#dialogue prompts


intimate starters

  • “come here.”
  • “stay with me.”
  • “i want to show you something.”
  • “i love you.”
  • “can you hold me?”
  • “i don’t want to be alone.”
  • “i’m here for you.”
  • “stay tonight.”
  • “come closer.”
  • “why don’t you come here for a second?”
  • “i wanted to apologize.”
  • “thank you for taking care of me.”
  • “i really like you.”
  • “is this your first time?”
  • “trust me.”
  • “let’s stay here for a while.”
  • “come to bed.”
  • “it’s just the two of us.”
  • “touch me.”
  • “i feel safe here.”
  • “what is love to you?”
  • “could you bring me [something]?”
  • “i need your help.”
  • “come with me.”
  • “you don’t have to pretend with me.”
  • “i wanted to thank you.”
  • “i need a hug.”
  • “call me when you get home.”
  • “kiss me.”
  • “you’re cute.”
  • “it hurts when you’re not around.”
  • “i miss you.”
  • “be one with me.”


Theme: Miscellaneous

1. “Never, ever come near me again.”

2. “This is where I belong, it seems.”

3. “I’m taking this away from you and you’re never going to see it again.”

4. “Alright, this is getting ridiculous.”

5. “C’mon, take a chance! I promise you won’t regret it!”

6. “You’ve got to stop sneaking around here like that.”

7. “I’ve just been trying so damn hard, yet nothing ever works out.”

8. “Somewhere along the way, I forgot who I was.”

9. “Where the hell have I been all your life?”

10. “Why are you so scared of trying something new?”

11. “And here I was under the impression we were finally getting along for once.”

12. “Don’t say that. You don’t really mean it, do you?”

13. “It really is all or nothing with you, isn’t it?”

14. “Shit. You weren’t kidding. I thought you were exaggerating.”

15. “Oh, God. What were you thinking?”

16. “The worst has already been done. It’s over.”

17. “I’ve already tried that; don’t waste your time.”

18. “Everything’s gone to shit, thanks to you.”

19. “Don’t you have anyone else to pester?”

20. “Here we go again, with your bullshit lies.”

“I want to remember, you know?”

“I know. And I’ll help you every step of the way.”

“Seriously, was it worth it? All that worrying, and it turned out great in the end.”

“Remember how we said we’d get married if we were both still single at 300? … Guess whose birthday is coming up?”

“How on earth do you still remember that?”

“Shh, you’re alright, my darling.”

“Thanks. That was-wait, what did you call me?”

“I promised to protect you, once.”

“You broke that promise a long time ago. So why are you here now?”

“It may be too late to make things right. But at least I can keep you safe.”

“I can’t fight. I’m not that strong, I’m not that fast, and I don’t have that kind of training. But I can help.”


“There’s more to life than fighting.”

“I’ve ruined everything.”

“You made a mistake. You’re human. It’s allowed.”

“You know you want to sing along.”

“Shut up. No I don’t.”

“… I will if you will.”

“… You’re on.”

“You tricked me!”

“I mean, it was just a joke…?”

“I’m not mad at you or anything. I’m just trying to figure out how you pulled it off. No one has tricked me in almost 30 years.”

“… We expected you two to try to kill each other.”

“Did we not tell you that we’ve been best friends for twenty years? Oops.” 

Anonymous Said: “Can I request a prompt where the boy and girl have been together- fighting for their lives but then they forget about each. The boy thinks she looks familiar but can’t remember but still confesses.. what are some good lines for his confession?”

1. “I don’t know what’s happening here. I’m not even sure I know right from wrong here. But I know that you’re right.” 

2. “I think I loved you.” 

3. “I think there’s something here worth remembering.” 

4. “I can’t explain how I feel about you.” 

5. “Can I tell you something crazy?” 

6. “It’s like when a word is on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t for the life of you remember what it is. Nothing will feel right until you can say it again.” 

7. “Why is your name so familiar to me?” 

8. “When our hands touched, it was like-I don’t even know. You felt that, right?”

9. “I want to protect you. Like I’ve done it a thousand times.” 

10. “They say we saved the world together. But I don’t know about that. All I know is that your smile feels like home.” 

“He’s mentioned you exactly twice. And let me tell you, trying to reconcile those two different times is enough to give me a headache.”

“… I hate that I know exactly what you’re talking about.” 

“What happened?”

“She said yes…?”

“Oh, come on, dude! You know that’s not what I meant. Of course she said yes.” 

“Hey, you’ve done some hacking, right? Look, I get that you’ve changed your stripes and all, but something about our new teammates isn’t adding up.”

“… Give me half an hour.” 

“Snakes drown here in the snow, little girl. Your friends won’t last to see first light.”

Writing Prompt #49

“Hey. How are you holding up?”

“Honestly?” B turned around to face A, sighing slightly. “I’m considering converting this whole place to communism.”

Writing Prompt #48

“You know what, just fuck me. Just fuck me!” A spread their arms out wide, dropping their phone angrily into their bag once they rose. “I mean, Life already has! Why not add you to the list?!”

B sighed gently. “I’m sure the government wouldn’t like that too much. Cousinal incest, you’d know yourself.” They paused, considering. “But maybe you could give Life a call on my behalf? She sounds like she’d be great.”

A couldn’t help but smile, despite themselves.
