#diavolo x barbatos


Shower thought

So like remember how in um lesson 9 I think or whichever lesson it was here mc, mammon, satan, and Lucifer had to go to the human world? Well in that Lucifer said they could go through like the 9 circles but he doubts mc would handle it mentally. That’s a jab at Dante’s inferno (Actually it’s just “Inferno” by Dante Alighieri) right?

For those of you that don’t know it’s basically this dude, Dante, being lead through the “layers” or “circles” of hell. They get progressively worse the further you go down. The circles also are split up kinda between sins but not exactly because the first circle is just for those who were good people but didn’t believe in god or whatever. The last circle is for the traitors of history Lucifer/Satan is waist deep in a frozen lake of fire I believe (yeah it’s kinda confusing).

Here’s a good diagram of it I found on google

Anyway moving on from my explanation…. does that mean the “circles” exist in the obey me universe or was it a clever reference? I mean to be fair I’m lazy and I’ve been trying to get my cards leveled high so I haven’t progressed much in the story but I found it interesting. Plus learning can be fun right?
