#end it all


With a vengeance. And they’re not nice at all. They never were. I need to remain distracted with work. Break is literally going to kill me. It always seems so perfect…to end it all at the end of every year.
It would be so easy. I could disappear and no one would be the wiser for a couple of days…if ever they noticed.

Time turns,
People change,
Everyone leaves,
Everything disappears.

Life is worthless,
Time proves this, 
Nothing is right,
Life is wrong.

Everything is a mess,
What am I doing?
Where am I going?
Time changes but I stand still.

Time causes everyone to leave me,
No one stays,
Time provides better opportunities for them,
Time changes I still drown in misery.

Time turns,
Nothing has a point,
My life is worthless,
Time changes and this time takes my life with it.
