#courage spell

- Courage and Confidence Spell Bottle -Bottles** quickly became my go-to method of spellwork when I

- Courage and Confidence Spell Bottle -

Bottles** quickly became my go-to method of spellwork when I first started practicing. They seemed like a quick and simple way to go about spells without much effort. Pretty soon I realized that shortcuts don’t work as well in witchcraft as you might like.

Now that’s not to say that simple spells can’t be effective when done properly. And it certainly isn’t to say that spell bottles aren’t worth it, either. What I’ve discovered through some of my own good ol’ trial and error is that performing larger “full scale” spells, if you will, and then simply using the bottle as a vessel or charm turns out a specific kind of effectiveness, and is a nice touch for any spells needing:

  • charms or amulets (the bottles becoming its physical manifestation instead of a piece of jewelry or poppet)
  • frequent re-activation for cycles and/or repetition (by shaking or stirring the bottle)
  • or spells that require long periods of time (fermentation, anyone?) 

So here is a spell I wrote that creates a courage/confidence charm, utilizing a small bottle to carry around. What you need: 

  • Small bottle (usually found in dollar stores for 6/$1. This spell could easily be done with a regular sized bottle, but the point is to be able to carry the charm around with you) 
  • Green clover
  • 4 cloves
  • 8 long thin strips of paper (about 1cm x 6 cm) 
  • Red and black ink 
  • Purple candle 
  • Black candle  

Step one: prepare the 8 strips of paper. Write one of each of the following words on each piece of paper. COURAGE, DETERMINATION, POWER, CONFIDENCE (write these 4 in red ink). Then, write their opposite counterparts: FEAR, APPREHENSION, WEAKNESS, DOUBT (write these 4 in black ink). 

Step two: Fill the bottle with clover and clove. (Note: in this picture you’ll see my bottle also included a salt mixture, but that was for a specific purpose that is purely contextual and wouldn’t help you any)

Step three: Roll each of the red words into a tiny scroll and seal it in purple wax. Make sure you remember which ones are which, you’ll need it later. Then, fold each of the black words in half lengthwise, as if you’re trying to fold the words themselves in half. 

Step four: Light the black candle. This step takes some concentration - careful of the fire! Take a negative counterpart and burn it, saying this each time: 

“______, I cast you out.” (Fear, doubt, etc)

Step five: For each negative attribute, immediately take its positive counterpart and place it into the bottle. (for Fear, place Courage in, for Doubt, put in Confidence, etc) and say:

______, I draw you in.” 

Step six: Seal the jar with purple wax, while chanting:

“May you aid in me in all manners of success.
May you show me the ways to success”

(optional) Step seven: I placed a key on this charm and left it overnight on my altar, though it could have been in use at any time.

Fun fact: I have never needed to make a charm like this for myself before. I had no idea what possessed me to do it. But, the very next day, I had the most terrifying, heart-shattering experience of my life. Due to a horrible miscommunication, I was led to believe my sibling had died. Fortunately, he had not, and all is well now. But this bottle helped me get through it. Coincidence?

Happy casting.

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**Please note that the word “bottle” here refers simply to the actual, physical tool of a bottle in general, and not the specific, time-honored tradition of Witch Bottles. 

(This spell is my own property - if copying or sharing, please give credit and do not remove source)

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Journal Spell to Fight Your Fears

You’ll need:

  • A blank journal and a red pen

Do you ever wish you had more courage? Sometimes if we could only speak up, take that first step, or make a leap of faith, we’d feel better. A lack of courage isn’t something to be ashamed of, and it’s certainly something you can overcome with a bit of time and effort. This spell, which will take three weeks, should help you get focused and brave enough to make the decisions you need to.

Begin by making a list of what scares you on the first page - not the mundane things like spiders or heights, but the big, life changing issues, like Being aloneorMaking a new start. Once you have your list, turn the page. Each day, for the next 21 days, right the list again, but add the words I am not afraid of… in front of each item. Speak it out loud as you write.

After you’ve written your list on the last day, build a fire, burn the journal, and send away your fears for good.


“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington

“I will survive this” emoji spell

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