#imagine your found family


Person A of your BROTP is injured. Does Person B go to comfort them? Go after the people who took them? Utterly fall apart at their stronger friend being in such a state?

“… We expected you two to try to kill each other.”

“Did we not tell you that we’ve been best friends for twenty years? Oops.” 

Anonymous Asked:  I would love to hear some brotp or family group prompts. I absolutely love those, and I love to mentally answer the questions you have for those groups to kind of test my knowledge about my characters. You are seriously creative and I always greatly enjoy your prompts that you create. They are so awesome!


1. Who is more willing to cry in front of the other?

2. Who puts more thought into gifts? Who puts more money into gifts?

3. Who is more of a show-off?

4. Which one initiates group-hugs and drags the other into them?

5. Which one is braver?

6. Which one is more likely to be the caretaker when the other is sick?

7. Which one is louder?

8. Which one is the sappy friend who doesn’t hesitate to write sappy cards and things?

9. Which one says “I love you” first? (Platonic “I love you”s are Important to me.)

10. Which one is more academically inclined? Which one is more street-smart?

“You saved me. Why?”

“I don’t expect you to understand. Not right now. But I’m asking you to remember it.”
