
Fabulous darling!Posting for a friend (6/6) - If anyone has any requests, send an ask or a message!!

Fabulous darling!

Posting for a friend (6/6) - If anyone has any requests, send an ask or a message!!


No source again! Grrrrr. Send me a message, reblog or whatever, I need to know it!

Post link

Deacon has ADD/ADHD

MacCready, Piper, and Hancock are all for the Making Fun of Karen movement. “Okay, Karen” is definitely in their vocabulary. Deacon is kinda in it but doesn’t really bother unless he’s actually near a Karen. Same thing with Curie but somehow always comes up with perfect responses to Karens like she rehearses them.

the nature of Deacon and the Sole Survivor both being bisexual means that they probably fight over any Hawaiian shirts they come across


Days of FatebyHelengaius

Hancock, MacCready, Deacon, Nick Valentine

These are absolutely amazing!


My dash has been a little bit slow for the past few weeks. I think I need some more pirate 101 blogs to follow. Can someone give me some suggestions on who to follow?

If ya wanna follow my blog plz do /)•u•(\

*cough* I-I mean get out of here Deacon!!

I saw these E-cards and I immediately thought of the court! I was too lazy to draw Rooke and Phule so I may do some for them later :)

The originals are here:
