#disabled pride



Excuse me while I put on my exosuit

Mood- except I can’t find a good quality corset

Anyone know where I can get one?

Teach your children that disabled people not only exist, but also are human beings just like them.

That there is nothing “wrong”, “weird”, or “abnormal” about disabled people.

That they have lives just like everyone.

That they are a part of everyday and everywhere.

That they are not more or less than anyone.

That accommodations and mobility aids are nothing strange or unusual.

That just like everyone else, disabled people’s privacies, boundaries, personal spaces, and bodily autonomies should be respected.

I spent a little time decorating Wheelie Jean. I think she’s prettier now.

ADHD Types Pride Flags

Impulsive/Hyperactive Type ADHDPride Flag

A flag with five horizontal of the same sizes. Their colors are, from top to bottom, orange, pastel orange, white, cyan and light blue. There is a black butterfly symbol in the center of the flag.ALT
  • Impulsive/hyperactive type: This type of ADHD is the least common type of ADHD. It is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors without inattention and distractibility. For example: being excessively impulsive, interrupting conversations, impulse buying, blurting out answers instead of waiting to be called upon, taking risks without thinking before acting, fidgeting excessively, difficulty engaging in quiet activities, inability to stay on task…

[Image ID: A flag with five horizontal of the same sizes. Their colors are, from top to bottom, orange, pastel orange, white, cyan and light blue. There is a black butterfly symbol in the center of the flag.]

Flag Meaning:

  • Orange: Hyperactivity.
  • Pastel orange: Pride in being neurodivergent.
  • White: Variation of hyperactive symptoms and diversity of ADHD people.
  • Cyan: Solidarity between inattentive, hyperactive and combined adhd people.
  • Light blue: Impulsivity.
  • Butterfly Symbol: ADHD.

Inattentive/Distractible Type ADHD Pride Flag

A flag with five horizontal of the same sizes. Their colors are, from top to bottom, green, pastel green, white, pastel violet and violet. There is a black butterfly symbol in the center of the flag.ALT
  • Inattentive/distractible type: A type of ADHD characterized predominately by inattention and distractibility without hyperactivity. For example: excessive daydreaming, being easily distracted, being forgetful, making careless mistakes, losing or misplacing objects, short attention span, having poor organizational skills, difficulty attending to details…

[Image ID: A flag with five horizontal of the same sizes. Their colors are, from top to bottom, green, pastel green, white, pastel violet and violet. There is a black butterfly symbol in the center of the flag.]

Flag Meaning:

  • Green: Distractibility.
  • Pastel green: Pride in being neurodivergent.
  • White: Variation of inattentive symptoms and diversity of ADHD people.
  • Pastel violet: Solidarity between inattentive, hyperactive and combined adhd people.
  • Violet: Inattention.
  • Butterfly Symbol: ADHD.

Combined Type ADHD Pride Flag

A flag with five horizontal of the same sizes. Their colors are, from top to bottom, orange, pastel orange, white, pastel violet and violet. There is a black butterfly symbol in the center of the flag.ALT
  • Combined type ADHD: The most common type of ADHD. It is characterized by the combination of impulsive and hyperactive behaviors as well as inattention and distractibility behaviors.

[Image ID: A flag with five horizontal of the same sizes. Their colors are, from top to bottom, orange, pastel orange, white, pastel violet and violet. There is a black butterfly symbol in the center of the flag.]

Flag Meaning:

  • Orange: Hyperactivity and impulsivity.
  • Pastel orange: Pride in being neurodivergent.
  • White: Variation of combined symptoms and diversity of ADHD people.
  • Pastel violet: Solidarity between inattentive, hyperactive and combined adhd people.
  • Violet: Inattention and distractibility.
  • Butterfly Symbol: ADHD.

I get the whole Mad Pride/Disability Pride thing and I have no issue with it existing. I’m really glad that it’s there for people who need it!!! /gen

I’m just really tired of having it forced on me.

Anyone can opt in or out of any community. I’m not saying that Mad Pride and Disability Pride don’t exist, or that the communities aren’t real, just that I choose not to participate. And people get mad at me for that.

So no, I’m not proud to be disabled, neurodivergent, or mentally ill.

I’m proud to still be alive.

And for me, those aren’t the same thing.

Happy Disability Pride to our disabled nonbinary siblings!
