
“Myrn is a renowned Elder living in the Dousan’s Wellspring. She is known as "Silver Face“Myrn is a renowned Elder living in the Dousan’s Wellspring. She is known as "Silver Face

“Myrn is a renowned Elder living in the Dousan’s Wellspring. She is known as "Silver Face” by the Xerics she helped because of the tattoos covering her face. She has so many of them that it’s hard to tell her natural skin from the tattooed one, painted with one of the rarest pigments. How she obtained it is a mystery.

So’nan is also what we can call mysterious. Kind and gentle with his peers, he is quieter than a Dousan normally is and the scar on his ear reveals a troubled past. The clan knows that he is a retired Crystal Skimmer Pilot who is now Myrn’s assistant, but what they remember the most is the sound of the percussions he plays during their funerals, sounds that reminds them of the wind and the heartbeat of a Crystal Skimmer.“

I had these two drawn in a notebook for more than a year and I’ve never made an actual finished piece for them. So for Age of Resistance’s 2nd anniversary (on other social medias) and for @createforthra​​ day 2, I’m finally posting them! I was more of a Skeksis fan with the movie, but the show made me love the Gelflings with the diversity of their cultures and clans. So I made Myrn and So’nan from my favorite clan (with the Sifas) the Dousans!

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For AOR’s second anniversary and @createforthra , I’m posting the creature I made for the Center for Puppetry art! They organised a “Design your own creature” were you could submit your creation. Now my Sand Swimmer is displayed with other creatures in their current AOR exhibition!

“Sand Swimmers live in the Crystal Desert. They are rarely seen out of the sand, only their eyes and nose protruding from the surface when resting. They live in packs and when they are close together, their group of eyes forms an oasis of flowers in the middle of the desert. Dousans often call it “Eyeflower fields,” a source of wonder and danger.

Thanks to their four arms and spoon-like fingers, Sand Swimmers can easily roam in the desert depths like it was an ocean. They hunt at night, luring their victims living on the surface with their glowing eyes. But they need to be careful because their flower-like eyes are actually delicious, so they better eat their prey quickly before ending up blind!”


In honor of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance’s Second Anniversary, we are working in a Great Conjunction (*wink*) with @thra-athon to sponsor a celebratory event for this wonderful fandom.

Starting Monday, August 30, and ending Sunday, September, 5, 2021, Create for Thra is designed to be a celebration and fun experience for fans to submit artwork, fanfiction, and all manner of creation related to the world of Thra and the week’s themes! You can focus on one character/ships, or you can use the full cast of characters. We are so excited to see what you create!

Here are the themes for the week:

August 30 — Day One: Creature Feature -  Draw or write a story about your favorite Thra-creature, or post artwork of your own Thra-Creature Creation. 

August 31 — Day Two: Original Characters - Introduce us to your original character within the world of Thra. Words, images, sculptures, dolls, puppets… the world of Thra is, as they say, your… gobble? Hm…

September 1 — Day Three: Where in the World? / Home Is Where the Heart Is - Show us your favorite locale on Thra with art or words, or create something about your favorite character in the little piece of Thra they call home.

September 2 — Day Four: Scene Work - Draw/write an interpretation of your favorite scene, or create your own deleted scene from the show. What occurred offscreen that you would have liked to see? What would your favorite scene have looked like from a different character’s eyes?

September 3 — Day Five: What Was Sundered and Undone - The Division of the UrSkeks… the splitting of the Seven Clans… the cracking of the Crystal of Truth. Many things on Thra have been torn apart. Create a piece about this topic.

September 4 — Day Six: “There are many paths laid before us, some good, most bad.” - Create a story or drawing about the differing paths Aughra sees. Brea tells her mother to imagine the possibilities - what can you imagine?

September 5 — Day Seven: A Great Conjunction -  “Alright, together then!” From the reunification of the Skeksis and Mystics and the Gelfling fires of resistance, the alliance of the Arathim and the Gelfling, to our favorite Podling Paladin, unity is an important concept during the Age of Resistance. Make a creation about embracing unity instead of continuing division!

It isn’t required to participate for the entire week. If you’d just like to submit a piece of work for only one of the theme days, that’s completely fine! Please be sure that any work submitted is new content.


1) Tag your work properly so that any parties who are either a) too young for certain subject matter, or b) concerned about potentially unsavory subject matter, may make informed decisions about what works they do and do not want to engage with.

2) Character-hate and ship-hate is not allowed or welcome. Any fan of this fandom is welcome to participate. Don’t like it? Don’t read/view it, and don’t comment a bunch of hate on it. End. Of. Story. You will be blocked if you engage in that type of behavior.


We encourage you to leave the artist/author/creator a comment if you enjoyed the creation - it doesn’t have to be something long or detailed. Something as simple as “really enjoyed reading/viewing this” will make the creator’s day a bit brighter.

Be sure to hashtag #CreateforThra so we can see it and reblog your creations!

Remember - all characters are welcome! Skeksis, Mystics, Gelfling, Podlings, pluff’ms, and everything in between. 

Looking forward to seeing your creations beginning Monday, August 30.

I wanted to draw SkekSard and UrDahr together for quite a while so @createforthra was a great opport

I wanted to draw SkekSard and UrDahr together for quite a while so @createforthra was a great opportunity! It was meant to fit Day 7′s theme of unity but it can work for Day 5′s division too. Depends on how you see it! 

As both are face to face, I wanted to highlight how their overall head shapes are similar. There’s a page on The World of the Dark Crystal that shows how both counterparts were meant to have these similarities…It’s not very respected in the movie/show, but I kinda did it here because it was a cool idea. They are the same being, after all. They are SardDahr the UrSkek! 

Post link

Day Two: Original Characters

This is skekTi the Naturalist, examining a rare find some 200 trine prior to AoR. The first subtle effects of the Darkening are starting to show as unexplained die-offs and wildlife malformations - a breath of fresh air in skekTi’s fairly stagnant Castle rat life! Adventure, discovery and casual animal rights violations ensue.

Day One: Creature Feature

A weaselly little critter. A forest-dwelling relative of the muski, perhaps.

@createforthra day 1: creature featurr

Happy 2nd anniversary to age of resistance!

Tbh I have a lot of Thra animals that I like, but these are my top favorites. I loved fizzgigs since the first time I watched the movie so they will hold a special place in my heart.

Terberfrocs just looked so cute and I’m glad we got to look at one for a few seconds in the original film. Just look At THEM!!

And Lunarkins are just adorable to me, they’re little floating orbs and I would keep one if they didn’t die once captured.

I’m really excited for this week and to celebrate the beauty that is The Dark Crystal and Thra.
