#earth fairy

Earth spirits are just about the easiest ones to make contact with. Their forms tend to be less subtle than those of many fairies,and they generally stick to one place- so if you feel a location is haunted by these beings, it will always be haunted. Wherever anything grows, there will be a fairy to attend to it.

Earth fairies love gardens,and will gather round you while you are planting and watering. At the end of a hot day they exult when you get out the hose or watering can, and will dance among the refreshed flowers with glee. Often they do not like you weeding,though,so make sure you always do this with respect. Leave a patch of your garden to grow wild, for the fairies love this and it creates a space for all the plants that are unwelcome elsewhere- just because humans do not like them, this does not mean they do not have a valuable place in the scheme of things.


  1. To draw close to the gnomes,settle quietly in your garden or in a park,woodland, field, or hillside- close to a barrow-mound may be the most powerful place of all. Gnomes of the deep earth may be experienced in a cave or hollow,whereas others may be more of the flower- or tree-fairy types. Let your bare feet and hands make contact with the earth,mud or stone. Beat a soft rhythm on a drum,if you wish.
  2. Be very still, relaxed,and quiet. Try not to see anything,because that will put you in the wrong frame of mind. Just be there, and be observant- these spirits do not show themselves in the ways you might expect, and seeing them can seem almost ordinary.
  3. Be aware of any little movements out of the corner of your eye, for that is where spirits are often first perceived. An animal running in the undergrowth may also be a shy gnome in disguise. Look out for the face of the Green Man among the leaves, and watch flowers, for they can also be sweet faces, nodding and smiling.
  4. To show they have drawn close to you, gnomes will often give you a tangible gift,such as a coin or a piece of jewelry. If you find this on your path,treasure it, for it is very lucky.

Do this meditation outside, if you can find a quiet spot. All the natural scents and sounds will intensify your experience. However, it is very important that you should not be disturbed.


  1. Start by relaxing completely. Close your eyes and either imagine the actual place where you are sitting/lying or that you are somewhere else in Nature. Take the time to see this in detail. If you are using the place where you are, do not be surprised if it changes in some way.
  2. Around you there are soft sounds of rustling and scuffling. The undergrowth seems to be moving here and there,this way and that, as if there are creatures within it. Each time you turn around to get a better look, the movement seems to stop. You feel that you are being watched by curious eyes.
  3. The vegetation around you is becoming indistinct. You realize a soft gray mist is rising from the ground,slowly obscuring all that you see. Up, up goes the mist, around and above you, until you find yourself in a bell jar of whiteness. Peace surrounds you, and you wait patiently.
  4. Now the mist is clearing in front of you, revealing a different scene entirely. You see there is a forest path,dark and over-arched by thick branches, winding deep into the heart of the woodland. You know that you must take this path.
  5. You get up and begin to walk into the tunnel of green. Bird calls echo overhead. The air is still and cool, and there is a scent of moss and soil. The earth beneath your feet is springy and even, although the forest grows thick on both sides. As you walk, you are aware that the undergrowth on either side of the path is moving from time to time. Gradually you realize that beings are walking alongside you. As you walk on, they become clearer and clearer, until you can see their faces and fairy forms.
  6. Ahead you can see a dark shape looming. The earthy scent intensifies, and you realize you are approaching the mouth of a cave. You stand before it, and the beings on either side of you stand still too. Beside the path there is a flat stone. You sit on it and wait.
  7. You are becoming aware of a rhythmic sound, like a heartbeat or a muffled drum. The noise is steadily getting louder, and you realize that it is the sound of footsteps approaching. You feel a little apprehensive, but notice that all your companion earth spirits are clustering expectantly at the mouth of the cave, as you also watch patiently and hopefully.
  8. The sound intensifies to a steady boom, until a figure appears in the shadowed arch of the cave. This is a mighty creature,which looks as if he has been hewn from solid rock: gnarled,gray-brown, and sinewy, His feet are like tree roots and his arms like the branches of an oak, and he carries a great club over his shoulder. For a moment you feel afraid, until you notice that above his tangled beard his eyes are brown and twinkling.
  9. This being squats down, and as he does so he looks much more homely. All the gnomes and nature spirits throng around him and he laughs a deep,booming laugh as they climb upon his knees and shoulders and whisper in his ear. All the while he looks sidelong at you, winking and nodding, until you approach a little closer. “Look around you.” he says, and his voice is surprisingly soft, like the rain falling on thirsty ground. “Look around,listen around,feel around!” You look about you, into the green fertile forest. “Here.”. he says, “Is where it all happens. Do you understand? All takes shape,you take shape,everything is.”
  10. Thoughts rise in your mind and feelings within your heart. Ask questions of the Gnome King. Speak to him especially of your plans and ambitions, your practical difficulties, and matters to do with your home,money,and body. Ask how you can proceed in love and harmony with the earth,while finding fulfillment. Don’t be surprised if some of his answers are quite short and to the point.
  11. Soon the time comes to take your leave. Do so respectfully and thankfully. Walk back along the forest path,with such of the earth spirits have chosen to accompany you. As you approach to the place where you began, see that the mist has disappeared and all is normal.Come back gradually to everyday awareness.

(ART LINK) - Rossdraws


Remember playing in the mud as a kid, maybe making mud pies or getting covered in it, and feeling happy to squish it between your fingers and toes? Fairies of the Earth are at work underfoot, they’re the entities that govern the turn of the soil, helping the insects and worms that keep soil aerated and healthy. They encourage seeds, helping them germinate, and then coax the roots, urging them to have bold confidence to claim the soil for themselves. Earth Fairies are stocky with dark green,clay red, or brown hues. They have wings that resemble beetles shiny wings.They’re dense in appearance rather than holographic. They’ll brush against your ankles as you walk, playfully tugging at you through the mud or pricking your bare feet with tiny sticks or thorns, just out of rambunctiousness. They are seen best in the gloaming light at the end of day, as they like to catch a glimpse of the Residential Fairy Queen who passes at twilight.

How Earth Fairies Help Us

Earth fairies know that we come from dust and shall return to it, and that all living things on Earth eventually break down into the soil, in one form or another. While we are alive, the Fairies of the Earth long to claim us as the Earth’s gravity and magnetic pull show us that our place is naturally the ground we walk on. They help us understand intrinsically that we thrive from the root up, and need a foundational base in which to grow truly strong. The electrons and healthy bacteria emitted through the earth have great health benefits to us, shifting our moods and regulating bodily organs. Children instinctively run outside barefoot, and adults should too! (always making sure its safe and there’s nothing harmful that can prick your feet). Earth Fairies want us to be and feel grounded, to receive the gifts from the core of the Earth into our own core, and their mission is to give us reason to stabilize our lives through real depth; they want us to take root and know we belong.

How To Connect With Earth Fairies

Go outside as often as you can and walk barefoot. Try to get your feet against the actual ground, and simply feel yourself there, your weight sinking in or being fully supported by it. Earth Fairies will be present as you are infused with pure energy in the form of electrons, receiving and connecting with the biological rhythms of your planet. And don’t be shy about digging, rending to gardens, and reaching with bare hands into the earth. You may not be making mud pies or sand castles anymore, but there are great benefits of getting dirty and standing upon or getting into the rich soil.

Always Be Careful!~


love is

all elements combined.

freedom of air,

stability of earth.

heat of fire,

calmness of water.

love is

all elements combined.

- all elements in one.


