#cw eye contact



Ah!!! Train man jumpscare!!! B> B<

Now you too can feel harassed by video call Emmet or Ingo.

I guess these can also be icons. Just give credit if you do use it anywhere!!


hattie the happy clown loves you!

jigglyjamboree: case no. 2:84cr00083 | Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria EVIDENCE: Child Identification Tape


case no. 2:84cr00083 | Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria

EVIDENCE: Child Identification Tape

Description of video, instructional document, and fix to tape quality below cut

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New art! Better art quality at iamlactating.com

im obsessed

Ok here’s more

Get more pubes at iamlactating.com

Finally added these in my print store!

I’m trying really hard to not open my emergency commissions rn, so please buy my prints instead:


OrIamlactating.com (I’m temporarily redirecting all traffic to my inprnt)

Use code “HCBGH6” to get 15% off of all purchases

Please boost

Photo by @/kristin_marie on twitter

Look at this!!!

Ffs ‍♀️ I thought three was a hair on my phone I was trying to blow it off




the marx thing has to be intentional

I think it has to! Regardless of WHAT Marx is now after making his wish (…he’s half Chinchilla, that’s what!) I feel very strongly about his inclusion here because he did not have The Gloop in the SNES game. It was a new addition for the DS remake of Milky Way Wishes, which was directed by Kumazaki Shinya, aka, the father of modern Kirby. 

He’s been setting this up for a very long time.

Meanwhile, I’m still trying to figure out if Elfy’s purple/blue eye color plays into things at all. I mean, the Nova appear to be alive, or at least, have a mechanical semblance of life. And since they’re based on Fecto Forgo, well, it makes me wonder…


…Do the Nova just use Fecto’s form as a base for the heart, but are otherwise entirely manmade/Ancient-made? Or is there an actual Fecto simulacrum, aka, a living clone inside the heart of each Nova? After all, Star Dream has a heart beat. And if Fecto Forgo is so deeply tied to the power of dreams, what does it mean that you need multiple Fountain of Dreams to summon a Nova…?

(Hrrrgh, now I would really love to find more Marx = Rogue Noddy evidence, or anything tying the Noddies to the Dream Fountains, because it would be even more delicious thanks to Forgo’s ties with dreams. Like, can the Hearts of Nova speak to people through their dreams? Is THAT how Marx found out about them?)

little doodle from this afternoon.. i am now a walten files understander (kind of)


stimboard for (don’t) open your eyes !!! super interesting game, I recommend playing it if u like asmr n horror stuff !!!


edit; avoid playing this if you get paranoid or delusional easily, stay safe !!!

i just had a horrible realization

so, i like imagining spamton’s natural hair looking something like this


it’s such a strangely specific style, and i couldn’t find what it was from google images, like trying to retrace the steps of my brain and look for hairstyles of certain eras

then, like 10 minutes ago, it finally hit me:





holy shit. tumblr staff deciding to roll out and approve fucking dave chappelle ads during a time when most of their userbase suspects theres some reaally weird terf complacent shit going on behind the scenes …. that is uh. Certainly A Choice

i feel like we’re at a point where tumblr staff allowing transphobic shitbags to run rampant on their platform can no longer be excused by just saying “oh it’s just mismanagement” or “oh it’s just the algorithm”. maybe you could’ve justified trans people’s ‘based on your likes’ being regularly filled with nothing but anti-trans rhetoric by ‘the algorithm messing up’ and it’s a BIG stretch but maybe you could justify staff allowing users anti-trans hate speech posts to be paid to be shown to as many people as possible as just ‘it slipping through the cracks’. but now we’re at a point where tumblr is approving ads for VERY notable transphobic comedians to take up someone’s ENTIRE fucking phone screen. like. this is the most blatant confirmation there is to me that there’s some weird terf shit happening with tumblr staff. how on earth could you ignore this. it’s almost funny how blatant this is at this point.




Coñe como mola


Me: cool video and form of art!!

Me realizing it’s about a beautiful lesbian couple and their gay son:

My heart:

Just wanted to show my B/W work.

(Some are originally in color, but i keep a B/W version to check up the values while i work on the color)
