#anti sequel trilogy


I decided to make some collages dedicated to my favorite fictional families, and I wanted to start with the famous and fantastic family who live in a Galaxy far far away… The Skywalker Family! Here, three different collages about the Skywalker Family in three versions (the Sequel Trilogy’s version is excluding, obviously):

in Lucas’s Hexalogy

in the Expanded Universe/Legends

and in Lucas’s sequels (who they have never seen the light, because of Disney )

I just want to clarify that: I have not included Padmé Amidala/Naberrie and Han Solo, because they are related with the Skywalker Family only through marriage, and I wanted included only the blood relatives, and by the way, I have not included other Skywalker members from EU, like Allana, Cade, ecc. because I was interested in including only Luke’s and Leia’s children.

I hope you’ll like it :).


‘‘The fans wanted this’‘ 

Show me which fans that wanted all of the Skywalker’s dead and a Palpatine still living right now

The same fans who, apparently, hated so much the Skywalker Family and who, coincidentally, loved so much TLJ idea that anyone can be special and a hero in Star Wars, fuck the Skywalkers (forgetting Star Wars is SKYWALKERS’ SAGA, as Lucas said). 

In short words, the same fans who didn’t understand anything about Star Wars.

Jacen Solo: He turned to the dark side and became Darth Caedus for bring peace to the Universe and prevent a dark future from happening, for a greater good (although this does not excuse his bad deeds);

Ben (as)Solo: He turned to the dark side and became Kylo Ren because “hE dIdN’t fEeL lOvEd eNoUgH bY hIs fAmIlY”. Translation: he was just a spoiled child.

So I haven’t watched any of the ST other than TFA (and didn’t care for it, frankly) and the leaks about TROS are wildlike Abrams really did That? Look, Star Wars was never great cinema, even the OT had plot holes big enough to drive a Death Star through, to say nothing of the prequels, but at least they managed to tell a reasonably coherent, entertaining story while all the sequel trilogy has done is pander to the reylos and invalidate Everything accomplished in the previous movies. Thisis what we got in exchange for the Expanded Universe?? Every Star Wars novelist understood the material they were working with better than Abrams could ever hope to.

In conclusion, too bad there haven’t been any new Star Wars films since the prequels other than Rogue One, Solo, and TFA, but we have all these animated shows! The Mandalorian is great too! And maybe someday some other creative team will do something worthwhile with the female and PoC protagonists introduced in TFA that is not based around a white manchild’s story!
