

I’m s beginning to look like…prep for vacation… I mean Christmas!!

6 rounds of this was plenty! 2 minutes on the timer, complete the circuit and what’s left is rest… x6!


Suicide sprint… the run to the first stop 6 pike push-ups… squat jump to last and 6 squat thrusters (I was pressing the KB at the top) … sprint back to start and rest until the next 2 minutes begins!


Wowza! That was part 1 of my workout. Loved this one ❤️. ➡️➡️Try it out or tag a friend to challenge.


#womenwhoworkout #sprints #thistimefitness #liveyourfitness #kettlebells #workoutchallenge #exercisevideo #squats #totalbodyworkout #gymtime #nasm (at This Time Fitness Studio for Women)

“You Try. You Fail. You Try. You Fail. The real failure is when you stop trying.”

A new progression technique for muscle ups. I like this because it’s forcing me to get comfortable without the bands (which I was using as a bit of a pacifier).

>>> What are you currently trying at right now? <<<

#muscleup #muscleupprogression #womenwhoworkout #keeptrying #justkeepswimming #thewodlife #wod #trainhard #fitfam #fitwomen #girlsgonestrong #exercisevideo #muscleupattempt (at This Time Fitness Studio for Women)

I introduced a few new moves today to class! These killed my arms!

I used a rope to tie the sandbag on and used it like a weighted pendulum.

▶️▶️16 reps of each for 4 sets.

#Trx #suspensiontraining #armworkout #wod #liveyourfitness #womenwhoworkout #thistimefitness #workoutwednesday #loveyourbody #workit #gymtime #exercisevideo (at This Time Fitness)
