#jaina solo

I repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuI repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuI repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuI repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuI repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuI repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuI repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuI repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stu

I repainted Jacen twice, and Jaina 6 times before giving up.
I never read beyond the Yuuzhan Vong stuff, as i found it to be a fitting end, based on the books I did read in the EU. Like everything lead up to that, and then you know… Empire.. Republic.. Working together, nice stuff.
Also, chiss had no pupils in Legends, and same facial bone structure as humans, which is why they were painted differently here.
Also painted Stent like that one Thrawn image..

In order: Thrawn, Jacen, Jaina, Mara Jade, Karrde, Jag, Stent and Pellaeon.

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I decided to make some collages dedicated to my favorite fictional families, and I wanted to start with the famous and fantastic family who live in a Galaxy far far away… The Skywalker Family! Here, three different collages about the Skywalker Family in three versions (the Sequel Trilogy’s version is excluding, obviously):

in Lucas’s Hexalogy

in the Expanded Universe/Legends

and in Lucas’s sequels (who they have never seen the light, because of Disney )

I just want to clarify that: I have not included Padmé Amidala/Naberrie and Han Solo, because they are related with the Skywalker Family only through marriage, and I wanted included only the blood relatives, and by the way, I have not included other Skywalker members from EU, like Allana, Cade, ecc. because I was interested in including only Luke’s and Leia’s children.

I hope you’ll like it :).

We put some new shirts up on our Redbubble shop! (And there’s also one old one listed here cause we We put some new shirts up on our Redbubble shop! (And there’s also one old one listed here cause we We put some new shirts up on our Redbubble shop! (And there’s also one old one listed here cause we

We put some new shirts up on our Redbubble shop! (And there’s also one old one listed here cause we added some products/colors for it. ;D)

Feels Are the Language of Friendship (which comes in that font and can be found in a less cursive-y font in the shop as well) was something said to Heather by a friend of hers while talking about some of the characters in the Star Wars: Expanded Universe. Heather instantly fell in love with it and wanted it on a shirt so there you go.

Stay Inside is a shirt inspired by Futaba Sakura from Persona 5. Heather is cosplaying her at MAGLabs at the end of the month and needed a shirt for her costume so she made one on RB. The image is down sort of low on it because, for the costume, the neck of it will need to be cut lower and hemmed so it hangs off the shoulders.

AndYoung Jedi Knight Squad Goals, which, if you read those books when you were younger (or whenever, really!) then you know that feel. ;)

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Stumbled across this meme on reddit…

leiasbluelightsaber: Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers“The Force is strong with my family.” “Is every tleiasbluelightsaber: Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers“The Force is strong with my family.” “Is every tleiasbluelightsaber: Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers“The Force is strong with my family.” “Is every tleiasbluelightsaber: Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers“The Force is strong with my family.” “Is every tleiasbluelightsaber: Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers“The Force is strong with my family.” “Is every t


Star Wars Legends - Skywalkers

“The Force is strong with my family.”

Is every third human in this galaxy named Solo?

“I say, sir, must every generation of Solos and Skywalkers act like this?”

“You’re a Skywalker! Act like one!”

“Family takes care of family.”

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#sweuedit    #swedit    #sweusource    #marajedi    #skywalkers    #star wars    #ben skywalker    #jaina solo    #jacen solo    #anakin solo    #mara jade    #ania solo    #marasiah fel    #cade skywalker    #roan fel    #sw eulegends    
phil-the-stone: I did some character designs for the Solo kids because a) they are near and dear to


I did some character designs for the Solo kids because a) they are near and dear to my heart and b) I love designing costumes tbh. Also idk here they’re maybe 18 and 16, respectively?

Basically as we’ve already established (in my head, not in sort of canon, fight me) Jaina looks like Han, mostly, Jacen looks more like Leia and Anakin is a mix with The Blue Eyes ™. So anyway:

- recently I had the idea that Jaina’s like hella good at brawling/fist fighting and thus cogito-ergo-dumb suggested I add hand wraps to her design
- Jacen has an earring I literally just read this in a fic and I thought SON IT MAKES NO SENSE BUT I WANT
- Nik has appropriated his father’s old spacer jacket (which is like five hundred years old and has seen hell and back) and wears it ninety percent of the time even though its still kinda big for him because he says it’s his Lucky Jacket
- Jaina’s hair is generally in a state of unkempt madness but she’s always got at least one braid running through it, because Mom always braids her hair and its just a Thing, okay
- at least one Smashball jersey is owned between the three of them
- Jaina and Anakin are around the same height but Jacen has like three inches on the two of them. All three are taller than their mother, but it’s the twins who have inherited the beanpole genes; Nik’s just average
- Nik’s boots are hella rad
- when she’s not dressed in flight suits, Jaina’s wardrobe is actually pretty soft and baggy; slippers and leggings are featured a lot.
- Jaina teases Jacen for like a million years because Anakin grew facial hair before he did
- all three of them are all pokey elbows and skinny torsos
- also Jaina has like no boobs idk
- the Lopsided Grin (copywrite Harrison Ford) is also a shared trait
- as is the Haughty Eyebrows (tm Carrie Fisher)
- Jaina has really long slender fingers and she’s super happy with them
- Jacen always has dirt on the knees of his pants
- and grass poking out of the oddest corners of his clothing
- also engine grease smudges are to be found on most of Jaina’s clothing
- Nik got a super rad multitool from his big sister for his tenth birthday and he keeps it on his person at all times
- they’re all really hot
- yeah

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novahdraws: HanLeia week, Prompt: Family I really like the old EU Skywalker-Solo family (Jacen, Jain


HanLeia week, Prompt: Family

I really like the old EU Skywalker-Solo family (Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin). I’ve been reading a lot of old Star Wars novels lately, so that probably contributes to why I like them so much.


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#solo family    #jaina solo    #anakin solo    #jacen solo    #han solo    #leia organa solo    #sw fanart    
i’m almost positive someone requested jaina a million yrs ago but i can’t find it now

i’m almost positive someone requested jaina a million yrs ago but i can’t find it now

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Wedge grinned and typed a series of numbers and letters into the ’pad. The air lock door hissed and slid open. From another pocket, he pulled a pair of thin gloves and donned them. He began prodding at the corners of access panels, running fingers across the tops of glowing WARNING signs, peering into every crack and cranny in the air lock. “Wish Iella were here,” he said.

“Or Winter,” Tycho added.

“Both our wives are ex-Intelligence,” Wedge said, his comment directed at Zekk. “Tycho’s wife used to babysit Jaina, in fact. Whatever we’ve learned, we’ve picked up mostly through osmosis.”

“Normally, we just shoot things,” Tycho added.

“We keep trying to retire,” Wedge said. “Give up this life of shooting things.”

Tycho nodded. “We’re really men of peace at heart.”

—Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, Aaron Allston

teensith: when the squad’s training to be jedi


when the squad’s training to be jedi

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tenelkadjo: Jaina: “Are you even marginally aware of what’s going on around you?”Jacen: “How about ytenelkadjo: Jaina: “Are you even marginally aware of what’s going on around you?”Jacen: “How about ytenelkadjo: Jaina: “Are you even marginally aware of what’s going on around you?”Jacen: “How about ytenelkadjo: Jaina: “Are you even marginally aware of what’s going on around you?”Jacen: “How about ytenelkadjo: Jaina: “Are you even marginally aware of what’s going on around you?”Jacen: “How about ytenelkadjo: Jaina: “Are you even marginally aware of what’s going on around you?”Jacen: “How about y


Jaina: “Are you even marginally aware of what’s going on around you?”
Jacen: “How about you? How’s the vision coming back?”
Jaina: “Well, for one thing, I’d forgotten how big your nose and chin are getting.”

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Those of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x AlpThose of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x AlpThose of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x Alp

Those of you who’ve been following my journey might remember I made a series of New Jedi Order x Alphonse Mucha pieces several years ago. It was a favorite project for a long time … until my sub-par digital art skills became too glaring and since then I’ve been wanting to remake them all in a way I can be proud of. So I finally started! Here are the first two: Jaina and Jacen (because of course), along with some before and afters. More to come!

Dudes, Draw-It-Again is my favorite meme

If you’re into prints, they’re up in my Etsy shop. :)


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