#cuthbert binns


Thoughts that trouble Sirius Black when he can’t talk in class~

  • If you wash your hair and body clean, how does the towel you use afterwards become dirty?
  • How would a person date someone whose hair drips grease and voice is so monotonous that chances are you’d slip into a coma if you listen to it for two minutes straight?
  • Is Moony’s hair that light? I swear to god it looked a lot darker this morning…
  • Poor Binny Boy… Nobody’s listening to him. Exactly when did he die? WOW! What if he dated my great great grandmother!
  • James is such a weirdo. Man, you gotta get a grip on your heart.
  • Why does James look like he fought a raccoon on the way to class?!
  • This is such an easy question, you dumb bitches. I’m not gonna answer because that’s the spell I used on good ol’ Malfoy last week. Minnie would realise it was me.
  • I wonder if Dumbledore read my mind when I was daydreaming about Moony during breakfast. In my defence, Moony was licking his finger.
  • Moony-Minnie. Minnie-Moony. Moony-Minnie. Minnie-Moony. Moony-Minnie. Minnie-Moony. Sorry, Minnie, Moony my love wins!