
Framed Black Panther Minifigure - Shadow Box Frame - Custom Superhero Gift https://etsy.me/2TvwNBw P

Framed Black Panther Minifigure - Shadow Box Frame - Custom Superhero Gift


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#gift #BlackPanther #WallArt #childsgift #BlackPantherGift #kidsgift #marvel #infinitywar #wakanda #endgame #etsy #homedecor #bedroom #framedminifigure #lego #minifigure #shadowbox #geek #geekgift #comicbook #comiccon #highfunctioningfangirl #inspirationalgift #motivationalgift (at Calgary, Alberta)

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nick  me: watching endgame and crying over tony’s death

nick  me: watching endgame and crying over tony’s death

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I always thought Thor’s eye wound wasn’t gnarly enough. Like I know the movie is meant to be suitablI always thought Thor’s eye wound wasn’t gnarly enough. Like I know the movie is meant to be suitabl

I always thought Thor’s eye wound wasn’t gnarly enough. Like I know the movie is meant to be suitable for children, but it just looks so flat and in the theatre you could tell that the opacity of that layer wasn’t at 100% so you could see Chris’s eye through it… anyway it still bothers me when I watch Ragnarok so here’s this.

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Just something for fun based on the People Endgame shootJust something for fun based on the People Endgame shoot

Just something for fun based on the People Endgame shoot

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The R*ssos biggest crime was taking Steve to the 70s and not putting him in this outfit from the 197

The R*ssos biggest crime was taking Steve to the 70s and not putting him in this outfit from the 1979 Cap movie

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“Imagine Steve going to Vormir and returning small again”

You’re supposed to sacrifice something that you love, does Steve love Captain America? Does Steve love Cap more than he loves Steve Rogers? Does he love the tool he was ready to sacrifice multiple times more than the real man beneath the mask?

Allow me to suggest an alternative option:

Steve jumps and only Captain America returns

Appreciate this perfect side profile❤

IDK I guess I’m getting excited for End Game sooo…..

Have some Jotun Loki for your dashboard

Still avoiding all End Game promos like the plague though.

Have a bit of Loki for your day!

This is what happened after rewatching Infinity Wars the other day.

despite how things ended, let us not fail to acknowlege beca mitchell’s outstanding toner for chloe beale in pp3.

((yep i’m claiming it universal and there’s nothing you can do about it.))

travellingwiththedead:Because people keep giving him bath tub scenes xD travellingwiththedead:Because people keep giving him bath tub scenes xD travellingwiththedead:Because people keep giving him bath tub scenes xD travellingwiththedead:Because people keep giving him bath tub scenes xD


Because people keep giving him bath tub scenes xD

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