#emma langevin


ima be honest i made the same face emma did when jagger said if schlatt chose him he’d “let him fuck minx.” the silence that came after was DEAFENING like you did not just say that




to the like two people who asked, here’s a list of some aspec ccs ^_^

  • karl jacobs (aspec)
  • 5up (asexual)
  • tinakitten (demisexual)
  • jaiden animations (aroace)
  • shubble (asexual)
  • emma langevin (asexual)

more ccs from the notes!

  • justaminx (aspec, questioning)
  • RIPmika (asexual)
  • squidney80 (aspec)
  • recD (asexual)
  • poodwattle (aspec)
  • snifferish (aspec)

[ID: A meme depicted Bugs Bunny wearing a suit. He’s looking forward with a casual smile and his hands are folded in front of him.

White text to the left reads, “i wish all aspec ccs a very happy pride month”. 

Around the text are the aroace flag, demiromantic flag, demisexual flag, graysexual flag, grayromantic flag, aromantic flag, and asexual flag. End ID]

Just a doodle of Emma Langevin plus some edits

Emma Langevin on the possibility of streaming with Sykkuno, about 1 month before they 1st streamed with Sykkuno.

The CorpseHomebrew Warlock Patron that a friend and I created of the popular Youtuber/Musician CorpsThe CorpseHomebrew Warlock Patron that a friend and I created of the popular Youtuber/Musician CorpsThe CorpseHomebrew Warlock Patron that a friend and I created of the popular Youtuber/Musician Corps

The Corpse

Homebrew Warlock Patron that a friend and I created of the popular Youtuber/Musician Corpse Husband. Feel free to use for your games and one shots and give some feedback! Link to the PDF file below!


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