






the really amazing part of all this is a few years ago I was an ~~exclusionist~~ with bad arguments and bad opinions and I’m general just a bad attitude.

then I grew up and learned some compassion and empathy.

I fell into a trap. I thought if I espoused the same beliefs as people who hated asexuals, I would be One of the Good Ones and they would want me.

I was wrong.

how much self-loathing did I carry around because of this? how much of my experiences and feelings did I push aside because people on this website told me none of them were real? How much damage was done by having it harassed into me that none of the prejudice or problems I’d experienced for being asexual…. didn’t happen?

My first girlfriend rejected my asexuality with disgust. Told me I was wrong, took it as an insult, accused me of thinking she was ugly…. and yes. pressured me into sex I didn’t want. Over and over again. She made me feel guilty for being ace and then abused me for it.

And I spent years on this website not only being told none of this happened, or if it did it had nothing to do with my asexuality, but then repeating that ad nauseum. What does that do to a 18/19 year old recovering from an abusive relationship?

How much of my recovery was hindered by the acecourse tee-em?

the worst was probably the idea I internalized that I couldn’t be asexual and gay. Or that being ace made me basically straight.

Your discourse is poisonous to lgbt people. Your rhetoric harms victims of sexual violence. Your stupid petty arguing is hurting people and all you people care about is whether hypothetical cisgender hetroromantic asexuals should be allowed in hypothetical lgbt hangouts you probably don’t even go to anyway.

I’m sorry you went through all this, but I’m glad you’ve grown and healed ❤️

IDAHOBITA+ 2022: Der Tag, an dem Acefeindlichkeit unbeachtet bleibt

#IDAHOBITA2022: Der Tag, an dem Acefeindlichkeit unbeachtet bleibt.
Weil #Asexualität ebenso Teil queerer Geschichte ist

Inhalts- und Triggerwarnungen: Queerfeindliche medizinische Gewalt, sexualisierte Gewalt, Acefeindlichkeit

Der 17.05.2022 markiert den Internationalen Tag gegen Homo-, Bi-, Inter-, Transfeindlichkeit (IDAHOBIT); ins Leben gerufen, um an die offizielle Depathologisierung von Homosexualität durch die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) am 17.05.1990 zu erinnern. Das vom WHO verwendete…


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the best evidence i can think of that “queer” is a super important word and identity is the fact that TERFs cannot stop talking about how evil and bigoted it is. If it specifically pisses them off above other “LGBT+” and feminist groups then it’s probably a super good and important thing.

FOR REAL THOUGH acknowledging the messiness and variety and shared history between queer groups is SO IMPORTANT!? Like just the fact that you see people use “LGB” goes to show that alphabet soup is such an easy way to draw lines between queer identities.

LGBT+ implies that we are separate but equal, that our solidarity is an act of addition, of concatenation. Look at it: there are four separate break points where it can be meaningfully split. It’s practically math, not a word.

Queer is unity, which is to say, oneness. It does not refer to a collection of parts, but to the whole of people that society has deemed aberrant in a certain way. It does not list identities in a certain order or imply that some are important enough for their own letter while others are not. No act of meaningful separation can be done to it, because it’s a word.


Hate hate hate when exclusionists try to pass off their bigotry and lies as Enlightening Cutesy Fun Facts and “Teehee so here’s the truth!! ^^ This identity is trash and everyone attached to it should die.” Like it’s actually so fucking sickening. That y’all will just spread false info that feeds into the wants of our oppressors and cuts down your fellow gays and queers. Under this cutesy wutesy, “silly anon EVERYONE knows this identity is xphobic!! lol uwu” tone.

It just says a lot without saying the quiet part out loud. And I hate exclusionists, but I especially hate the ones who act like this. Just call all of us a slur like the bigots you are

I KNOWING ME: An Autobiographical Gender JourneyStory #4: ConflictsBack in the late 2000′s/early 201I KNOWING ME: An Autobiographical Gender JourneyStory #4: ConflictsBack in the late 2000′s/early 201I KNOWING ME: An Autobiographical Gender JourneyStory #4: ConflictsBack in the late 2000′s/early 201

I KNOWING ME: An Autobiographical Gender Journey

Story #4: Conflicts

Back in the late 2000′s/early 2010′s, it was more common to find trans exclusionists compared to today. Looking back now, it’s easy to see how harmful and destructive those people were.

This conversation didn’t happen in real life; I was friends with a trans classmate that would indeed tell me these things in verbatim, but I’ve never witnessed anybody ever challenging him. If they ever did, perhaps I would have retained several years worth of my life.  

(I KNOWING ME: An Autobiographical Gender Journey was my 2015 graphic novel detailing several stories leading up to my trans awakening.)

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