#do not reblog



Send ‘’ for our muses to meet at a formal Masquerade Ball.


My Muse’s eye color is changing! Send in ‘’ to get a randomly generated starter!

Rule:That eye color will stay like that on my muse for the rest of the thread! Numbers are 1-18!

  1. Red: My muse is in a fit of rage.
  2. Orange: My muse is a little curious about your muse.
  3. Golden Yellow: My muse is confident and filled with hope!
  4. Yellow: My muse is happy and overjoyed!
  5. Lime Green: My muse is a bit shocked!
  6. Emerald Green: My muse is disgusted and will sass your muse!
  7. Teal: My muse is suddenly nervous.
  8. Light Blue: My muse is in fear.
  9. Blue: My muse is sleepy and tired/relaxed.
  10. Violet: My muse is serious, all of a sudden.
  11. Magenta: My muse gets embarrassed/flustered about almost every little thing!
  12. Dark Pink: My muse is lusty.
  13. Pink: My muse blushes a lot and any sign of affection will make them explode!
  14. Brown: My muse is suddenly troubled by somebody or something.
  15. Grey/Gray: My muse wishes to cry.
  16. Black: My muse is completely stressed out and frustrated.
  17. White: My muse is mute and.. slightly emotionless.
  18. Rainbow: Mun’s choice!


Send “+” to reverse it onto your muse!


secret encounters starters
edit as you see fit!

  • no one followed you, right?
  • do we have to meet in the middle of the night?
  • make sure no one knows where you’re going
  • we can’t meet anywhere else
  • do you think if i could meet you in public, i wouldn’t?
  • i just don’t want people knowing i’m associated with you
  • this can’t be the place they wanted us to meet at
  • tell me again why we’re meeting at a place like this?
  • are you sure it isn’t safe for us to be seen with each other?
  • wait, are you actually disguised right now?
  • the keyword was ‘inconspicuous’, if no one followed you while dressed like that, it’d be a miracle
  • my family owns this place so no one will question me renting it out
  • you were never here, you hear me?
  • did you lock the door?
  • please promise me no one saw you getting here
  • it’s a public place, yeah, but no one we know actually frequents it
  • listen, i have a list of places to use for secret meetings, and this one, is not on that list
  • we’re very deep into the countryside, aren’t we
  • did you make me lie to people about my whereabouts just to make me leave empty handed?
  • i’m getting the feeling you don’t want people to see us together
  • lower your head, the neighbours can see you through the window
  • as far as the world goes, we never met
  • you’re the only one i’ve ever shown this place to
  • you didn’t tell me us meeting was supposed to be a secret, i told everyone
  • change topic, we’re being listened in
  • i knew it wasn’t a good idea to meet somewhere known
  • no one would suspect us here
  • everyone would suspect us here
  • an abandoned church? is this the best you could do in terms of location?
  • this seemed like the perfect place, neither your side nor my side knows of it
  • they didn’t actually see you entering the room, right
  • it needed to be somewhere neither you nor i would be caught visiting otherwise
  • hey, this isn’t the worst secret meeting i’ve been at, surprisingly
  • i don’t think you know how secret encounters work, do you
  • you’re supposed to stay undercover indefinitely, not blow your cover in the worst possible moment imaginable
  • you probably already know why i wanted us to meet like this
  • could we not do this right now? my family is in the other room
  • meeting like this is tasteless and you know that
  • i just wish i could just walk up to you in broad daylight and let everybody know
  • this is the last time i’m meeting you like this
  • i’m tired of hiding, i don’t care what depends on it, this secrecy is exhausting
  • i wanted to meet like this to end things, they’re starting to suspect something
  • did you bring the things i asked you to bring?
  • don’t give me that, this was your idea, so shut the door and shut your mouth even tighter
  • i think this place is too beautiful for an encounter like this


intimate starters

  • “come here.”
  • “stay with me.”
  • “i want to show you something.”
  • “i love you.”
  • “can you hold me?”
  • “i don’t want to be alone.”
  • “i’m here for you.”
  • “stay tonight.”
  • “come closer.”
  • “why don’t you come here for a second?”
  • “i wanted to apologize.”
  • “thank you for taking care of me.”
  • “i really like you.”
  • “is this your first time?”
  • “trust me.”
  • “let’s stay here for a while.”
  • “come to bed.”
  • “it’s just the two of us.”
  • “touch me.”
  • “i feel safe here.”
  • “what is love to you?”
  • “could you bring me [something]?”
  • “i need your help.”
  • “come with me.”
  • “you don’t have to pretend with me.”
  • “i wanted to thank you.”
  • “i need a hug.”
  • “call me when you get home.”
  • “kiss me.”
  • “you’re cute.”
  • “it hurts when you’re not around.”
  • “i miss you.”
  • “be one with me.”

Out of all the stores-

If you can look at this shit and still back the blue, you need to go to hell immediately.

I’m honestly tired of nonblacks critiquing rap. A Black boy on tik tok remixed a pop song and it’s trending right now, and some nonblack hoe was bitching about how it’s “mID” and honestly, who asked her? I’m glad that his shit is trending, I hope he’s getting several bags. Like damn tik tok thrives off everything niggas do, but hates crediting those niggas.

Every day we find out something new and horrifying about what those babies went through

Previous subject lines that I nearly used on the letter to my Mom

I’m supposed to be going to a beach party in 10 days nooo God why

In Vaulted Halls Entombed scared the fuck out of me, because the edibles chose to kick in during that episode. And afterwards I was staring at the credits all fucked up and disturbed.

Tired of being in the hospital.

Tired of needles.

Tired of IVs.

Tired of heart monitor wires.

Tired of chilly hospital rooms.

Tired of tests.

Tired of waiting for test results.

Tired of doctors using the word “mystery” to describe me.

Tired of pain.

Tired of “this won’t hurt much!” and then it does.

Tired of worrying about dying.

Tired of worrying about how much staying alive is going to cost.

Tired of being tired.

Tired of not being home.


starter for @phoebe-spengler

Maybe it was because he had answered wrong.

He should have said… Yes.

But if he was going to get sent to some interdimensional plane as a punishment for his insolence towards Gozer… this was pretty damn unexpected. As far as what he imagined interdimensional planes went. It looked a hell of a lot like panhandle farm land.

DIRT was written on the side of a collapsing barn…

Well, maybe not. But the satellites on top of the rather verge of collapsing itself looking, possibly Victorian era, home did look promising…

Ray realized he was still holding his proton pack, and it was humming in his hands… Had they blasted the Destroyer? Had Gozer so much as blinked? 

Was New York City a pile of ash and ruin at this point?

Things were fuzzy and Ray felt an uneasiness in his stomach. He turned the proton wand off and holstered it back, walking towards the house. His boots cut grooves into the tilled earth and something… he wasn’t sure what, made him kneel down and place a hand on the ground. He wiped at the dirt between rows… Something metal. 

And then he heard a car rolling up the dirt pathway. He glanced to it at first, thinking it was odd a car would be here but then he stood. Not just any car.

The Ecto-1. His Ecto.

Some kid with long hair was driving it…

And it was beat all to hell.


Roleplay reply for@cupcakesmuses.DO NOT REBLOG

As far as exciting evenings went, Phoebe would have considered gutting the cyclotron in the weird garage basement and rewiring it to power whatever kind of accelerator was strapped to that old ALICE frame a win, but Trevor had to go and make it his version of exciting. Promises of dropping her off to see her new friend – shock and awe still dripping from his tone when Phoebe mentioned it, yeah, a friend, a lab partner, actually, even though they weren’t probably going to do any labs – had Phoebe gathering up the smallest piece of available equipment to show him, the handheld meter with the elevating arms, and loading up into the back of the old Cadillac hearse. The roof rack alone made the thing top-heavy on turns and Trevor’s driving wasn’t great, but Podcast lived on the outskirts of Summerville and the trip was fairly unremarkable. He went to do something with a girl, and she and Podcast had spent a few quick hours extracting visible DNA from an onion, and when Trevor picked her up, both his excuse and his mood had remarkably improved. Nothing else exciting to report.

Until they bumped up the road to return and see if their mom had any luck reinforcing the attic joists and saw a figure standing in their front yard. Trevor yanked to a halt and Phoebe braced herself on the back of the passenger seat.

“What the hell….” Trevor began, reaching for the door and fumbling it open, clambering out as Phoebe scrambled from the rear of the vehicle and squinted at the stranger. “We don’t need any pesticides, we aren’t growing anything.” He lifted his voice, waving vaguely toward what he assumed was fumigation equipment, and Phoebe’s eyes widened as she stepped forward hastily, the man’s portable collider familiar. Nearly identical to the one in the basement.

“Wait-” she began, and Trevor reached for her, missing her shoulder in a hasty swipe and a bluster of wind. “He’s not an exterminator. I think I know him.”

“You know him?” Disbelief steeped his voice, like when she’d introduced him to Podcast. Yes, his name was Podcast. 

“No, I mean I know about this equipment.”

“You… what? No, I’m getting Mom. We don’t want anyone spraying -”

“Don’t go.” Phoebe’s voice was tight, urgent, as she looked up at the stranger, who appeared about as confused as they did, his forehead corrugated like an old piece of cardboard, his hands trembling almost imperceptibly where they gripped the emitter she’d seen attached to the equipment beneath the barn, the high-pitched sound of the power cells resonating through her jaw. “How’d you find us?” Lower, so Trevor couldn’t hear, she pushed her glasses up her nose. “I have one of those too.”

if you want to be a regular Anon, don’t ghost! It’s not cute at all, I really want to talk to people so I don’t see the point in doing that. Also for being added on the Anon list you have to appear 3 times ♡

rules DNI are valid here too. Don’t send hate towards me and/or others. If I think that the message that you send could be triggering/sensitive for the others, then I’m sorry but I won’t respond to it.

↳˳⸙;; ❝ anon tags ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:

Do Not Reblog. 

It’s looking like I’m going to be working very short hours for the majority of September. And while I have money that ca tide me over before I start a full time gig, it all comes from my school savings…

I hate to use it. I know that there’s things/bills that take precedence over saving money up, but…I worked so hard to save it up! I didn’t touch it for the longest time! 

It’s just very disheartening. 

Maybe just a lil sad today :/


Dain got a sweet new flail during his last session so I updated my previous design for his flail a little so that it matches the new concept. The flail is called Zaragosa’s Tooth && it’s got an ice dragon’s tooth at the end !


// - Okay so I updated my blocklist & I just want to toss out a warning to my mutuals/followers bc this person is back on tumblr after harassing me & a group of my friends. tw for a LOT of stuff.

The doc itself may take a while because honestly there’s a LOT. This is the general gist of it but it doesn’t even begin to cover it all. Please stay safe everyone.

EDIT: I am only sharing this information to warn people that this person is still exhibiting these behaviours AFTER being spoken to & asked by multiple people to STOP, which they PROMISED to do. They have been blocked by myself & my friends involved (as well as other people), kicked & banned from two servers, & though I’ve tried to give the benefit of the doubt they’d change it’s not looking like it’s going to happen. Please DON’T harass them or anything, just block & move on.

Due to. Getting anon hate. I’m turning off anon for the time being. Askbox is still open, however, the luxury of privacy is gone.

I hope you understand my wishes, thank you.

- Cak

(P.S. Drink some water if you haven’t today. Take care.)

For someone who had a lot of early pagan experiences with Church of All Worlds, it’s kind of surprising that I’m only just now reading “Creating Circles & Ceremonies.”

                                       Masterlist ( do not reblog )Follow the story of Decay Isabela

                                      Masterlist ( do not reblog )

Follow the story of Decay Isabela following her origin from the golden child to the family shame following her blow-out at Mirabel to leaving her AU for a new life.


The start of Isabela’s turn from favour.

  • The Argument
  • Aftermath
  • Mirabel
  • Punishment.

How Isabel’s life goes on with her life within Casita and the restrictions upon her.

  • Ongoing
  • A new interest
  • The town of reminders
  • Time with Luisa.
  • Antonio’s ceremony

A year later, Isabela hopes to move on and that the punishments set would be lifted a little more.

  • A year with no change.
  • Resentment blooms 
  • A few  months later.

The family finds out of Isabela’s actions

  • A  birthday to remember

Life to the Watcher AU

  • New world, new limb
  • Meeting the group

Watcher AU Work comes at a cost, as Decay Isabela finds out 

  • Loss and injury


Please don’t reblog this, as this is a masterlist I plan to keep updating once I have drabbles and headcanons  posted and I don’t want outdated ones floating around. If you folks wants a list, then I can post a separate one but i’d love for this to remain unreblogged.  Thank you.    

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