


Fander Stans (currently) as Spongebob memes

Logan Stans:

Roman Stans:

Patton Stans:

Virgil Stans:

Janus Stans:

Remus Stans:

Logan stans are a whole nother species I swear

Time traveler: *moves a chair*

Thomas: I’ve been asleep for… 5 years???

What today’s Sanders Asides episode taught me:

  • Intrusive thoughts can be very time consuming and can get in the way of your day-to-day functioning
  • stress and pressure heightens the chances of intrusive thoughts
  • coffee makes it worse (trust me)
  • pretending intrusive thoughts don’t exist isn’t healthy, instead find ways to cope with them in a healthy way
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break :)))


I’m gonna give you all another reminder that @/fandersunite on tumblr and Instagram is an ace and aro exclusionist. Thought it would be good to let you all know, now that pride month has rolled around and they’re already been hi jacking ace/aro positivity posts. Stay safe my lovelies.

a history of @/fandersunite being ace/aro-exclusionary (with bonus transphobia):

i know she is incredibly popular in the ts fandom but her comments are harmful. on tumblr, we are more active in lgbt+ issues, but on instagram, people are taking her comments as a representation of community as a whole.

she is severely misinformed on trans and ace issues, which is dangerous for her young audience. i hope she learns but til then i’ll be avoiding interacting with her.



I am going to be fully honest, I don’t like Deceit. He makes me really uncomfortable for personal reasons that I won’t get into. So I would appreciate it if people didn’t add him on to my posts that don’t mention him. I am not mad or annoyed, I am just trying to protect my mental health and constantly having people add him to my posts is really triggering for me. I know there are people who love him and I respect and love you all so much, but I do not and I have a right to my feelings, as you do yours. My opinion is valid, just as much yours is. We can all like and enjoy what we want to, but we can also dislike what we dislike and that is okay. I am not a bad person for not liking Deceit. It is just my opinion. You are not a bad person for liking Deceit. It is just your opinion. So to sum it all up, please do not add Deceit to my posts because I would really appreciate that.

please refrain from just adding anything you want on the stuff you reblog before making sure it’s alright with the op. 

this happens routinely on my “tag sympathetic deceit” post. people will talk about how much they love deceit and how “you guys should add abusive deceit warnings!!!” when they could make that on their own post, because i, as the op, don’t want my posts getting hijacked by a concept i am not comfortable with.

seriously, y'all. stop.

my advise on the anti-fander

We need to stop messaging the anti-fander blogs and just report them. They are very clearly breaking numerous tumblr guidelines (including posting irl gore). Tagging them, messaging them, reblogging from them- this only adds to their popularity. Their first account had two to three notes per post- but that number has reached over 500 with their latest post. DON’T FEED INTO IT.

If you receive a message/get tagged in a post from a blog titled anything remotely anti-fander, do not open it. It either contains hurtful remarks (slurs included) about your creative content or pictures of real life gore. I will personally message you if you get tagged in a post with gore.

I almost didn’t make this post because I don’t want to feed into this dipshit’s ego, but with this latest stunt, I couldn’t stand by.

Again: do not message them, do not tag them, and do not check your messages/tags from anti-fander blogs. They want you to do it, and I will not allow for them to have that power.


Boop noodle

high key freaking out coz on twitter Thomas himself replied to this and said he liked my art style (he’s seen my stuff before but usually only the realistic pieces) and it meant a lot because ive been spending the better part of two years trying to come up with my own distinct style and ive finallyfelt like im kinda getting there, but a lot of the time people only react to my realism with out really understanding that stylized art can be just as hard.. so Thomas saying he liked my style specifically was a big deal to me :) 

and with these last several months ive been drawing a lot of sanders sides fanart exclusively, and my art style has greatly improved because of that, and i wouldn’t have gotten here without the unbelievable support ive gotten from all of you, (i know i dont really have a lot of followers compared to other people, but this is further than i ever thought i would get). before drawing for this fandom, i’d get maybe 10 or 25 notes tops, if i was lucky. with you guys, a lot of my peices make it to over 500, and several over 1000. this is by far the most supportive fandom i have ever been apart of. thank you all so much and i doubt anyone will see this but i love yall anyway

I have been at work since the asides ep came out and I wont be home till over a hour and I’ve already seen two (2) spoilers that are boutta thrust me back into a fandom I haven’t really been in for like 6 months

I already have art ideas for the spoilers. That I saw for about half a second before closing the app asap.



Me: *walks in*

Person: “Hey! Where have you been?”

Me: umm…

Person: “You haven’t posted in months or updated any of your fics. What’s going on?!”

Me: Okay, well…um… I got stuck.

Person: “What do you mean you got stuck!”

Me: Well fictional follower who I know doesn’t really exist, I got writers block and tried to force myself to keep writing and that caused writing to become a chore and activity I hated. When I realised this was why I couldn’t finish anything I was happy with, I took a break and got into posting my other passion.

Person: “which is?”

Me: Cosplays. I can tell my stories with cosplays and sounds on TikTok. I’m up and moving which is great for my mental health and when I do feel like writing, I sit and write. Sure it means I’m not writing much and it’s all small unfinished fics but I’m happy.

Person: “So you’re abandoning your current works?”

Me: No way. More like…putting them on a shelf for days when I actually feel like writing. It’s okay. I will be back, just not updating to a schedule. It’s random. You never know when or what you’re going to get.

Anyway, yes I left, but not forever. Sometimes you turn a fun hobby into a job by mistake and you need a break to make it fun again. Anyway, I’m hanging out on TikTok more if you want random vids and some deep storyline’s

It still boggles my mind that one of these days we’re going to learn Deceit’s real name…

fanders cling to the few moments where their favorite side is happy



Anyway it’s a new year time to remember to listen to POC in your fandom spaces.

@ravenhilarious It is encouraged that you do

Sanders Sides Theory (Spoilers for Putting Others First)

What an amazing video!! So well scripted and put together. I’ve missed my boys and I absolutely adored Roman and Deceit in this one. I really want to see how Roman is doing.

After the video, my friend @artyg500 and I came up with a theory. I’m *NOT* saying it’s right, but I really like the idea:

So we all know about the Sanders Sides colour theory. If you don’t, it’s basically that all the sides represent a colour of the rainbow. There’s only one colour missing:


Look at the thumbnail of the recent video

There’s a character missing from the game.

For a while, the Fanders have been planning who this mystery side is. And honestly, G and I didn’t find any theories that appealed to us. Until now.

We’d like to introduce “The Seven Deadly Sins” Theory. (We’re not sure if this has been done before, so if we’re not the first, I’m sorry. We aren’t claiming, we just thought it was interesting)

Logan mentions the Seven Deadly sins in the “Intrusive Thoughts” video. Saying that five of the seven deadly sins are already embedded into us. After remember that, I decided to see how the sides connected to the sins, and G helped connect them all together and keep me on track.

From experience, religion does a lot to your personality and moral compass. That’s why I thought it would be interesting to see their dynamics.

If you know the blue crayon theory, research that cause it falls into this theory. But basically, it’s that there’s a that the new side is gonna cause Logan to snap (like the crayon in one of Thomas’ posters).

But what could cause logical, collected Logan Sanders to snap and lose his cool? Here’s what we found:

Again! We are not saying any of this is fact. It’s just a fun theory and I’m sure Thomas has something amazing in mind for SS. Feel free to share thoughts!
