

Date idea: watch marvel’s new show wandavision in one binge session and talk theories afterwards✨

Date idea: finishing a tv show finally that you’ve started together, and when you do they bring out a cake saying ‘congratulations on finishing ______ (show name)!’


Date someone who fucking respects you

Reblogging this for myself bc I needed this. Remember your worth. You’re not a second choice. You want someone who wants you.

You gave me attention when no one else did. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for showing your emotions.

Just thinking about being with you again…and knowing it may be real soon…I can’t wait to see you…I can’t wait to kiss you…can’t wait to be with you again.

I missed this feeling with you…just talking brings back feelings and memories and I missed you.

Date idea: going to a trampoline park together and doing flips together

Date idea: going out for a drive in the crisp almost fall weather. No jacket needed but when they offer you take it anyways.
