

stick of incense

jar of water (or bowl)


piece of paper

black pen

This ritual should be done on a full moon, you do not have to cast a circle before this but if it makes you feel more comfortable then do so before you start. When you are ready to begin the ritual, light the incense and sit in front of your altar with the salt near by and the bowl or jar of water in front of you. Close your eyes to ground yourself and let go of the negativity from the day. When you are ready to start hold out your hand (your open palm facing down) over the water and imagine a white mist of fog coming out of your hand and infusing the water with energy. Do the same with the salt.

Take your piece of paper and your black pen and draw a pentacle on it in the center. Move the water so it is now on top of the pentacle, then pick up 3 pinches of salt and slowly sprinkle it into the water. Imagine the full moon shining down on you and your altar and giving you energy, feel it humming within you. While moving your hand above the water in a clockwise motion say this:

Oh beautiful Goddess, queen of the night
Please send down your silver light
and bless this open vessel filled to the brim
along with the liquid contained herein

Put your hands up in the air and say “As i will, so mote it be!

Your full moon blessed water is now finished and you may use it to purify altar tools, use it in your circle castings or any other magick work! Make a new one at the next full moon if you desire.

Hope this helped! Goddess Bless )0(

NOTE: This ritual can be done different ways so please do whatever feels comfortable for you.
