#cw gross


They don’t tell you this much, but life will be gross sometimes and that’s okay.

It’s okay when you discover that you aren’t immune to it all, because no one else is either.

At some point you will likely have to deal with some kind of infestation like mice or bedbugs or termites or roaches or rats or ants or ladybugs or wasps. At some point you will have smelly, gross medical problems or you will have to help someone else who does. At some point there will probably be mold in your fridge and you will have to clean it up. You may encounter carpet that smells and can’t quite be cleaned the whole way. Or damp walls that grow weird fungus or black mold, and you might have to move apartments or rebuild part of your house to fix it. If you have pets or children, or if you find old people or disabled people close to you at some point in your life, or even just become old or disabled yourself, you will have to deal with cleaning up poop and urine from clothes and beds and floors and anything else. There will be vomit in your life, and clogged drains, and pet hair, and infections. You may have to learn how to get blood stains out of a sofa or a sweater or a floor. You may have to deal with dead animals. You may have to buy some rubber gloves.

These things can be disheartening. But the important thing is to remember that this is basic evidence of being alive. Alive people clean up. Alive people try again. Alive people see a mess and make it better. Alive people make order out of chaos. Alive people engage in ultimately doomed but still necessary battle against entropy. You’re alive. That’s enough. You’ve got this and you’ll be okay. I believe in you.

I’m trying so hard not to be horny on my period but 1) hormones and 2) primal kink is at a max during this time.

I have absolutely no idea why but god just the idea of being exhausted after wrestling and losing with my partner, they then just pin me down and spread my legs open eating my cunt out as their face is covered in blood and cum….

It’s gross but sexy to me






Me anytime I get surgery: I’m scared I’m going to say something embarrassing or reveal a secret when I’m on anesthesia…

Me every single time I’m on anesthesia: AAA I’M GETTING ABDUCTED BY ALIENS *falls asleep*

(This is queued to be posted while I’m in surgery)

I was expecting to be all silly this time but I wasn’t, still druggy but not silly, so I came out of anesthesia and once everyone left I was like mom my vagina hurts and got scared I’d somehow started my period even though I don’t menstruate.

Using this as my top recovery thread. Everything went well but a lot of anesthesia ended up in my right hand so it’s very dumb and also the thing that made my urethra hurt (not my vagina, apparently) is making me not be able to pee so just chugging water. Food at hospital is really good tho

Turns out anesthesia can interfere with your ability to urinate. Even sort of describing that would be very graphic so not going to.

Had a temp nurse who didn’t really know what I was there for and asked if I could use the urinal *fist pumps in victory*

Came home yesterday, able to type on short bursts when painkillers are in effect but not a ton of activity

This was going to be a funny thread and I’d do a serious one later but I forgot the antibiotics I took with my t last year fucked up my stomach so one pill yesterday reset a lot of the progress

Eating is kind of an ordeal but others find it funny. I have a small mouth, big teeth, and a jaw that doesn’t work right so my caretakers try to mash food into my mouth while I’m just kind of lying there like a wet noodle and they all find it hilarious.

Also had this conversation-

My mom: you’re bleeding

Me: no that was a strawberry

Her: no, you’re having a nosebleed.

Me: I literally can’t bleed from there. That was a strawberry


Her: *watching the same thing happen* oh

Me: see????
