#demon oc


Phone doodle of this boy cuz i love him ♥︎♡︎

Doodle of my demon OC Jax ⛓

Hope to actually create some sort of backstory for him and his angel bf Castiel

day 31 - happy hallowe'en!!! featuring my demon girl whose name is a secret

i can’t believe i did it! my first ever completed inktober ;;;w;;;

day 30 - bergdämon, in her human form

day 27 - what’s this?? another demon oc??? i have no self control Baby!!!!

Summer Demons

Set of illustrations I did for my Patreon quite a while back. These are censored because Tumblr likes nips as much as they like the keyboard on their app.

Commissions OPEN! Info https://gunkiss.com/#commissioninfo


Made another lil animation of my oc Ocean!

Drawing more for some of my oldish OCs

This ones of my character Molten!

Hes abit unhinged xD


Ok, as I promised, here a bit of a rant about my new demon oc!

Aaahhh, hope you guys like him >///<

As I mentioned before, I’m still not quite sure about his demon name, but I guess you can call him Myth atm and I swear, one day I will do a proper ID for him las I did for Melian

Ok, here’s his backstory (I will insert some messy sketches of him, sorry for the bad quality, sob xD)

  • Myth was born as an unicorn. Unicorns are an ancient race of shapeshifting sorcerers, that decided long ago to isolate themselves from the other races. Nowadays no one remembers why the Unicorns left the human world, neither where precisely they went, but the memory of them still remained in many legends
  • wandering around off the village area is forbidden for colts, and so is getting in touch with strangers from the outside. But Myth was really curious and loved the quiet forest out their village
  • He met Satan in the nearby forest, where Satan too loved to spend his time reading peacefully under a weeping willow. They quickly became friends, and Satan Gaines his trust so much that Myth showed him his true appearance… or, as they says, Myth got corrupted by Satan.

[Unicorn form of “Myth”- now he’s no more able to took this form, cos this wand was destroyed]

  • Showing the human appearance to an outsider is strictly forbidden in unicorn society, and that’s why Myth was exiled, his wand was broken, and his name cancelled. Wounded, he asked Satan for help, who took him In the House Of Lamentation. With the help of Lucifer, they took Myth at Diavolo’s castle, where they finally managed to treat his wound
  • Diavolo tried to turn Myth into a devil,but the transformation wasn’t 100% successful and because of this he spent years hidden in Diavolo’s castle, where Myth tried to learn how to control his new powers
  • Myth joined the RAD not soon after the start of the student exchange program. He lives in the House of Lamentation, since Satan and Lucifer are the only two demons he trust aside from Diavolo and Barbatos. And Diavolo agreed to let him join the academy only if he would watch over the new exchange human students

[myth in his human like and demon form- as a demon, he gained a new horn and a pair of bat wings. In his human like form, he has a pretty bad eyesight, since his eye’s irid are both in one eye]

Phew! So, this is what I know about him for now! I’m not quite sure if I will really maintain Satan as the one who corrupted him,nor if I like Myth as his name but oh well xD

Since it’s been a while since I last draw him and I’m never talking about my MC and my OC, meet Myth!

I actually keep sketching him in traditional, so meh, won’t post anytime soon ÇwÇ but!! I also have some new informations about him!

  • Myth’s real name was Solstice, but he lost this name when he was exiled
  • Barbatos was the one who gave Myth’s his actual name: Mythos
  • Due to his “status” he can’t sleep really well. He doesn’t even want to bother Satan too much, but he surprisingly found in Mammon someone he can talks with
  • Sadly for Leviathan, Myth still loves to scare him

Sneak peak of Casper redesign!! Might change some other things when I draw him fully but for now this is it.

I couldn’t resist the urge to give him a mullet

Happy Birthday Edwin!

It’s been 1 year since Edwin’s creation.

Raffle Prize for SpaceBunnz on Twitter

I tried a different method to render in this piece, it was a lot of fun!!

Painting Process under the cut:

First art thing I’ve made since the lockdown. I was kickin around my old home drawing tablet till i git her to work 

Pinocchio Gonzo Blankenheim is one of the many children Tom sired with one of his many lovers. In th

Pinocchio Gonzo Blankenheim is one of the many children Tom sired with one of his many lovers. In this case, he was born as a result of Tom Gonzo’s and Eve Moonlit(as Margarita Blankenheim)’s secretive romance before the Toragay Epidemic happened. After his Mother’s “Suicide” and his Father’s abduction by Ash Landers, he grew up being raised by King Soil Elphen until he reached an age where he learned about his parents’ fates, and that his full name was “Pinocchio Gonzo Blankenheim”.

He soon learned of Elluka “Ma” Clockworker’s existence from the imprisoned Gatt Coulomb. At that moment, he not only learned that his parents are Demons, but is a Demon himself, and that she was the one who “killed” his Mother. 

Since that day he spent his time seeking revenge against Elluka Clockworker(Ma) and the Marlon Royal Family for his parents’ downfall, in addition to revitalizing the Blankenheim legacy and establishing an Anti-Marlon Family Organization to bring down it’s Monarchy and those associated, I.E. The Aristocrats of Evil, going under his Mother’s title as “Demon of Sloth”, even training himself in witchcraft to become a powerful Warlock and Demon.


~Technical Information~
Name: Pinocchio Gonzo Blankenheim
Japanese: ピノキオ=ゴンゾー=ブランケンハイム
Romaji: Pinokio=Gonzō=Burankenhaimu
Other names: Demon of Sloth(alias/demon title), Demon Doll(by Friel and Alois), Pinocchio Elphen(Adopted name), Marquis Blankenheim(title), Eve Moonlit(disguised as a girl)
Fanloid: Hatsune Mikuo

~Biographical Information~
Born: June 7, EC 609
Age: 19
Classification: Demon
Race: Irish-Elphe
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Green
Affiliation(s): Kingdom of Elphegort
Anti-Marlon Family Organization(founder)
Gonzo Cult

He shares the same birthday and appearance as Hatsune Mikuo, the genderbend fanloid of Hatsune Miku.

He’s named after a popular character from a children’s novel under the same name by Italian writer Carlo Collodi, the reason behind it is because, like said character, Pinocchio is born as a wooden plaything considering his mother was a Clockworker’s Doll made from Nechucha Tree wood. He was also born with Ball-jointed-limbs because of this(he hides this using hypnoses or gloves).

His birth is considered Irregular due to his Mother being a Clockworker’s Doll. Regardless though, he is officially labeled as a “Demon” because both of his parents are Demons themselves.

His fashion was mostly inspired by Ciel Phantomhive’s outfits from the anime/manga series Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji, hence why Pinocchio looks very affluent and flamboyant. Ciel is replaced by Friel and the first outfit is non-canon anyways.

Because of Eve Moonlit’s ability to transform the people she possesses into having her appearance(I.E. Mikulia Greeonio), he ends up having that similar predicament of having her feminine face and pigtails, hence why people confuse him for a girl. Though it was embarrassing at first, he later uses that to an advantage when luring in his enemies(if they’re stupid enough of course). However, on the anniversary of the Eve’s death(circa EC 014), he’s forced to have her pigtails on for the whole day.

Despite his hatred for the Marlon Royal Family, he has an strange attraction for anyone with blue hair(mainly men due to blue hair being a male only trait) because of his mother. Speaking of which, he also inherited some of Eve’s powers such as lightning magic, manipulating the airborne Gift, and hypnoses, the body swap technique is hard to master, however. From Tom’s side he inherited the ability to warp reality and to have his eyes glow-in-the-dark. Making him an exceptionally powerful Demon and Warlock.

He summons his lightning magic by snapping his fingers, this was inspired by Urbosa’s Fury from “Breath of the Wild”.

He is rivals with Marlon nobles Countess Friel Shion of the Shion Household and Earl Alois Trancy of the Trancy Household.

Like most of Tom’s children, he’s capable of going crazy without having a chip in his brain. He also has a liking for alcohol despite his young age, his favorite is “Yatski L'Opera” and “Jagermeister”. And his mania is hot candle wax and blue hair(*coughs blood*).


This is a remake of this drawing from 2019: Link
I’ll still keep it up for historical purposes, that and I feel as though that there will be people who might like this more than the remake, gotta satisfy both parties y'know?

Anyways, the reason for the change is because I started to dislike the way he looked previously: His outfit resembled Alois Trancy just way too much, black doesn’t look good with light blue at all(which is surprising because black is supposed to go great with everything), he doesn’t look sly and cunning enough, and I wanted to see what he would look like in thigh boots. He looks like a thigh high boots kind of guy considering he’s meant to be flamboyant as well as his Fanloid being a genderbend version of Hatsune Miku. I also did something changes to the profile, not all, but some.

But, as mentioned in the previous version of the drawing: Pinocchio’s the result of Eve/Margarita’s and Tom’s bond…normally I’d be against infidelity because it’s horrible, but in Margarita’s case I’ll let that slide since Kasper’s emotionally neglectful of Margarita and financially abusive to a point of selling all her material possessions to keep wasting money on other women and cigarettes. I’d highly doubt he’d even care anyways, and I doubt he’d care about Pinocchio either, but we’ll just see about that.

It was also inspired by these incorrect quotes I made 3 years ago:

Pinocchio Gonzo Blankenheim belongs to me.

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 A digitalized remake of this drawing from 2017. The older drawing seems to have less quality and to A digitalized remake of this drawing from 2017. The older drawing seems to have less quality and to

A digitalized remake of this drawing from 2017. The older drawing seems to have less quality and too bright colors, so I made it look better.

As the original description says: I made the basement/bedroom like I promised, it was once Gallerian’s basement that was hardly used in his house, it wasn’t until Tom moved in and made it into his personal studio apartment.

And of course, Tom has a secret elevator that leads to his own personal dungeon underneath the house. It’s hidden from view and the only way to activate it is a wireless remote control. Ironically, while it is still utilized on some occasions, Tom mostly sleeps in Gallerian’s bathtub because why not?

Also Tom has a black trunk that labels “NSF_W Stuff”, I won’t say anymore because Tumblr’s a prude as well as there being underaged users here.

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This drawing is loosely inspired by my RPs with Cameron112367/@tomgonzo34, and this video of a guy l

This drawing is loosely inspired by my RPs with Cameron112367/@tomgonzo34, and this video of a guy living in a hut for three years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAz7R8Zwuhg

In our RP, during the Third ½ Period version of the Pride Era: Tom and Riliane(who is an adult here) are married and had a adopted daughter named Rin, and Tom doesn’t like Rin’s crush Alois. Him and Adult!Riliane fought over that which leads to her kicking Tom out of their bedroom to sleep on the couch until he admits that she’s right. 

But instead of going to the couch and/or admit he’s wrong, he instead goes to the Lost Woods in Elphegort to live in the wild. Six months later, Lucifenia starts falling into disarray because Tom isn’t their King now so they have to hunt him down, and they did……as a EC version of Tarzan, a complete savage who smells, is barely dressed, and acts unruly, he doesn’t even speak English either. Riliane was able to snap him out of it and made up with him though.

As for the Greed/Wrath Era, it never happened in our RPs, it’s just my fantasy. Also it might not really happened in-universe due to Levianta’s City State becoming more mainstream in this Era so he’ll probably just hide out there instead of the Lost Woods, but let’s pretend that doesn’t happened here: 

The same thing happened again, Gallerian has finally become so fed up with Tom making a spectacle out of his trials as well as making him look like an idiot, so much so that he forcibly puts Tom on a three-month probation, and of course Gallerian started treating Tom like an employee rather than a friend-*cough*-with benefits*cough*(basically an unceremonious break-up), Tom ended up hiding in the Lost Woods again to grieve.

Six months later, Gallerian, despite being rejuvenated from the long break from Tom, he started to miss him but he kept this fact hidden, meanwhile there has been news articles of “a wild man” running around the Lost Woods and Anonymous Beach, hunting for food or harassing intruders, so he, Bruno, Lich, and Eater had to hunt him down and bring him back to. During the search, Gallerian got lost and chased by a bear(he ended up twisting his ankle during it), but was saved by a feral and smelly Tom when he wrestled it. 

Bruno found the two missing men and brought them back to Levianta where they have trouble getting Tom to sit down and shower him….Though Gallerian was able to snap him out of it alone.

Tom Gonzo belongs to Cameron112367/@tomgonzo34

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Me trying to remember how to draw after neglecting it for weeks

I break out of the depths of art block hell with a Silent Hill monster oc. Uh…don’t have much of a name for ‘em yet? Curtain Head is probably too generic right? Feel free to suggest names. More about him below:

His details are subject to change but he probably represents the sin of pride or like vanity and such. The curtains around his head are theater curtains, and when those curtains are drawn back you’ll see a bloody hellish version of your own face. He is a monster with terrible posture, and despite representing narcissism and such, holds himself in a shy, scared and insecure nature. Which represents that inside whoever he is the demon to actually is compensating for something and hates themself.

However, his desire of wanting to be seen even though he is scared of truly being looked at comes to play during interactions. If you are to turn away from him, he gets incredibly angry and attacks with terrifying speed. His weapon of choice is weirdly a theater chair, which can snap shut on you if you aren’t too careful. If you look at him, however, he freezes up and cowers. It’s like a ghost from Mario games situation.

My favorite pieces always end up being the ones where I let myself be messy. It’s so much funner than trying to be neat.

Elle loves taking strolls at night in the rain, it’s a perfect hunting ground for the demon scum of

Elle loves taking strolls at night in the rain, it’s a perfect hunting ground for the demon scum of Redgrave. 

Had a very vivid Devil May Cry dream last night, which introduced me to Elle’s primary melee weapon, summoned stain glass, she can warp with her mind from swords and daggers to handy umbrellas. 

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Drawtober 2021 Day 12

Random demon OC? He’s a college student studying civic engineering

he jogged his way here to ask u out on a date for fiddy bucks

Raymond, being a happy little fella!

Amazing demon girl with horns and tail: Original anime character [digital art by Raichiyo33 ]

Amazing demon girl with horns and tail: Original anime character [digital art byRaichiyo33]

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