#donation post



I have covid and I desperately need help!!


Thursday,April 14th: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill disaster, who is in desperate need of help as I’ve recently tested positive for Covid, and I need help getting groceries/medication delivered during isolation.

As most of you are already aware from my previous posts, I have been struggling financially these past few months due to my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under a review, which is due to my worsening mental/physical health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And last week I attended an appointment with my work coach, where I told them of my latest PCOS diagnosis and medication increase for my MDD. However, since that appointment, I have been feeling increasingly unwell with headaches, nausea and a fever, and after taking several flow tests, I’ve tested positive with Covid and I have to isolate for two-three weeks.

I know this is a huge ask, and I’m completely heartbroken to be asking for help again, but I desperately need some, as I need to get groceries delivered and medicine to help with my symptoms/pain relief until I’m cleared.

If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling right now.







Guys I need help. I’m getting kicked out of my where I’m staying because of a bipolar freak out

I need to get into housing ASAP.

PLEASE help me :(

If anyone can donate for a hotel room, I’d appreciate it so much. I live in New England and it’s freezing right now. I won’t survive on the streets. :(

Ways to donate are in pinned comments

update: it’s icy and snowy and dropping down to single digits at night and I’m honestly scared.

update2/24/22: there’s a snowstorm that’s starting tonight & keep going til tomorrow. we’re supposed to get afoot or more.I don’t want to be caught in the snow if possible. It’ll be below freezing and I’m scared. rn the shelters are at capacity and the cheapest motel is $95/night. If anyone’s able to donate, or can boost this please consider it.. Thank you and I’m sorry. I just don’t kno what to do… (and yes, I’ve already applied for everything I qualify for + I am waiting for gov. assistance)

it’s getting scary on the streets. any and all help for cheap motel rooms for my safety would be so much appreciated…




Guys I need help. I’m getting kicked out of my where I’m staying because of a bipolar freak out

I need to get into housing ASAP.

PLEASE help me :(

If anyone can donate for a hotel room, I’d appreciate it so much. I live in New England and it’s freezing right now. I won’t survive on the streets. :(

Ways to donate are in pinned comments

update: it’s icy and snowy and dropping down to single digits at night and I’m honestly scared.

update2/24/22: there’s a snowstorm that’s starting tonight & keep going til tomorrow. we’re supposed to get afoot or more.I don’t want to be caught in the snow if possible. It’ll be below freezing and I’m scared. rn the shelters are at capacity and the cheapest motel is $95/night. If anyone’s able to donate, or can boost this please consider it.. Thank you and I’m sorry. I just don’t kno what to do… (and yes, I’ve already applied for everything I qualify for + I am waiting for gov. assistance)



Guys I need help. I’m getting kicked out of my where I’m staying because of a bipolar freak out

I need to get into housing ASAP.

PLEASE help me :(

If anyone can donate for a hotel room, I’d appreciate it so much. I live in New England and it’s freezing right now. I won’t survive on the streets. :(

Ways to donate are in pinned comments

update: it’s icy and snowy and dropping down to single digits at night and I’m honestly scared.


It’s snowing :(

wow now there’s an ice/hail storm :’(

Fuck being homeless ESPECIALLY in the winter time


Hello we are HOH DID system hoping to get ourselves a hearing aid, we don’t have insurance that could help with the costs of paying for one. And the total cost would be about 1,500$

We would be willing to draw you something if you send more than 10 dollars our way, if you want to know what our art looks like go to this blog @forkrepellent

P^ypal [Link leads to p^ypal me]


Hi, I’m Erin, does anyone have $25 for dinner for 7 people, 5 adults and 2 kids? I signed up for food stamps and did my interview but the kids are hungry now and keep asking when is dinner, where is dinner and I don’t know what to do. I had hoped I’d get food stamps earlier but nope, I’m waiting to receive them now. I was hospitalized not too long back because of cardiac arrest due to an overdose of potassium which thankfully I got better from and am recovering from the mental trauma of being revived and having been placed on a ventilator. I don’t know what to do. My last post died and I have no money currently to buy food as we’re going through a very hard time.A dime or dollar would help us out. I know everyone’s going through a hard time at the moment. Anything is appreciated, be it a penny or a dollar. Thank y'all. No one has to donate if they don’t want to or can’t, it’s okay! Hate will be blocked.

paypalor cash.meor venmo(my username is skiesofperiwinkle)


Hey everyone, 2020 really fucked me up and I’m in really shitty financial situation that I have to get on top of. My landlord filed to evict me back in July without notifying me and I have a hearing date on Dec 2nd for a possible eviction

I’ve tried speaking with the property managers but they’re refusing to speak with me and said they only way to resolve this is if I make a substantial payment. And this is the part where they also refuse to tell me how much would qualify as a substantial amount.

Some of my friends have encouraged me to setup a gofundme to help me keep my current apartment or to find a new one if I get evicted

Any energy, well wishes, shares and donations are all deeply appreciated in advance


hey all, I know this is a difficult time financially for most of us, but if you can spare absolutely anything to help valentina and artemis, please please do. valentina has been one of my best friends for years and she is one of the sweetest, kindest, most generous people I’ve ever known. If you can’t donate, please, PLEASE reblog. Don’t let a soulless property management company make a mentally ill Black woman homeless in the winter during a global fucking pandemic.


Urgent: Please Help

Hey all, it’s everyone’s favorite internet beggar back at it again.

Due to everything that’s going down with the corona virus, my place of work has closed down and have no plans to pay us for the foreseeable future.

I missed the boat and I have no toilet paper, food, or gas, and no money to help.

Please, please, please if anyone could spare anything to help me out it would mean the WORLD to me.

My paypal link is here

My venmo is @Olivia-MR

If anyone could reblog this post or even just like it to send thoughts I would be eternally grateful.

Stay safe and healthy out there, thanks again for reading.

Urgent: Please Help

Hey all, it’s everyone’s favorite internet beggar back at it again.

Due to everything that’s going down with the corona virus, my place of work has closed down and have no plans to pay us for the foreseeable future.

I missed the boat and I have no toilet paper, food, or gas, and no money to help.

Please, please, please if anyone could spare anything to help me out it would mean the WORLD to me.

My paypal link is here

My venmo is @Olivia-MR

If anyone could reblog this post or even just like it to send thoughts I would be eternally grateful.

Stay safe and healthy out there, thanks again for reading.



I’m not the one to ask others for help, but my situation has gotten really bad and I don’t know where else to turn to.

My parents found out I’m trans yesterday and I got kicked out. I was told to pack up and leave. I’m from Eastern Europe and a university student. They were paying everything for me, from school to depression meds to food. I’m at my friend’s place now but I can’t stay here forever and I need money for the next school year which starts next month, meds, food, utilities… until I can figure out a job. I honestly feel really desperate and miserable right now, I’m freaking out so bad :( I feel confused, betrayed, my head and chest are throbbing from crying and overthinking… I feel like I’m suddenly at rock bottom and things were already bad for me with depression and dysphoria. Things are so overwhelming. I don’t even know if what I’m writing makes sense. I just need help to stay on my feet right now, I can’t afford to stop attending university amongst everything else too as you really need a degree here not to live in absolute poverty until the rest of your life. One year is about 1143 american dollars or 970 euros, which is the least I’d need for now.

I know this is a lot to ask for but please, if you can spare even a dollar/euro/one unit of whatever currency, please help me out! And if you can’t, please please reblog. And thank you unbelievably much



Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me in these awful times. Enough money has been raised for me to continue university which is such a relief for me! I honestly can’t thank you enough. I’m sending all the love I have in me to you all, thank you thank you thank you!!!!

As I said in my previous update, I will be able to stay with my friend and their family until I get a job so I will have a roof over my head as well as food, and since enough money has been raised for my meds too, I will be closing the goal I posted now even though it wasn’t reached fully since I don’t want to be given more money than necessary. You have been beyond generous towards me already. Once again, an enormous thank you to everyone!!!!

I’m still in a bad place mentally but I’ll just have to power through it and figure it out as I go… Many more of you have reached out and knowing I have friends in you has been yet another major relief. Thank you people, seriously.

I have put it in a way that’s transparent for everyone to see how much has been raised, but since I will be closing the goal I’m going to put a picture of the state as it is right now so people can see. I put it so $1 = 1 kofi, so the amount raised is $1642. I will keep the goal open for a little longer so people can be assured the picture is the actual current state.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️



hi i’m ofelia and i’m a struggling nonbinary lesbian. an for autism acceptance month i think us autistic gays should get something a lil extra. so drop your links bellow. 

paypal / cashapp /wishlist / venmo: cosmobaut

hey im not scheduled until friday. so if i could get some help i would really appreciate it. 

PayPal: @zamisriza

^ If you happen to have a lot to spare, donate to OP first though. If you only have a little then just donate to OP.


Please help if you can!!


Tuesday, December 15th: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill disaster, who’s in desperate need of help, as I’m still struggling to make it through Christmas.

As most of you are already aware, I have been struggling financially for quite some time due to my welfare benefits being revoked, under the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And due to my worsening mental health, a few months ago, I attended a medical assessment for my U.C benefit.

The results stated that I have a limited capability for work due to my chronic depression and extreme fatigue. And I am currently awaiting the outcome of my PIP application(Feb 2021 at the latest)

I’m completely heartbroken to keep asking for help, but I still desperately need some as I don’t receive my U.C benefit until after Christmas, which is next Friday and I still have bills and meters to pay. My goal at the moment is £200!!

If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling right now.


PayPalKo-Fi Goal




Here’s a chance to change some black trans lives

Saw this on facebook and am keeping the momentum going. I’ve copied all the fundraiser links below, and here’s the link to the original post in case you’d prefer to look at the list that way.

screenshot of Facebook post by Quinlan Malloy “Remember what I said about funding black trans people’s surgeries? Yeah, here’s your chance. BEHOLD, a thread of ways to help save black trans lives.”

Urgent ⬇️

Disabled Enby Needing Help For Top Surgery! organized by Atlas Raymond Ursen

I will periodically update the progress amounts. As the goals are met, I’ll mark them as funded and change the colors from greentopink to make it clear. I’m also tagging the ones that could use more attention with red.
Been hearing a lot about “reparations” lately? Well, this is one way to start working towards that, since those in power certainly won’t.



Urgent: Please Help

Hey all, it’s everyone’s favorite internet beggar back at it again.

Due to everything that’s going down with the corona virus, my place of work has closed down and have no plans to pay us for the foreseeable future.

I missed the boat and I have no toilet paper, food, or gas, and no money to help.

Please, please, please if anyone could spare anything to help me out it would mean the WORLD to me.

My paypal link is here

My venmo is @Olivia-MR

If anyone could reblog this post or even just like it to send thoughts I would be eternally grateful.

Stay safe and healthy out there, thanks again for reading.

PLEASE, if anyone can share this it would mean SO much.

I just found out my company is closing it’s doors for the foreseeable future and will not be paying us for the time missed.

I can’t believe this is happening. We are all in this shitty boat together and it sucks but I have nowhere else to turn.


hey folks, i’ve recently taken in a kitten who’s only 4 weeks old. i took him to the vet because he was really sick and it cost about 200 dollars already. his respiratory care package isn’t working though and i’m worried now he has internal bleeding or a disease of some kind. it will cost quite a bit to help him get on his feet again, but i don’t want to let him down since he is such a sweet guy. even my older cat who hates other animals has started to care for him and i’d hate for it to end there. if you could please donate anything, that would really help right now since my family have way too much bills as is (grandfather is in the hospital, mother has chemo treatments). i’ll update you guys on his health as well! the name is rover ❤️ thank you.

donate here: https://ko-fi.com/bagthehag

or i can send you my paypal privately! also please reblog to spread around!


Help urgently needed!!


Wednesday, May 18th: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill disaster, who is in desperate need of help as I’m really struggling to pay off my overdue account and keep my utilities (electricity/gas) on.

As most of you are already aware from my previous posts, I have been struggling financially these past few months due to my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under a review, which is due to my worsening mental/physical health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And at the moment, I’m currently struggling to get by, asmy application for Disability (PIP) was declineddespiterecently being diagnosed with PCOS & MDD, and due to awaiting DWP assessments, my debt from overdue bills is piling up which is making it difficult for me to get by.

I know this is a huge ask, and I’m completely heartbroken to be asking for help again, but I still desperately need some as my account is overdrawn due to late bills and fees, and my meters are on the verge of going out. All I need is £200 to pay my overdue account and to help keep my utilities on until I get my welfare again at the end of the month.

If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling right now.


@thebibliosphere@shencomix@pmseymourva@deadgodjess@thefingerfuckingfemalefury@decadent-trans-girl@shesnake@venus-macabre@prisonhannibal@bihet-dragonize@closet-keys@dontbeanassbutt@susiephone@boost-the-signal - ❤



HELLO FRIENDS it’s that time of year where i reluctantly reach out and ask for help of the monetary kind

Good News: i’ve been in contact with a ~licensed insolvency trustee~ to help me out with my financial issues!

Bad News: until we’re able to set up an appointment, i’m… still struggling :’)

all my major bills are paid, but i’m short 100 bucks for an automatic payment that’ll be coming out of my bank account this coming week. and if it tries to take the money and its not there, my bank will lovingly smack me with a $45 insufficient funds fee! isn’t that great! i love capitalism!!

(she said this while crying into her hands)

if anyone is at all willing to donate to help me through until i get that appointment set up to help with all my crippling financial debt issues, that would be wonderful

if you can’t, hey, thats okay too! we’re all struggling in a world that hates poor people and i dont expect anyone to give what they don’t have. to say life is hard is an understatement

thank you just for reading my post <3

im completely overwhelmed with how much kindness and generosity you guys have showed me, oh my stars. thank you SO much to everyone whos donated!! i woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomach with the usual financial stress, so knowing that i dont have to stress out now is just… wonderful

thank you so much <3 ;w;


trans schizophrenic queer person with DID, hypermobile joints and a degrading spine needs help avoiding homelessness

hi, im dib, i need some help staying afloat. i am no longer living with my prior roommate and i need help covering all of my costs of living while im waiting for my disability income to be approved. i am currently 2 months behind on rent because my prior living situation was toxic and unstable, and the person i was staying with before can’t/wont help:

i am now solely responsible for this. i am about to be a third month behind. i have pictured here my official income from the state I live in, this is temporary cash assistance while i wait for my real disability income. i make $245/month.

i am currently working with my case worker to find as many programs as i can to help me keep my head above water, but its a hurry up and wait kind of game. i have 2 rats, and i also need things like cleaning supplies, medications, and so on. i am trying my hardest, thank you for considering me. i really have no other options at this point

c@sh@pp: glitterGraphix

p@yp@l: [email protected]

also uh kind of hate to do this but with my laptop dying and our house desperately needing work, money is more than a little tight, so if anyone wants to help out, my paypal is paypal.me/alicehewitt

as always, no expectation to help, god knows we’re all struggling but it’s super appreciated if you can








i don’t usually post pics of me and my gal on here bc some folks r truly evil racists and transphobes who don’t go outside but this pic of us drunk at a wedding is like the best ever

the gays win again

while you’re all here, help us homos survive if u can!

paypal: [email protected]

cashapp: $sailorsylvie

venmo: Serena-Manning
















Help a Two Spirit guy start over in a new state & reconnect with my roots!

Happy New Year to everyone—may life bring health, happiness, and success to you & your loved ones! I have spent the past 2 years struggling to make ends meet in a city that has been less than kind to me including some of the worst workplace abuse I’ve ever encountered. The worst part being that my apartment complex is trying to increase my rent by $400 without any repairs or renovations to the unit I live in, which is desperately needs, I’ve attached a picture below for proof. I don’t currently make income outside of UberEats & I cannot afford to pay $1400/mo in rent when I’m currently struggling to pay $1035. But! I have been given an amazing opportunity to start over in a new state with an income-based housing program that will place me & my kitty into a 1 bedroom home! I have until February 20, 2022 to find a job & get approved for this new place to live for $650/mo & I’ve been lucky enough to have a family member offer some financial support to help with the move. Unfortunately, I have a couple obstacles in my way that may prevent me from moving for a new start at life. The first is my rent of $1035 is due by January 5, 2022 & I have to tell my rental company that I won’t be renewing my lease by January 2, 2022. This means I have to have my rent paid by Jan. 5 or I’ll be charged $1400-$1600 for another month’s rent. If I pay for another month’s rent, I can’t move. My second obstacle is saving about $1000 for moving expenses such as a moving truck to put my stuff in & hitch my car to in order to make the 500+ mile trip to my new home state. I need to place a goal of $2000 in order to make rent & get myself & my kitty moved! It’s cheaper for me to move to a completely new state than to try to continue to struggle here—I’d be saving over $1000/mo on rent and that alone will give me room to get a leg up in the world. Please consider donating to help me give myself a second chance at life. I truly believe that starting over will be exactly the step back that I need to get a running start towards a life where I not only survive, but thrive. I’ve never been able to thrive in life and this could be my chance. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you can reblog this, thank you so much. If you donate, thank you deeply & may your kindness return to you tenfold.

c*sh*pp - $chiliandcornbread

v*nm* - LRed_577

message for p*yp*l & zelle

message for n*s*f*w content for $ale

$1050/$2000 thank you everyone that helped us pay rent!!

We could certainly use some help buying food & litter for her highness as well as some food for her royal gentleman in waiting thank you!!

Hi all! I need some help paying my compounding gas bill so my heat doesn’t get turned off, proof below. My washer crapped out on my last night too so I spent my last $20 on washing clothes and could use any kindness thrown my way! Best wishes!

My bills are overdue & I need to go out of town this weekend to make it to some interviews & apply for some properties! Any help paying off my bills and paying for gas to get me to & from my 8 hours away destination would be deeply deeply appreciated! Please boost this if you can & if I tagged you to boost this, thank you if you do happen to reblog & thank you for your time regardless!


I just received a text from my dad that my mom tested positive for covid— my entire family is vaccinated and has their boosters. I did see my mom for a few hours in the past 2 weeks so I need to self-isolate. This means I can’t UberEats and make income. I would deeply appreciate any kindness so I can order food to my home over the next 10 days and await a test result myself. Thank you & best wishes to everyone

I would deeply appreciate any help keeping my lights on, my heat on, & my car insurance paid as I’m self isolating, I can’t responsibly deliver food so I’m out of income for the next 2 weeks!

Would anyone be kind enough to help me buy some food? Thank you!!



Old post died sorry for making a new one, very desperate at the moment

Very badly and desperately need 600 USD tomorrow to pay for all our overdue electric and water bill, overdue rent and overdue car payment. I still havent paid our overdue electric bill that i posted on here from last time. So sorry for doing this over and over again, we just got better from being sick with omicron and my father is still in his oxygen tank

Please if anyone has a spare or would be kind enough to reblog this, we would appreciate it so much

Help a desperate mother out please i beg




Help me eat this week!

Hey y’all, I need $75 for groceries this week, can anybody help?



Venmo: @miss-brie-nicole

Can someone pls send me $20?


Making a new post because my last one lost traction and I’m struggling really bad, I don’t go back to work until next week. Please help me pay my electricity bill





Anyone got like $25 gotta get to work tonight

Need this by 8pm est

Also need like $15 to get a meal today





I’m making a new post because I don’t know what to do. I tested positive for covid and I live paycheck to paycheck, just getting by under normal circumstances. Now I have covid and have to be out of work for at least two weeks. I don’t know how I’m going to make it by.


Hi! I’m out of toilet paper and I have $3 to my name. Please help me get some from doordash!

Please help me, I still only have $3 and I’m out of work with no pay for the next two weeks.


please help me. My phone bill is due tomorrow and I can’t call 911 if my symptoms get worse and phone isn’t working. Please help me.





Hi! New problem! My paycheck doesn’t cover my rent! Rent is $607 and paycheck is $496.64 I need $112 to cover rent, please help me if you can.




Hello thanks for taking time to read my post. I need a little help I’m recently getting evicted. I’m trying to come up with the money. I’ve been going through some struggles of getting out an abusive relationship, losing my car. I have no family where I live. My mom was my only support and she has passed over 2 Years ago. I tired to get back in school to better myself for me and my 6 year old boy. Life keeps hitting me . My health is declining from my diabetes I recently got diagnosed with high blood pressure and lymphedema. So it’s been a struggle trying to work and keep up with everything. I hate to even ask but a small donation would be very helpful and appreciated. I just need to keep the roof over me and my son. Understandable if a donation couldn’t be made I will appreciate a reblog please and thanks so much ❤️

$0/$600 ill keep updates ✨️

I also have Zelle. My email for that is [email protected]

Thanks SO much I appreciate anything !


Hello thanks for taking time to read my post. I need a little help I’m recently getting evicted. I’m trying to come up with the money. I’ve been going through some struggles of getting out an abusive relationship, losing my car. I have no family where I live. My mom was my only support and she has passed over 2 Years ago. I tired to get back in school to better myself for me and my 6 year old boy. Life keeps hitting me . My health is declining from my diabetes I recently got diagnosed with high blood pressure and lymphedema. So it’s been a struggle trying to work and keep up with everything. I hate to even ask but a small donation would be very helpful and appreciated. I just need to keep the roof over me and my son. Understandable if a donation couldn’t be made I will appreciate a reblog please and thanks so much ❤️

$0/$600 ill keep updates ✨️

I also have Zelle. My email for that is [email protected]

Thanks SO much I appreciate anything !


If anyone wants to work for themselves as an aide I joined a program where you can pick your own hours , days, you work for yourself so no taxes is took out. It is hourly I believe $14/$16hr they do have you do a background check but no drug testing. Here is my link we earn $50 after your first visit. They give you bonuses for gas Mileage and picking up extra shifts

If anyone wants to work for themselves as an aide I joined a program where you can pick your own hours , days, you work for yourself so no taxes is took out. It is hourly I believe $14/$16hr they do have you do a background check but no drug testing. Here is my link we earn $50 after your first visit. They give you bonuses for gas Mileage and picking up extra shifts


recently my other cat Jacob died and didn’t expect my other 2 cats to be infected with calici virus :( , i hurriedly gotten them to the vet & hoping that both of my remaining cats survive. I ask anyone who have some extra money to spare on our vet bills since its too much for me right now, i have to pay someone to baby sit for them while im away from work, any amount will do!

if you could help reach my goal 600-700$ this will help me a lot!
