

Albedo:I know you think my judgements clouded because of my love for lord Ainz.

Demiurge:You doodled your wedding invitation on mission reports.

Albedo:No, that’s our joint tombstones.

Demiurge:My mistake.

If only Foresight was a skill

Demiurge:*Relaying part 115 of of his grand master plan*

Ainz:I wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on.

Demiurge:Why did I sign up for this?

Sebas:To help make the world a better place?

Demiurge:Oh. No. Actually it was because I jump at opportunity to play god, but the question was rhetorical.

Demiurge:Why do people always say ‘watch your back, I’ll be coming for you’?

Demiurge:Don’t tell people you want to kill them, just drive a knife into their spine and be done with it.

Demiurge:It’s so much easier.

Sebas: It’s considered polite to let someone know you’re their enemy.

Demiurge:Polite - it’s murder.

Ainz:I have a bad feeling about this.

Demiurge:What do you mean my lord?

Ainz:Don’t you ever get that small voice inside your head telling you something is going to get you in trouble?


Ainz:That…that actually explains a lot.

Albedo:You have to pick your battles.

Demiurge: One of the battles we picked was to stop Aura and Mare from running huge plastic tubes all over Nazarick and placing Hamsuke inside of them.

Albedo: They were gonna call it Tube City.

Sebas:There is only one thing worse than dying.

Sebas:*Rips off paper revealing “Humans dying”*



A unknown demon approaches

Ainz:Demiurge, we must be very careful. We don’t know what we might find in there.

Demiurge:*Walking through the door* Hey there, demons. It’s me, ya boi.

Aura:Whoa ugh Demiurge, you’re being a little-

Demiurge:Obstreperous? Recalcitrant? Truculent?

Aura: I was going to say “cray-cray”.

Demiurge:Forgive me lord ainz, we have already tried things the simple way.

Ainz: No we didn’t!

Demiurge:I did it in my head. It didn’t work.

Demiurge:Well, it’s time to move onto Plan 2.

Albedo:Plan B, you mean?

Demiurge: That would insinuate I have only 26 plans.

Ainz: I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.

Demiurge:I have that dream too my lord, but I go in the other direction.

Shalltear:So, why does Juliet kill herself?

Demiurge:Because without her Romeo she has no reason to live.

Shalltear:Oh. You can tell this play was written by a man.

Demiurge:That would go against my moral compass.

Ainz: Your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel!

Ainz:From now on, we will be using codenames to address each other. I will be “Eagle One”.

Ainz:Shalltear is “Been There Done That”.

Ainz:Albedo is “Currently Doing That”.

Ainz :Narberal is “It Happened Once In A Dream”.

Ainz:Demiurge, codename, “If I Had To Pick A Dude”.

Ainz:And Cocytus will be…“Eagle Two.”

Cocytus: Thank. The. Supreme. Beings.

Demiurge: Why do people believe I’m incapable of doing anything nice?


Ainz: Why was six afraid of seven?

Demiurge:I’d assume it is because seven is a prime number and prime numbers can be very intimidating further more -

Ainz:Because seven ate nine.

