
mellyart:today in linguistics class i


today in linguistics class i

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Adrian Chase x Reader

Summary: During a drunken night with the 11th Street Kids, you say some things you normally wouldn’t. But will you regret it when you’re sober? Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Warnings: Fluff

Word Count: 3024

A/N: A few months ago, my friend and I watched Peacemaker solely for this man right here and boy am I glad we did. I’ve been obsessed with this dorky murderer ever since <3

“You did not beat up Superman,” Harcourt says with a tired expression on her face.

“Yes I did! You just didn’t hear about it ‘cause he was too embarrassed,” Peacemaker says, defensively. He takes another drink from his fourth beer of the night. “The guy’s not even that tough.”

You watch the interaction and laugh before taking a drink yourself. You had just finished a long day’s work when the team received a message from Amanda Waller. She demanded that you send her a detailed report of the last mission and a summary of what intel you had gathered on the butterflies by the morning. It was too much work for one person to do so the whole team stayed to work (although Chris had to be convinced to stay).

You had gone about one hour of doing the work before both Adrian and Chris started complaining that they were bored. When the rest of you refused to acknowledge them, Chris came up with the brilliant suggestion to ditch the work and get drunk instead. Adrian obviously backed this idea. You, Harcourt, John, and Adebayo all complained that you were too tired to go to a bar, which is when Chris brought out a secret cooler he had stashed in a supply closet.

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May 20, 2022

Some pages from my ✨reading journal✨ after I assaulted them with stickers

ame-musi: ADV観てるとやっぱり可愛いなぁって



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anonymouslyunknownartist:I like my men thiccc anonymouslyunknownartist:I like my men thiccc anonymouslyunknownartist:I like my men thiccc anonymouslyunknownartist:I like my men thiccc anonymouslyunknownartist:I like my men thiccc 


I like my men thiccc 

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Got reminded of how deeply i adore these guys

seaquestions: megatron has fallen!


megatron has fallen!

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devildaisies: adding lv10 yasha to the batch (sorry she’s so late!) veth and then some npcs next(not


adding lv10 yasha to the batch (sorry she’s so late!) veth and then some npcs next

(nott) (jester)(caleb)(beau)(fjord)(caduceus) (old set of pixels)


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a drawing i did of everyone’s favorite sexy dad ✨




#belly rubs    #cuuute    


(other sims are not for download.)
requested by: @artsymcrafty​ <3

HAIR - i think basegame, i cant remember.
JEANS - basegame im pretty sure?

i hope you enjoy him! 


Cupid still misses me….But his aim is getting better


I thought this would make a good valentine’s card.. but i really didn’t know what it should say..

so I left it blank for all your v-day needs ♡♡♡

amarcia: Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year > Art blog | Originalsamarcia: Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year > Art blog | Originalsamarcia: Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year > Art blog | Originalsamarcia: Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year > Art blog | Originalsamarcia: Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year > Art blog | Originalsamarcia: Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year > Art blog | Originalsamarcia: Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year > Art blog | Originals


Local Rusałka said sapphic rights. Have a good summer this year

>Art blog|Originals tag|Comic tag|Ko-fi 

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THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN ALL OF MUSKETEERS IS HOW TINY TOHRU IS!!!!! Especially compared to her boys. Teeny Tiny Tohru
