#water fairy


Every mermaid knows, as she gazed into her mirror, that beauty is in the eye of the one beheld! If you believe that you are beautiful, there is no doubt that most people will be charmed by you.



For this spell you will need a mirror- preferably a pretty one,with a handle. You will also need some spring water; some dried rose petals; some seaweed (which can be obtained in good health-food stores,or gather your own); a rose-pink candle; your favorite romantic CD (preferably instrumental rather than singing);and a natural sponge.

  1. Make an infusion by filling a pan with spring water,bringing it to the boil, adding the rose petals and seaweed and then taking the pan off the heat. While the petals and seaweed are soaking, run a bath of warm water,light your candle in the bathroom, and start to play the CD, (or song on your phone,youtube or radio), to build up an atmosphere.
  2. Strain the infusion and add it to your bath. (Note: it is always a good idea to test for allergies 24 hours beforehand by placing a small amount of infusion on your inner wrist.) When the water is at the right temperature for you, get in, and close your eyes.
  3. Bring to mind your own special water fairy that you met in the previous visualization (here click here)and ask her to be near. You may feel her presence as a slight tingling, and if you are lucky, you will see her.
  4. Pick up the sponge and stroke your body all over,enjoying the sensuous experience. Tell your body it is beautiful (even if you are in the habit of thinking the opposite). Say, “From the sea came my life, from the sea came my body. Like the mermaids I am beautiful.” Mentally ask your special mermaid to fill you with confidence and joy in your own sexuality.
  5. Now pick up the mirror, look into your eyes and say, “I love you.” Say this as many times as you can, while sitting comfortably in the bath. Maybe your mermaid will whisper something encouraging in your ear.
  6. Complete the spell by thanking your mermaid and snuffing out the candle with a drop of water. As the water drains from the bath, let your consciousness return to normal. Wrap yourself in a big, soft towel and pamper yourself.

Open your heart to the water fairies and the boundaries between you and them will dissolve. Once you feel close to them, it will be easier to experience them in their own habitat.



  1. Relax completely. Imagine that you are sitting beside a beautiful lake or a calm stretch of ocean. This may be a familiar place that you love,or it could be a place of your own imagination. Take the time to settle in this spot. Fill in all the details of the environment. See the shimmering greens and the blues of the waters, and all the other colors, reflected and refracted. Look at the azure sky arching overhead. Notice any plants and rocks, any features of the landscape- let your eyes dwell on these. See how close you are to the shore,where you are sitting or standing and what you are wearing. Notice in particular that you are wearing a large,beautiful emerald pendant,and that the stone is flat against your chest,over your heart.
  2. Listen to the sounds around you. Can you hear the breeze,the birdsong, the sound of the waves? Smell the freshness of the air and the scent of water carried on it. Feel the pure, moist air on your face and the gentle wind playing with your hair. Enjoy all of this and make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed.
  3. Now concentrate on the center of your chest, where your heart is. Breathe in the beauty of this place and allow your heart to be filled with love for it . Let your heart feel warm,open,and invigorated.
  4. Remember the wonderful emerald hanging against your chest,close to your heart. As you feel a closeness and empathy with the beauty of the waters, so the emerald begins to shine. The warmth in your heart is flowing into the emerald,which pulses and glows in response. The radiance within the emerald is gentle, yet amazingly powerful. Soon you are aware that its wonderful light is stretching out over the waters, bathing everything in the purest green. The emerald green is reaching into the waters, mingling with them and shining outward again. The waters are becoming clearer, and you begin to see into their depths. What wondrous gifts and treasures do you find lying there? What magical beings are present?
  5. Invited by the emerald, called forth by the love in your heart, fairies are beginning to emerge from the waters. Watch as they come, strange and beautiful for the most part, others in shapes you may not have imagined. Continue to let the emerald light shine from you and to send a welcome from your heart.
  6. Let the fairies emerge in their own way. They may remain far out on the waters, or they may approach closer to the edge. They may even come onto the land. Watch them as they appear, remaining serene and letting the emerald light of your heart continue to shine. Listen also, for the fairies may be talking,laughing,whispering, or most likely of all- singing.
  7. Invite the fairies close, asking if one of them will speak with you. Listen to what the fairy says. If you like, you can ask questions- for instance, you may want to find out what you can do to enable you to draw closer to the water sprites in everyday life. The answers you get may be startlingly clear or they may not make sense at first. Try not to puzzle over them for now.
  8. When the time seems right, tell the fairies that you are bidding them farewell and that you honor them,and thank them for their presence. Say that you will visit them again. Let the emerald light slowly fade and shrink back into the crystal on your chest. Affirm that the emerald is closed,and that your heart is, for now, also closed. Touch the emerald and feel its coolness and solidity. Draw away from the scene.
  9. Now come back to everyday awareness,patting your body all over to make sure that you are in the here-and-now. Make a note of all you experienced and any thoughts that have arisen in a special notebook.
  10. You can repeat this journey as many times as you wish. More questions may occur to you, and you can ask your water-fairy spokesperson to answer them. Do not be surprised if the responses you get give rise to more and more questions, for that is the fairy way and is part of your quest. Happy Journeying!
My water fairy, capturing the beauty of nature on our date to the Austin Botanical Gardens. She does

My water fairy, capturing the beauty of nature on our date to the Austin Botanical Gardens. She doesn’t know it, but she’s the most beautiful thing here.

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I had a spectacular 2nd date with my water fairy today. We hiked in a local green belt and then had

I had a spectacular 2nd date with my water fairy today. We hiked in a local green belt and then had a picnic on a rock in the middle of the creek. We talked about life and love and kink and how very into each other we are. We kissed and touched and turned each other on until we walked back to our cars, holding hands.

Guys, she’s so amazing I don’t even have words.

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making out is one of the most underrated things in the world of sex like one of the best feelings on earth is tongue on tongue, biting each other’s lips and pressing your bodies together and grinding your hips into each other while your breathing mixes and making out is just so ugh god

Which is why I’m in no rush to hurry things along.

Spent some time at the local nude beach (Hippie Hollow) with my water fairy and some friends today.

Spent some time at the local nude beach (Hippie Hollow) with my water fairy and some friends today. I’m burned, but loving life and super happy. ♡♡♡

“If we take care of the moments the years will take care of themselves.”

My water fairy is leaving for two weeks and I will be missing her sooo much. I might even catch up on posting!! ;-)

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I had the most beautiful weekend. She and I swam in the San Gabriel after a thunderstorm. As the war

I had the most beautiful weekend.

She and I swam in the San Gabriel after a thunderstorm. As the warm Texas sun peaked out over kelly green branches, we danced around each other in the water until our limbs intertwined. Our heads neared for the first sweet taste of lips on lips. The butterflies in my stomach moved into my heart. I’ve never seen anything as stunning as her eyes when she opened them to look at me.

She made me feel like everything was made of magic ‍❤️‍

From the photos she takes of me, I think she feels the same.

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A little swamp fairy for #mermay. ♡

A little swamp fairy for #mermay. ♡

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love is

all elements combined.

freedom of air,

stability of earth.

heat of fire,

calmness of water.

love is

all elements combined.

- all elements in one.



Teo Poggi – The Radiant Being

Teo Poggi – The Radiant Being

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Photographer: William Hamilton Water Nymph chapter from my Dark Fairytale special collection photo-bPhotographer: William Hamilton Water Nymph chapter from my Dark Fairytale special collection photo-bPhotographer: William Hamilton Water Nymph chapter from my Dark Fairytale special collection photo-b

Photographer: William Hamilton

Water Nymph chapter from my Dark Fairytale special collection photo-book.

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