#darth caedus

[ Jacen Solo & Tenel Ka Djo project post – sleeping with ghosts ]   “Some called her Lady [ Jacen Solo & Tenel Ka Djo project post – sleeping with ghosts ]   “Some called her Lady [ Jacen Solo & Tenel Ka Djo project post – sleeping with ghosts ]   “Some called her Lady

[ Jacen Solo & Tenel Ka Djo project post – sleeping with ghosts] 

“Some called her Lady Caedus for a time until there were whispers of a new designation, which came only after rumors of traitors in the Hapan Council. Those against her went after the most important things: first, her daughter, then the control of her court and finally the safety of her people. She had been a force to reckon with as Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo, but now with supposed new powers and Darth Caedus – often rumored to be Allana Djo’s father – on her side, her grandmother’s supporters finally began to do what they should have done from the start. Fear the Queen Mother.”

Another AU for the Alternate Universe section of the project, this one is called “The Galaxy Can Burn” and gathers some highlights from some odd timeline where Tenel Ka joins Caedus after something happens to Allana. We know that TK would never go dark/give scrublord Caedus the time of day at this point but it’s always fun coming up with this crazy stuff so why not have a Sith AU? ;)

P.S. Kinda wish we got a photo of Nate’s face after taking the picture in the middle. His mouth and nose were covered with stage blood. I MEAN… HIS FACE WAS COVERED IN THE BLOOD OF HIS ENEMIES…?

P.S.S. The lighting for the photos made it really easy to hide my left arm so I guess we need this light always and forever when cosplaying Jacen and Tenel Ka. :B

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Nate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo hereNate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo hereNate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo hereNate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo hereNate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo hereNate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo hereNate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo hereNate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo here

Nate as Darth Caedus from the Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends (ft. Heather as Tenel Ka Djo here and there lol AND NIC AS LEIA MAKING THE BEST “U GROUNDED. JACEN WHY” FACE <33333) 

This costume (and pieces of it for different versions of Jacen) has been worn so many times and there’s fun to be had in it every single time it’s worn. Whether he is getting scolded by Leias or finding out how many fucks Tenel Ka has to give about his MAGICAL PLANS (spoiler alert: it’s none) – it’s always a wild ride. Just like the Legacy of the Force books were.

Also, this is another case of “holy crap jacen please get some new clothes this is like another jumpsuit with some armor on top” – we have many ideas for original Jacen/Caedus outfits in the works thanks to @djosolo SO PHEW. Boy’s finally gonna get something that’s not a jumpsuit and maybe even some damn jewel tones.

(We still have those contacts sitting somewhere and they’re really old now… we need to throw them out. XD)

Thanks to Bria for the fourth photo & Bria and Nic (WHO WAS HOLDING THE CAMERA AT THAT POINT I DON’T REMEMBER) for the seventh shot!

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Jacen Solo: He turned to the dark side and became Darth Caedus for bring peace to the Universe and prevent a dark future from happening, for a greater good (although this does not excuse his bad deeds);

Ben (as)Solo: He turned to the dark side and became Kylo Ren because “hE dIdN’t fEeL lOvEd eNoUgH bY hIs fAmIlY”. Translation: he was just a spoiled child.

Thought Jacen looked way too young in the cover art for ‘Legacy of the Force: Betrayal,’ so I tried to make him look his age

Is it just me or does Louis Hofmann from Dark look like Darth Ceadus??Is it just me or does Louis Hofmann from Dark look like Darth Ceadus??

Is it just me or does Louis Hofmann from Dark look like Darth Ceadus??

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Those of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x AlpThose of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x AlpThose of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x Alp

Those of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x Alphonse Mucha pieces several years ago. It was a favorite project for a long time … until my sub-par digital art skills became too glaring and since then I’ve been wanting to remake them all in a way I can be proud of. So I finally started! Here are the first two: Jaina and Jacen (because of course), along with some before and afters. More to come!

Dudes, Draw-It-Again is my favorite meme

If you’re into prints, they’re up in my Etsy shop. :)


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