#darling ttp


Darling: Hah! 69! You know what that means?

Cecily: What?

Joan: That you’re a child.


*Darling is cooking*

Cecily: Any chance that’s for me?

Darling: It’s for Percy. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need him on my side.

Joan: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.

Joan: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?

Cecily: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.

Darling: I personally was created in a lab.

Percy: I just straight up spawned lol.

rupert: what does ‘take out’ mean?

joan: food.

cecily: dating.

percy: murder.


rupert: we need to distract these guys.

amir: leave it to me.

amir: centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. discuss.

cecily, darling, and percy: *Immediately begin arguing*

joan, watching in horror: oh this. i don’t like this. i don’t like this at all.

amir: imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you’ve lost throughout your life.

rupert: self-esteem, i haven’t seen you in years!

percy: oh wow, my childhood innocence! thank you for finding this!

cecily: i knew i lost that potential somewhere!

darling: my moral code, is that you?


amir: i was just gonna show you this cool suitcase my mother gave me but do you guys need a hug?

Amir: *tapping fingers on table*

Rupert: *tapping back*

Darling: stop that!

Rupert: stop what?

Darling: you’re talking about me in Morse code!

Amir: yes, that’s what we’re doing. In our very limited free time as kings of the heartland, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.


Rupert to Percy: that’s exactly what we did.

Percy: my boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss on the lips. What should I do?

Cecily: punch him in the stomach. Then when he doubles over in pain, kiss him

Rupert: tackle him

Amir: dump him

Joan: kick him in the shin

Darling: no to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!

darling, falling down the stairs:

darling, weakly while lying on the floor: parkour

Amir: the real treasure was the memories we made along the way.

Darling: I almost died.

Amir: that was the fondest memory

Cecily: I can’t believe you and Darling broke the bed last night.

Rupert: yeah, what were you two even doing?

Percy: umm…

[last night]

Darling: bet you can’t jump high enough to touch the ceiling.

Percy: try me.

percy: what if the person who named walkie talkies named everything?

cecily: pregnancy tests are maybe babies

rupert: socks are feetie heaties

darling: forks are stabby grabbies

amir: defibrillators are heartie starties

wenceslaus: nightmares are dreamy screamies

joan: you are disappointments

percy: i’ve noticed that we have slowly begun to phase the “b” out of our bromance.

darling, down on one knee, rings out: well, i mean, i guess so?

amir: are you a masochist or a sadist?!!

darling: i’m a taurus.

percy: rupert, we’re hungry!

amir: rupert! What’s for dinner?

darling: we’re hungry, rupert!

rupert, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams*

darling: why do you always have to attack me with words?

amir: you want me to use bricks?

percy: good night. sleep tight. don’t let the bed bugs bite. tonight. i'mma fight. till we see the sunlight. tick tock on the clock, but the party don’t stop.


darling: please, shut up

Darling: I think we’re missing something.

Cecily: Teamwork?

Joan: Cohesion?

Percy: A general sense of what we’re doing?

Darling, banging on the door: Percy! Open up!

Percy: Well, it all started when I was a kid…

Joan: No, he meant-

Cecily: Let him finish.
