#danny fenton


Danny walking into Clockworks tower: what are the odds of me getting Dan back into the thermos if I let him out?

Clockwork, confused, concerned, but also intrigued: you’re… not planning on letting him out, are you?

Danny: Vlad keeps asking me if I’m tired of being nice and if I want to go apeshit and this is the 9th time this week and it’s TUESDAY, I just want to show him what fucking happens when I’m fucking tired of being nice.

Clockwork:… you have a 30% chance.

Danny, grabbing the thermos: good enough.

I am REALLY loving this fic To Join the Whispersby@ayamari-no-goshi!!

We have HALFA JASON and I can get REALLY picky with making other characters Halfa’s but this one was a chefs kiss. I took a lot of … creative liberties with Jason’s design haha. I followed a lot of the inverted colours directly, added some ghostly elements like pointy ears and claws, and was like: hey what if his mask made a dark marking on his face? And also just green and black eyes for extra freaky factor? And BLACK GLOW AND ECTOPLASM. Why black?? Maybe as a link to the Lazarus pit, a link to corrupted ectoplasm he may never be able to shake. And maybe his mask morph fangs when he’s REALLY pissed. Cause one of my favourite headcanon is ghosts can change their appearances based on emotion.


Toshinori had basically sprinted to the scene the moment he heard about it.

Aizawa called him, he was out of breath over the call, an distinct sounds of destruction could be heard in the background. “Get down here, now.”

It was simple sentence that put more fear in Toshinori than the day he face All for One. There was a panic to his voice, barely there but noticeable in the shaking, a clear short statement. There was no need to be told to hurry.

But Toshinori didn’t expect the scene he ran into.

Pro heroes were roughed up and out of breath, but there were no serious in injuries, nobody dead. There were holes in all the buildings and streets, but no signs of distressed or injured civilians. The worst damage was a massive linear crater had torn up the Main Street and led to a collapsed building. And right in the middle of it all…

Was a child.

A young teen to be more precise.

In an odd jumpsuit, hair brighter than snow and eyes more toxic green than any radioactive plant could produce, and a frustrated look that could rival Aizawa’s. He looked the worst for wear compared to the rest of the heroes surrounding him, his arms crossed but not hiding the cuts, bruises, and odd green covering his body.

“You made it.”

Toshinori turned to see Aizawa standing next to him, looking just as roughed up, but not as bad as the kid. “What-!?”

“Happened? Couple of new pros jumped the gun when this kid starting using his quirk in public. When the kid took them down easily, they called in backup claiming he was part of the league of villains. We believed them at first until… well until he saved a stray civilian in the middle of the fight.”

“Did you call me before or after?”

“Before, thought he was going to kill us all from the amount of power he displayed. Took out that building over there by screaming.”

“Why is no one getting close?”

“The power is something we can’t take lightly, but he also won’t let us get close. He’s not running, which is surprising, but he doesn’t trust us enough to let us get close enough to ask him anything. Not that it would help. You know a lot of languages, don’t you?”

Toshinori blinked at the question, “I know a few from my travels, why?”

“None of us can understand him,” Aizawa stated. “It’s not Japanese. And it’s not English cause Mic said he can’t understand it.”

“You want me to try and talk to him?” Toshinori slowly asked.

“Yes. Don’t… run at him. But try to figure out who he is, why he’s here, and how he has so many quirks.”

Toshinori nodded, his gut twisting at the new information regarding the kids quirks. He slowly stepped away from the pros and headed towards the kid, whose eyes snapped to him immediately. Toshinori could immediately see the kid tense up.

Hey, it’s okay!” Toshinori tried Spanish. The kid didn’t relax. “I’m not here to hurt you!” He tried German. Still no new reaction. Toshinori took a few steps forward. “My name is All Might.” He tried French. Nothing. “Can you tell me your name?” Korean. Nothing.

The kid opened his mouth.

⬥︎♒︎♏︎❒︎♏︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♐︎◆︎♍︎ ♋︎❍︎ ♓︎✍︎

Toshinori stared.

That was NOT a language that existed.


In other words… Danny gets stuck in Japan but somehow got limited to GHOST SPEAK. Kid can’t speak English or Japanese or anything, and nobody understands a dead language.

(I used windings because imagine pronouncing that.)

Alien/Ghost Support Groups

Steven had been traveling a lot, he wanted to see the world, find a new place in it for him. After saving it for so long and dealing with the repercussions of that, he found himself enjoying the peaceful towns or busy cities, and generally the people that all lived there. He had made so many new friends, friends he would hope to see again and friends he still stayed in contact with over the phone.

The best part of it all was just seeing how vastly different everything around him was. How much people could range from town to town, the little quirks in each town that only those passing through could notice, the ones that made each place special in its own way.

The next town on his map was a little town called ‘Amity Park’, which was apparently the most haunted place on the planet. All the articles he could find on the town emphasized this, he had to admit a ghost gimmick would make any town quite popular during the fall season. He doubted there were any real ghosts though, despite the town claiming to be haunted, there weren’t a lot of stories to back it up. Not a lot of tragic history or stories, it’s past was pretty normal. They just picked up the gimmick nearly two years ago and haven’t dropped it.

As Steven drove into the town, he noticed how quaint it was. It wasn’t too small of a town, housing a mall, hospital, and fairly large neighborhood. But it wasn’t a city either. He decided to take a look around town to se did he could find a hotel or something to stay in for the night, then jolted as he turned the corner. Across the street was a MASSIVE neon sign that hung off what looked to be a modified house, the sign labeled ‘FENTONWORKS’ then shaped an arrow towards the building in question. Steven didn’t even want to know all the building laws broken regarding whatever was built on the roof of the building.

Glancing out the window, he noticed a teen around his age walking past, and quickly took the opportunity to roll down his window and call out, “excuse me! What’s with the building with the neon sign?”

The teen froze, slowly looking over with the most exhausted expression Steven had ever seen, even he didn’t have bags that dark under his eyes during the worst of his endeavours. “That’s the Fenton’s, so called ‘ghost experts’,” the kid hummed sarcastically. “You’re from out of town?”

Steven nodded and offered a bright smile, “yep! Came to see what the most haunted town in North America has to offer!”

“Let me give you some advice,” the kid slowly leaned towards Stevens car. “Run.”

Steven blinked, “p-pardon?”

The kid grinned, and Steven couldn’t help but notice his sharper canines, “Best to run while you still can, Ghost’s don’t like new things.”

The kid then turned and walked away… then walked into the FentonWorks house.

… what.



Steven took a moment to collect himself before he did a legal u-turn, carefully parked along the street, and walked up to the house himself. He could play this game. He had a very strong urge to befriend the scary boy, so by the gems he was going to do so!

He knocked on the door and bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited for someone to answer. He did manage to hear yelling coming from inside before the loudest sigh was heard and dragging feet. Then the door swung open to reveal the boy, who looked up Steven up and down, “didn’t I tell you that this town sucks?”

Steven smiled and offered his hand, “my name is Steven! I’d love to learn more about this town and it’s ghosts and seeing that you live with the ghost experts, I’m sure you can tell me a few things!”

The kid eyed his hand, the icy gaze slowly rising up to Steven’s face. Something about it sent chills down the half gems spine.

Then the kid took his hand and shook it, which was freezing cold. “Danny. Might as well invite you inside,” he shrugged and turned around, sauntering into the house. “So why are you interested in Ghosts? Want to hunt them down and tear them apart, molecule by molecule?”

Steven jolted as he walked in, “what?! Why would anyone want to do that?!”

Danny turned around again, walking backwards with his eyes wide, “wow, you really are fresh into town, aren’t you? You probably haven’t even seen a ghost yet, have you?”

“Are they really such a common sight here? Like events and such?”

Events. Sure,” Danny rolled his eyes as he flopped on a couch, gesturing to a seat near him. “Gonna give you a heads up before you wander in the middle of crossfire. The ghosts here are very real, and when you see one, walk in the other direction. Do not go towards it with your mouth wide open, that’s how you get buildings dropped on you.”

“… seriously?” Steven asked.

“As serious as one who lives in a town constantly under attack by dead people who love to make sure nobody gets more than 3 hours of sleep.”

“That sounds… not very great.”

“Ha! We survive,” Danny hummed, “so where shall we start, the place where ghosts come from, the ghosts themselves, or that Phantom weirdo?”

Stevens mind was reeling, “the- wha- Phantom weirdo?”

“Oh don’t get me started, dude shows up one day and suddenly ghosts are everywhere. He’s so annoying too always breaking his back saving stupid tourists. Never gets thanked, cares way too much for a town that barely gives him the time of day, and then gets blamed for the problems he fixes! What a menace.”

Everything Danny said contradicted itself.

“I am… extremely confused.”

“Welcome to Amity Park!” Danny laughed.

He looked ready to say something else what a small gasp escaped him and he muttered something that sounded like ‘of course they have the worse timing.’

Right before Steven could ask, something flew from the floor, something glowing and magic and supernaturally coloured.


Steven acted before he could think, jumping to his feet and throwing up a bubble around him and Danny and pushing the glowing blue man across the room. Danny sputtered behind, “wha- WHAT THE FUCK-?”

The glowing man wasn’t injured, but he glared at Stevens bubble, “HOW DARE YOU USE A CIRCULAR OBJECT TO DEFY ME, THE BOX GHOST! MASTER OF ALL THINGS CUBULAR! I WILL SHOW YOU MY BOXED WRATH!” The glowing man lifted his arms and every box shaped thing in the room flew at Stevens bubble! But harmlessly bounced off it. “IMPOSSIBLE!”

“Hey, maybe we can talk about this?” Steven asked.


“Boxy,” Danny spoke behind Steven, causing him to glance over his shoulder in surprise, “go back the ghost zone.” He was rubbing his eyes, looking like he had gone years without sleep.

“But… my boxtacular takeover-,” the ghost stuttered, which Danny looked up with a glare, eyes flashing a toxic green that cause Steven to jump and drop his bubble in surprise.

“Ghost Zone. Now.”

The self proclaimed Box Ghost disappeared back into the floorboards in a blink of an eye. Steven was blinking at Danny, and Danny was staring back at Steven.

“Are you a Gem?”

“Are you a Ghost?”

“I’m sorry, What?”


The two sat on the roof of Danny’s house.

“You’re telling me… you’re half alien?”

“How is that crazier than being half dead?”

“You’re half alien! From like- from space! Half your family is from space! In the stars and on other planets and shit! That’s amazing!” Danny seemed to have stars in his eyes, his personality completely changing at the mention of Stevens alien heritage.

“Well, it’s not as amazing when you find out that they were conquerors that destroy life on various other planets before you managed, at the age of 14, to convince them that maybe killing is bad. Then is left with trauma from constantly being in life threatening danger when only 14, that when everything is finally safe and peaceful you have survival reactions to small things like not being able to help your friends repot a plant over the weekend.”

“… dude… you should talk to my sister, she could totally help you through that.”

Steven laughed a little, “oh, I already have a therapist! They’ve really been helping me work through these things.”

“Must be nice talking to someone about daily life or death battles that isn’t trying to psychoanalyze you or talk about dissecting your alter ego.”

Steven stared at Danny for a moment, “you… don’t have a therapist?”

Danny laughed, “of course not! I can’t even tell my parents I’m part ghost in fear that they will vivisect me! I can’t walk into a therapists office and be like: I died when I was 14 but not all the way and my guilt over opening the portal and letting the ghosts in town has me put my own health on hold in favour of protecting a town from my stupid mistakes!” Danny said it all too casually, but Steven could see the glisten of watery eyes, the hunched shoulders, avoiding eye contact as the other teen stared off over the city. “I thought about it before though,” He said quietly, “but after Spectra… they all will just think I’m some freak. Run away, get mad, or just pretend to care. I just got to keep moving forward. I’ll should be fine.”

Steven was already typing the numbers into his phone.

Danny heard the tapping and looked over, “what… what are you doing?”

“I’m booking you an appointment with my therapist.”

WHAT NO YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” Danny lunged for Stevens phone but he managed to hold it out of reach.

“They deal with super-powered teens saving the world at young ages and dealing with trauma later in life! It’s all confidential, nothing gets out! And it helps! It’s a support system! Ben can vouch for me!”

“Who the heck is Ben?!”

“A kid who got alien powers at the age of 10!”


White hair =/= Related

Witcher x Danny Phantom crossover

“Jaskier…” Gerald’s voice was filled with… a lack of emotion. But there was definitely a hint of concerned disappointment.

The Bard was starting at him in confusion, quite indifferent to the creature curled over his shoulders and staring at Geralt with unnaturally green eyes that seemed to glow even in midday light. It resembled a human child, if a human child could glow, had hair that was whiter than freshly fallen snow, floated, and had some sort of spectral tail instead of legs. Said tail was lazily wrapping around Jaskier’s left arm, the other half barely peeking over his right shoulder, little white clawed fingers gently curled over the shoulder.

The only reason he hadn’t drawn his sword was fear that the creature could slice off the Bard’s head before he could even touch his weapon. Jaskier didn’t seem to realize the danger he was in. That was some sort of specter, he wasn’t sure if it could be a wraith or a banshee, though banshees were thought to be only female spirits, either ghost was extremely dangerous.

“Come on, he has to be related to you! Look at his hair! And freaky eyes!” Those ‘freaky eyes’ were still staring at Geralt, wide and filled with some sort of emotion… not anger… curiosity? “You and Ciri have white hair! And weird eyes… oh wait this may actually be Ciri’s kid…” Jaskier trailed off, probably remembering the woman’s green eyes. “But no… this kid is too old and she’s what? 20? 25?”

“Jaskier!” Geralt snapped, causing the Ghost to flinch down behind Jaskiers shoulder, instead opting to stare at him from under Jaskier’s stretched out arm.

“Look, this is a kid with…” he glanced at the ghost, “weird… everything! I thought maybe you would at least know what to do!”

“We send it back to the grave is what we do.”

The ghost’s eyes went even wider and it pulled back fully to hide almost entirely behind Jaskier, the only indication that it was still there being it’s tail still being wrapped around Jaskier’s arm, which the Bard continued to throw around. “Oh for fucks sake-!” The bard swore, twisting to look at the Spector behind him, “you made him cry! Damnit Geralt, I know you aren’t a gentle bloke but he’s only 14! You know what!! Fuck you! I don’t need your help!!” Jaskier threw up his arms, spinning away from Geralt and exposing the ghost for a split second, before the ghost realized this and quickly scrambled to hide from Geralt’s view behind Jaskier again.

That split second was enough for Geralt to take in more information. He wore some sort of leather armour, dyed pitch black, his clawed fingers also appeared to be covered with white dyed leather gloves, and he had a white dyed leather belt around his waist with various pouches hanging off of it. Then there was the fact that the Spector wasn’t transparent. In fact, it was completely solid.That thing wasn’t a ghost. Not completely.

“Come on, kid. We don’t need the big scary Witcher!”

That’s a Witcher?

If Geralt hadn’t faced monsters and death on a daily basis, he would have jumped at the small voice that echoed from the creature, the noise not natural in any aspect and lingered on the ears. “Jaskier, that thing will killyou!”

Jaskier angrily spun around again, causing the creature scramble to hide again as the Bard pointed an angry finger at him, “this ‘thing’ has saved me way more than you ever have! And! And he was way more gentle about it! Do you know how much it hurts when you get saved and your saviour tells you it’s because you were acting stupid? Of course not because all you do is stare and grunt and give those looks- that look! That look right there!” Geralt was tempted to roll his eyes. “Danny, here, he saved me and then he asked if I was okay after! You never ask me if I’m okay! Just grab me and toss me then disappear like you always do!” This caused Geralt to pause.

“He… saved you?” He carefully asked.

Jaskier paused mid rant, “uh, yeah! Something about a burning building, the details aren’t important but basically he flew in, picked me up, flew me through a wall and saved me from burning alive. Everyone else in town chased him out after he saved their asses and I went looking for him. Introduced myself, shared a little tune I made for him while I was looking for him, and he hasn’t left my side since.”

“Ghosts don’t do that.”

“This one does! And Danny is the best companion I ever had! This kid can knock a bear out with a punch! So I would rather you not kill my brand new favourite person.”

“You can’t kill a ghost, they are already dead,” Geralt deadpanned.

“Danny isn’t a ghost,” Jaskier sneered.

Geralt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “then what is he, expert of monsters and beasts?”

“That’s why we came to find you! Danny doesn’t know, and I don’t know, so we thought you would know! But if I knew you were going to bloody threaten him, I would have asked someone else!”

Geralt paused again, “… he doesn’t know what he is?”

“No!” Jaskier exclaimed, then glancing behind him to the ghost- whatever it was, still clinging to his back. The Bard seemed to listen to the whispered voice of the not ghost, then looked up at Geralt. “He says to throw all your weapons in the bush. And your belts of creature hurting objects.” The not ghost was peeking over Jaskier’s shoulder again, still hiding. If this thing could knock out a bear, why was he so scared of Geralt? It sounded like he had the potential to kill a Witcher.

Geralt didn’t ask why. He just grunted. This thing had been docile so far, and if anything got messy… he still had a bit of magic up his sleeve.

He did as the not ghost asked and dumped all his weapons and tools out of reach, holding up his hands to show he was unarmed.

The kid slowly uncurled from Jaskier, slipping off his shoulder and still hiding behind the bard. He peeked out from behind Jaskier’s waist, before slowly stepping fully out from behind him.

His tail was gone, replaced with legs.

Then there was a flash of light, causing Geralt to blink rapidly and look away. When he looked back, the not ghost was gone. And so was the strong aura of death, only hints still lingering around the child that stood where the not ghost had been.

Raven hair, eyes an ethereal pale blue, and inverted armour to that of what the not ghost had been wearing.

Despite it all Geralt could smell the one thing that confused him more than anything he had encountered yet.

The child was human.

Joined a warrior cat au map where you take any fandom and basically make a warrior cat au. I chose Danny Phantom (naturally) and created a short part that shows how he got his ‘ghost powers’ in this au. Basically clockwork is a god that zaps Danny with lightning and it like: hey so here’s some immortality and prophecies okay bye! And then Danny just can’t die. I made these Mosiac like images to depict these so called prophecies! (Can you guess which ones are based on what from Danny Phantom?)

The video itself can be watched here on my YouTube channel!

Zeus slammed down the doors to Olympus, storming into the room with enough rage to cause the room to flash with lightning.


The gods that had gathered blinked in confusion, looking around the room to see who Zeus was yelling at. It was quickly deducted that the lightning god was glaring at the god of the underground, who jumped at the realization.

“Are… you mad at me?” Hades asked.

YES I’M MAD AT YOU! We had an AGREEMENT! No more demi god kids!” Zeus fumed.

“Aren’t we past this? Only you and Poseidon broke that agreement. And Nico happened before that agreement so he didn’t count. You two are the fuck ups.” The dark god huffed in annoyance.

“Oh? You’re innocent, huh?” Zeus sneered before he stormed over to his brother and slammed down his fist in front of him. “Then explain THIS!”

Zeus opened his fist to reveal a small, pale, teenaged boy with raven black hair and pale blue eyes. He glanced around the room in confusion, then up at the arguing gods, “what the fuck-?”

DUDE THAT’S NOT MINE,” Hades exclaimed.

“Do the thing,” Zeus commanded the kid.

The kid just shrugged and then suddenly, white rings wrapped around his waist and split, running up and down his body and changing his appearance, no, his form. All the gods in the room recognized the feeling of death the moment the boy changed.


Hades in turned scrambled onto his chair the moment the kid changed, as if spotting a mouse scurry along the floor, “WHAT THE FUCK-?!?”


Danny bleeds Green.

The Lazarus Pit is green.

So…AU where Danny is essentially a walking Lazarus Pit in the DC universe.

He would like out of this nightmare dimension now.

Danny is getting sick of playing “keep away” from what seems like every single person in the galaxy. Whats more is Danny didn’t trust the Justice League when they said they were the good guys cause Lex Luther said the same thing and it Did Not End Well TM

Danny was exhausted.

For various reasons.

He was exhausted in all aspects as well, mentally, physically, and even spiritually.

He was exhausted from nearly a week of over active ghost activity he had to keep tossing into the ghost zone, he was exhausted from dealing with another eccentric billionaire that showed up in his town. He was exhausted from talking to said billionaire. He was exhausted from the trip to his building in metropolis, checking out these so called ‘life changing assistance’. He was exhausted from mentally beating himself up for not taking the very obvious trap seriously, not believing that this random man would have anything that was able to affect him. He was exhausted from trying to fight his way out only to succumb to those stupid ass flowers.

Honestly. The thing that was probably most responsible for his exhausted state was the fact that he was had been constantly drained of 2/3rd’s of his fucking blood.

Not enough to kill him. But enough that it give him a lot of energy to do much but let his body try to replenish what was constantly being drained away.

Lex. Fucking. Luthor.

Every goddamn billionaire he has the misfortune of meeting always had to be a disaster waiting to happen, didn’t it? And he only knows two billionaires!

He knew he had been missing for days. He didn’t know how many days when he spent most of those days just trying to survive, keeping himself in his ghost form and not out himself to yet another rich asshole. No one would know where to look either.

His friends and sister would check the lab, then see what they could find regarding the GIW, and then Vlad’s many mansions. They would never check THIS man’s mansions though. He didn’t have any help coming his way, he only had himself to depend on, and he couldn’t even lift a finger.

Thank the Ancients he had some form of luck.

Danny had no idea how long it had been, hard to keep track in a dark room with no clocks while he drifted in and out of consciousness. But he knew it had to be quite some time before the power all around him was cut, and the machine draining him stopped, the ghost proof cuffs shorting out. He didn’t hesitate phasing through the cursed restraints, even if all it did was allow him to drop face first onto the floor and savour the coldness on his cheek.

He couldn’t stay there.

Someone would come.

So he became invisible, the easiest ability he had, slowly dragging himself to his feet and shuffling to the elevator on the far side of the room.

The doors opened before he even touched the doors, pried open by a teen in a super man t-shirt, causing him to silently stumble away in alarm.

More teens poured into the room, and he vaguely recalled that he recognized some of their outfits, but his ectoplasmic deprived mind couldn’t make the connection for the unlife of him. So he scooted around them and headed for the elevator shaft they left open as the brightly dressed teen spoke.

“This is the room that is supposed to be the source of Lextor’s Lazarus Pit, but… I expected a pool like the League of Assassins… not…”

“Not an empty room with a surgical table, empty restraints, and what looks like blood packets full of the green gunk?” The super man shirt teen asked.

The brightly dressed teen nodded, seeming to be deep in thought, “This pit water is … different as well. Of course their source would be different…”

Danny wasn’t sticking around to listen, slowly floating up the elevator shaft and out of earshot of the teens. He wasn’t interested in what they were talking about. He was interested in not sticking around, and going home to sleep for 10000 years.

He phased through the the doors of the tower the moment the power returned, and horrid blaring alarms blasted behind him, causing his invisibility to flicker as he slammed his hands over his ears. His vision began to blur and he hissed, he couldn’t pass out yet. Not here. Not now!

He returned his invisibility and quickly made a distance between him and that horrible building, making many turns, avoiding as many people as he could, and searching for a secluded spot to pass out without any fear of someone finding him. He eventually found a spot, a small building boarded up on all sides, no sign of entry anywhere, brick walls. With a few phased steps through the walls, he found an area between the stone walls no one could get to him, dropping onto the cold ground, and passing out as he felt his human half finally returning to him.

When he woke up again, he didn’t feel like complete shit, but ancients he didn’t feel like a billion dollars. Still feeling like he got hit by a car, but slightly smaller car than before, he got up and was met by a horrid roar erupting from his stomach. He hadn’t eaten in weeks. Any nutrition he got was an evil labs equivalent of stuffing nutrients directly into his veins. So naturally his human half desire something with more substance.

He would kill for a Nasty Burger.

So he groggily stumbled out of the walls he was hiding in and onto the streets. Bright sunshine assaulted his vision as he let out a small hiss of annoyance, why was this stupid city so bright?

He shuffled down the streets, trying to spot any kind of fast food signs and ignoring the people staring at him, what were they even staring at? It wasn’t like he had blood on himself for once.

He probably should be looking for a way out of the city, away from more crazy billionaires. But Luthor didn’t know about his human half, and he was pretty serious on murder for burger.

He finally spotted a sign with a burger on it, and his shuffling increased in speed before he stopped dead in his tracks, and patted his pockets.


No cash.

No cash means can’t pay for food which meant…

No burger.

Danny wanted to cry.

“Kid, are you alright?”

Danny blinked, then slowly turned around. In front of him was him, the boy in blue, the man of steel, alien and one of the most powerful beings on the planet, looking down at him with a confused and concerned expression.

“Your heart sounds too slow to be healthy, and you look ready to pass out.”

Superman was a hero, right? Danny’s tired and slow moving thoughts slowly tried to put together words, which led to him raising a hand and pointing at the burger place he found.

“Sir, if you buy me burgers I will owe you any favour you want.”


@ectokelpeigh that episode of wwdits when guillermo is in disbelief that nandor and the other vampires don’t believe in ghosts because they’re the stuff of ‘fairy tales’ but invert it and it’s danny trying to explain to his parents that vampires exist and they’re in staten island

“Danny… Vampires don’t exist,” his mother spoke in that sickly sweet tone of ‘it’s silly that you don’t know this, this is common knowledge’.

Danny could only stare in disbelief, “but I just- how can ghosts exist and not vampires? The Wisconsin ghost even tries to look like a cheesy version of one! Who’s to say vampires can’t become ghosts?!”

“Well vampires can’t become ghosts because they don’t exist!” His other explained simply.

“And because they have no emotions! Nothing to imprint onto ectoplasm!” His dad piped in.

Danny really wanted to scream.

Because this wasn’t just speculation.

On their trip to investigate the ectological levels in Staten Island, Danny had wandered off and encountered vampires. Not just one, but THREE (possibly four) vampires!

He had encountered three weird looking people in a park, two wearing… extremely outdated outfits and the third guy trying to explain Pokémon go to the pair. He didn’t think much of it at first until he felt something odd about them. There was a weird… presence about them.

Then some LADY leapt out behind him and bit him! She didn’t hang on long, letting go and yelling about burning and a weird taste, so he punched her in the gut and ran! Inspecting the bite marks later in the mirror, his only conclusion was VAMPIRE. They had to be! The weird outfits, the bite, the presence, it all pointed towards vampires!

There was no point in arguing with his parents about this… especially based on his experience on their Christmas feud…

But the fact that Jazz was also giving him a ‘look’, he was starting to become frustrated.

There were vampires in Staten Island… and he was going to prove it.

impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with impyssadobsessions: Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with


Ugh I did this instead of write.. but I was in drawing mood. And I’m happy with it >w<  ….Drawing batman this many times killed my hand doh ;o He so hard for me to draw kek.

Based on story sent to my ask box here! It was sooo cute!
Also the original ask who gave the idea!

It was too cute >w< its hard to show what Danny’s doing though. He turned Batman intangible uou so neither got wet.

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Oh well, it’s still the 3rd technically.

Kyle does know what’s up but he’s cool with it lol. Fenton’s just everywhere for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A Commission for a patron of mine, Vauvenal! (they’re probably on here too but their Tumblr I know nA Commission for a patron of mine, Vauvenal! (they’re probably on here too but their Tumblr I know nA Commission for a patron of mine, Vauvenal! (they’re probably on here too but their Tumblr I know n

A Commission for a patron of mine, Vauvenal! (they’re probably on here too but their Tumblr I know not )

OH mAN it’s been so long since I’ve drawn pompous pep! It will always be my guilty pleasure ship, I cannot help but relate myself to Danny and lust after Vlad to this day Thankfully as I’ve aged so has my taste in ships UvO" I couldn’t have been happier to receive this commission~ An older Danny and Vlad acting as guardians and raising a boy named Darren, with a whole bunch of specific and fun prompts?? SIGN ME UP! ( Below I’ve pasted the initial explanation they sent me, to set the scene for the prompts to help yah’ll gain a better understanding of the commission to! It was so much fun to draw for~)

  • Now, who’s Darren?
  • Darren is the result of a complicated AU story where Dan tries to essentially take over the world by making a clone army of himself. It involves time travel and multiple universes …. and at the end of it all you have this boy. He is essentially a fusion between the ghosts of a teenage version of Vlad and an adult version of Danny, a failed attempt at a Dan clone and a little-more-than-halfa.
  • The original Vlad and Danny (who by then is also an adult) save him from his timeline (and save the world because of course) and raise him as his guardians, adoptive parents, whatever you’d like to call it!
  • As complicated as his past is, he’s pretty much just a teenager who also really enjoys videogames. Danny enables this, while Vlad is a bit reluctant

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The crew is putting on a musical and if that, and other high school shenanigans, interests you then

The crew is putting on a musical and if that, and other high school shenanigans, interests you then go buy the Danny Phantom Yearbook Zine! 

You can find out more on their tumblr here @casperhighzine

You can also visit their shop here! https://dpcasperhighzine.bigcartel.com/

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