#date ideas for you


Date idea: watch marvel’s new show wandavision in one binge session and talk theories afterwards✨

Date idea: finishing a tv show finally that you’ve started together, and when you do they bring out a cake saying ‘congratulations on finishing ______ (show name)!’

Date somebody who always wants to know your location. Not in a demanding way, but just always wants to know where you are in case something happens.

Date idea: you go over to their place, to cut their hair since they asked you to. You get them in a chair, put a garbage bag on them so no hair goes down their back, and you start cutting. At first no talking, as you’re focused. But you loosen up as you go along, since you’re getting the hang of it. They then ask you “what will the payment be for this?” They smirk towards you and you get a little weak in the knees. Once you finish they pick you up and start kissing you saying they couldn’t wait to.

Date idea: they pick you up from your place and you get drive through smoothies, you share one or you both get your own. Whatever floats your guys’s boats. You then drive through the scenic routes in your city, talking, listening to music, having a good time. They bring you both back to your place and they kiss you goodnight.

Date idea: staying in bed cuddling all day with the rain in the background while you chat all day.
