

Never give up on what you enjoy or love doing.

There’s always times where you feel like there’s no point or you hit a wall feeling you aren’t going anywhere. But as long as you still find enjoyment in something, the one thing that never seems to leave you.

I believe you can get where you want to.

My drawing of 2b from the game nier automata. 

I don’t normally post up unfinished drawings. But I guess to show what most of my drawings start out as before I shade in with pencil. 

Another bloodborne drawing of amygdala. 

Some of the portraits I’ve drawn, if any of you avoid drawing portraiture as I have, it’s definitely worth giving a go. I started trying to get better at drawing portraits the day I met Lucy @psych0tic-outlook she in my eyes is so beautiful and I just had to reach the goal of being able to draw her, everyday I practice, hundreds of failures, wasted paper, but it’s all thanks to Lucy that I’m able to draw these, to draw in general, she really is the most important person in my life.

Also thank you all so much for the kind words!! =)

My drawing of the youtuber markiplier, been watching his videos for years now and I just had to draw him, such an amazing and nice person!
