#family dinner


Me watching Chapter 11 and seeing Nihil: ah! Finally a Ghost!

Nihil was so meannnnnn


So you have survived another holiday season….

What do you do now?

Your hands are shaking from the coldness of relatives…

You stomach aches from avoiding dinner’s canabalism…

You have waded in pools of familial blood and found it thinner than water and running fast away from your heart…

You are the last leaf in winter, hanging to the tree. You are trembling in the winds of life you cannot avoid, but are forced to weather through until they break you.

You cannot change your family tree. You cannot change anything. Only be changed.

And yet when you found yourself in that downward spiral to the earth you realized it was not the end.

The ice of your father. The howls of your mother. The torrential clawing of grandparents and sibblings. None could break you.

Only set you free.

And I will not tell you winter will not come again… After spring is another fall.

But I will remind you that after fall is another spring.

And one day you will be warm with the love of chosen family. You will be somewhere you chose to be. With people you chose to let change you.

One day you will not be a leaf ever falling through external forces. You will be a person.

Beyond metaphor.

Beyond poetry dressing pain.

Beyond your tree.

Free to roam and move against the breeze and enjoy allseasons.

Do not feel guilt if this coming year does not deliver what last year’s could not. Your love is not an infinite distance or time away.

You are moving against the breeze, and

You are closer than you think.

We have survived another holiday season…

What do we do now?


Whatever our winds allow.

Just one family dinner with out a food fight … just one! 

Just one family dinner with out a food fight … just one! 

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We put together a little surprise party for mom for her 70th.

And not a let’s all hide and jump out and get her surprise. More like we, myself and Porter, little brother and his family, older brother and his wife, a couple of her sisters, and a brother-in-law just showed up at roughly the same time and wished her a happy birthday and gave hugs.

We went out for grandma’s birthday.

Came to mom and dad’s for older brother’s birthday.

Hosting for the holidays? Your family will surely fall in love with this mouthwatering lasagna. With

Hosting for the holidays? Your family will surely fall in love with this mouthwatering lasagna. With Barilla Gluten Free Oven-Ready Lasagne as its base, this is a simple yet delicious way to enjoy the classic Italian dish, gluten-free. Hearty flavors, Italian cheeses and fresh vegetables round out this recipe—making family time more enjoyable all around.

Gluten-free Lasagna with Ground Meat, Asparagus, Tomatoes + Carrots

1 box Barilla Gluten Free Oven-Ready Lasagne
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic
½ cup onion, diced into small pieces
½ cup multi-colored cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cup asparagus, sliced into small pieces
½ cup carrots, diced into small pieces
½ lb. ground beef
½ lb. gound pork
1 pint yellow cherry tomatoes, halved
56 oz. San Marzano peeled tomatoes, crushed
½ cup red wine
1 tbsp. oregano, chopped
8 oz. fresh mozzarella, sliced
1 cup Parmigiano cheese, grated
Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste

1. In a large skillet, add extra-virgin olive oil and onions and sauté for three minutes. Then, stir in the garlic, cook for approximately one more minute and add the ground beef and ground pork.
2. Brown the meat well over high heat (about 10 minutes).
3. Deglaze with red wine and simmer until wine has reduced (approximately two to three minutes).
4. Add yellow cherry tomatoes and San Marzano tomatoes, bring to a boil and season with salt and pepper. Allow to simmer for ten minutes.
5. Add the asparagus and carrots and cook for one more minute. Then, remove the skillet from the heat.  
6. In a 13 x 9 greased pan, layer  1/6 of the sauce mixture on the bottom of the pan. Cover with three lasagna sheets, Parmigiano cheese, mozzarella and sauce. Repeat this process until you have five layers.
7. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 40 minutes at 400° Fahrenheit.  
8. Uncover and bake for an additional five to seven minutes at 400° Fahrenheit.  
9. Allow lasagna to set approximately 10-15 minutes before cutting and serving.

Recipe and Photo Credit: Lorenzo Boni

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Joffrey- Please, sit sit. I do apologize, my Lady, Small Council meetings… At what point doesJoffrey- Please, sit sit. I do apologize, my Lady, Small Council meetings… At what point does

Joffrey- Please, sit sit. I do apologize, my Lady, Small Council meetings… At what point does it become treason to waste the King’s time? That’s a lovely gown, my Lady.
Cersei- Yes, it suits you perfectly. I imagine you might be rather cold.
Margaery- The climate is a bit more forgiving back in Highgarden, Your Grace.
Joffrey- Shall I have them bring you a shawl, my Lady?
Margaery- I am touched by your concern, Your Grace. Luckily for us Tyrells our blood runs quite warm. Doesn’t it Loras?
Margaery- Loras, isn’t the Queen’s gown magnificent? The fabric, the embroidery, the metal work.. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Cersei- You might find a bit of armor quite useful once you’ve become Queen. Perhaps before. Joffrey tells me you stopped your carriage at Flea Bottom on your way back from the Sept this morning.
Margaery- Yes, I paid a visit to an orphanage the High Septon told me about.
Loras- Margaery does a great deal of work with the poor back in Highgarden.
Margaery- The lowest among us are no different from the highest, if you give them a chance and approach them with an open heart.
Cersei- An open heart is what you’ll get in Flea Bottom if you’re not careful, my dear. Not long ago, we were attacked by a mob there. We had a full compliment of guards. It didn’t stop them. The King barely escaped with his life.
Joffrey- My mother’s always had a penchant for drama. Facts become less and less important to her as she grows older. Our lives were never truly in danger.
Cersei- You’re right, of course. You are your father’s son. We can’t all have a King’s bravery.
Margaery-Hunger turns men into beasts. I’m glad House Tyrell has been able to help in this regard. They tell me a hundred wagons arrive daily now from the Reach. Wheat, barley, apples.. We’ve had a blessed harvest, and of course it’s our duty to assist the capital in time of need.
Joffrey- Well, as Ser Loras said, Lady Margaery has done this sort of charitable work before. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.
Cersei- I’m sure she does.

Cersei’s CC: @ts4gotand@kellymarie69

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greypantyhose: I could not believe how sexy mom looked going out on her first date after leaving dad


I could not believe how sexy mom looked going out on her first date after leaving dad……as she walked towards me the sight of her in dark tan pantyhose and her sexy sling backs sent my cock into a complete frenzy…..as her top slipped off her left shoulder I could not resist her any longer……as we stood talking I took her hand and placed it on my cock that was throbbing in my pants……“mom you turn me on so much”……mom gripped my cock and leaned forward whispering in my ear……“the thought of incest sex makes moms cunt very wet….let mommy show you how much”

Another oldie but a goodie. .

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