


“this is her body but we’ve inherited some of her quirks” it’s ok darcy you can say autism




Gonna do my Encanto hcs because I can and feel like it.

Disclaimer: I am white, and I’m trying my very best not to take away from the culture of the movie with these. I don’t have these hcs because I want representation, I just think I see these traits in these characters and this is all for fun blah blah blah you know the drill.


- I’m thinking lesbian. I feel like most people have explained this one to death but the rundown is basically she just Gives Those Vibes + comphet

- autistic!!! What Else Can I Do tells the story of a girl learning to unmask so clearly. Also Isabela’s whole perfect persona gives big masking vibes. Idk I just think it’s neat.

- gifted kid burnout /hj


- autistic once again!! Her sensory overload is a MOOD and there’s a lot of fun stuff to play with there. Told a guy “you talk so loud” as a compliment.


- adhd and autism. She very much has a “thinking out loud” personality. Special interest in sewing!! Always moving, sensory seeking.

- I don’t have a specific sexuality hc for her but I feel like she’s mspec.


- autistic! She strokes her braid to calm down/as a stim, emotional dystrguation, and also I just think Pepa and Dolores both being autistic is neat. Also people not understanding how to handle her emotions.

- as a friend pointed out, there’s a lot of overlap between ASD and BPD, and I think Pepa slides right into that sweet spot.


- gay, but specifically the brand of gay that only a theatre boy can be.

- questioning his gender hardcore, but not quite there yet. Not totally cis tho.

- Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. No further comment.


Baby celestia and Luna from a mlp au I was thinking about they are born alicorns and they are more like horses than ponies… newborn celestia and kid filly Luna. .

I’m gonna draw the mane 6 LATER

I like to think that Rex and Caesar got to have coffee and like hang out in the Providence Break Room with all the other soldiers before they start their day.

tarmairons:BLACK SAILS | 1x7 this scene is just … so goodeleanor is totally ready for flint ttarmairons:BLACK SAILS | 1x7 this scene is just … so goodeleanor is totally ready for flint ttarmairons:BLACK SAILS | 1x7 this scene is just … so goodeleanor is totally ready for flint ttarmairons:BLACK SAILS | 1x7 this scene is just … so goodeleanor is totally ready for flint t



this scene is just … so good

eleanor is totally ready for flint to kiss her and for them maybe to do the do, and then she gets gay dad zoned and on rewatch its so obvious !! but on the first watch you’re like WhAAATTTT are the writers doing ???? but it all adds up! it all matters! this show straight bates you so hard!!!!

Post link


Current Sexuality: Tommy Shelby looking at Alfie Solomons

he looks at alfie like he would let alfie fuck him stupid and they both know it










I heard that Cassandra Clare’s lawyers are trying to take down any pages that reference her history of plagiarism…so here’s some fandom history: Cassandra Claire is a bully and a plagiarist.

Oh hell no, she does not get to be one of the most (in)famous cases of fandom fuckery in the history of modern fandom and then just make it all go away because she made money doing exactly the same damned thing to an already published author.

Oh, damn, the law clearly indicates that now that I’ve seen this post I must re-read her story. Sorry, everyone.

The plagiarism link no longer works - she got to them guys :(

Remember when she was kicked off fanfiction.net because of plagiarism? Because that was fun. Because that was still the era when hardly anyone got kicked off ff.net. That was when they still allowed all sorts of shenanigans. Remember how her friends had to club together to make a website that they controlled so she could post her fic unrestricted by morals and/or the law? And used her plagiarised quotes (such as “cold-blooded piece of toast”) as one of the markers of your posting count/user level on their forums? That was such fun as well!

Oh, how she denied it. Oh, how she said it was purely ‘pastiche’. Oh how she unleashed her winged monkeys by saying “these people are saying I’m a plagiarist wah wah wah!” and standing by and watching as those winged monkeys ripped innocent people to ribbons. There was doxxing. There was harassment. There was baiting.

We who lived through it, we do not forget.

Also she didn’t get to journalfen, the whole site just died a while ago.

pro tip: put the journalfen link in the last few words of the original post and paste it into archive. org so you can see the page a few years ago with the whole saga written up

Fanlore has got you covered with all the dirty laundry dear old Cassie wants us to forget:

I used to read FandomWank religiously even if I didn’t post there due to fear of voles, and thanks to FandomWank I know lots of things I sometimes wish I didn’t like “his wife?  A horse” and “snapewives” not to mention the “self lubricating” butthole and outwalking a hurricane…

And of course MsScribe.

But Cassandra Claire?  Yeah, that I’m grateful to FandomWank for because they put a big fat red warning sign out there about her and I was able to avoid her and her works altogether.

And in conclusion: bartending in leather pants.  In the dark.


It doesn’t *have* to be Valentine’s Day to put your lover into a blissful subspace high, however it does make it about 15% more romantic.

Buy me a coffee?


me when people ship real celebrities, draw/write porn of them, harass them about ships on social media, or are just generally creepy towards them:









More people need to get behind the genderfluid Mulan headcanon

;-; please no

Mulan is trans

translation: “strong women don’t exist. if they’re not weak and submissive, they’re not really women.” asshole.

Shortly after starting T, I caught Hell for for saying Mulan only bound her boobs because she was pretending to be a man in order to join the Army. She only even did so in the first place to take her father’s slot. If he were younger or able bodied, she’d have just stayed home. Mulan is a badasswoman

Get. Over. It.

Hi! Chinese American here! 

FUCK YOU. You’re not even Chinese. This is not your legend, culture, or history to reclaim. 

Fa Mulan () is a woman warrior. The original ballad was about Mulan worrying about her old, frail father joining in the army, and out of filial piety, took his place to save him, and serve her country. We all look up to her for loving and serving her family so much. We all look up to the story for proving that women are just as strong and capable as men, in a culture that unfortunately have a long, long history of preferring sons over daughters, to the point that daughters can be killed the moment they are born. 

Fu Mulan is our heroine. She is my heroine, my inspiration throughout the years I was mistreated by my sexist paternal side of the family for being born a girl. The ‘proof’ that son preference was bullshit and I was worth something.

You don’t know shit about the Ballad of Mulan. In the ending, after the war, she returns home because she missed it dearly. She puts on her old clothing, and when her comrades came to see her, they were surprised she was a woman.

The ending, the most important ending: It brings up the metaphor of two rabbits, side by side on a hill, one male and one female, and yet you can’t tell them apart. 

Are they not both rabbits? Are they not both equal?

There have always been female fighters, female warriors in Chinese folklore and fiction. YOU DO NOT GET TO ERASE THEM. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU AREN’T EVEN CHINESE. Do you not see how racist that is of you? 

Fuck off, you racist idiot. 

It’s been years since I reblogged this, buth I noticed something. Many people have reblogged this from me since tealish-pink deactivated their blog, and in paper this is more than okay!

But there’s a detail here. Some of the users that have done so are TERF’s. As in “Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists”. As in, TRANSPHOBES who see trans women as men.


To all the TERF’s looking at my blog? Fuck the HELL off. I don’t like the “Mulan is trans” headcanon because Mulan is not a trans guy and re-interpreting her as such takes away from her story (plus it’s racist as fuck, like tealish-pink says), but I fucking hate to see transphobic assholes using it to favor their bigotry.

I’m c/ping this on the original reblog too, so you will see it no matter what. Begone TERF’s, I don’t want you near to me. Any TERF that reblogs this from me is fucking BLOCKED.



Being an aro in fandom is really like, why do you want to suffer? The sheer amount of amatonormativity is astounding. 

The particular part of it I want to address here is…pretty difficult to talk about, as it is easily misinterpreted, but I still want to express my feelings so, here I go. 

Obviously, the subject is shipping. Namely, “gay” shipping (I here differentiate “gay” from lesbian). Before anything, there are so many mlm ships because, well. Women are less of 30% speaking roles in movies, and it’s not really different in other kind of media. So, with so few women, because alloros still gonna ship, even straight people are going to ship men together: het couples are still doable in small numbers, and lesbian ships will have a hard time given women don’t exist in fiction. So yeah, it’s just stats here, that, out of all the ships, so many are gay.

And I absolutely don’t have an issue with it - if I have to see or read romance, then I’d rather it not be straight. What bothers me, is when people try to “justify” their ship. Not in a “here’s why I ship them” but “here’s why it’s basically canon”. And that’s where you start to see a difference between gay ships, and, for an example, lesbian ones. Any positive interaction between men is seen as “basically canon romance”. And it bothers me. It’s nothing new or revolutionary, but it’s just another way to show how men aren’t allowed positive relationships in their lives. In the context of fandom, friendship can’t exist for men: we’re so unused to seeing men having friends, that people will immediately jump and say “romance”. 

I see that less with female characters. Of course, straight people will ship any man + woman, but it’s generally canon (because straights can’t leave anything alone) so I guess it’s different, even when there’s 0 romantic chemistry between the characters (99% of the time, yes, I know). But, when people ship a lesbian relationship, the “justifications” are different. Basic interaction isn’t made out to be oh so romantic, like, looking at someone for 0.1 second. Lesbian ships often need more than that, even when female characters have positive interactions. 

I *really* don’t want to fall into the “not everything has to be gay”, especially because, if you replace “gay” with a more general “queer” then that’s actually what I want, but…it is really telling, the way male characters aren’t allowed friendships, or any kind of non-romantic relationship, really. It makes me uncomfortable, but also pretty sad for men, honestly? 

My aro dudes out there, I’m sorry, there are so many male characters absolutely everywhere and yet you can’t spend any time in fandom without being smashed under romance. 


unpopular opinion: sometimes… fandom isn’t that important. sometimes fandom isn’t “that deep” to someone. sometimes people don’t interact within the fandom and like to watch from afar. sometimes people just want to look at cool art or read cool fanfics, and that’s it.

let’s normalize fandom being a hobby or an interest and not a lifestyle. normalize taking a step back, taking time off and disconnecting from fandom without feeling bad. it’s okay and healthy to prioritize yourself over media instead of consuming it 24/7. it’s okay to set boundaries and enjoy something the way you need.

terebifunhouse:it’s 1980s anime club time so dust off your VCR and get down to the library meeting rterebifunhouse:it’s 1980s anime club time so dust off your VCR and get down to the library meeting rterebifunhouse:it’s 1980s anime club time so dust off your VCR and get down to the library meeting rterebifunhouse:it’s 1980s anime club time so dust off your VCR and get down to the library meeting rterebifunhouse:it’s 1980s anime club time so dust off your VCR and get down to the library meeting r


it’s 1980s anime club time so dust off your VCR and get down to the library meeting room for this blast back into the past as Let’s Anime brings you “I WAS A TEENAGE ANIME CLUB PRESIDENT!”


Post link

I am proud to announce that every single man in my life will now be expected to live up to the standards that the respectable gentlemen of Bridgerton left me with. Good luck


* who has shipped Spirk since that night in 1967 that Amok Time first aired
* and helped storm NBC to keep TOS on the air for a 3rd season
* and wrote fanfic way back in the day
* and was privileged to be around for the earliest days of fandom, when Leonard used to come to your house if that’s where the fan club was meeting and sit on the sofa with you in that Spock hair cut and eat cake

All of you who are writing TOS/AOS fan fiction and creating fan art now: remember, YOU are the ones shaping the traditions of fandom. You have inherited the kingdom. Bless you for keeping it vibrant, growing, alive. In fifty years, you will be the ones who are remembered for molding it and handing it down to the future. It probably doesn’t feel like now, but you are making history.

Your current addiction to TOS and the feels you get when you contemplate the love between Jim and Spock will be with you for life. It won’t always be in the forefront; you will sometimes go years, sometimes go a decade, without Star Trek being more than a passing thought. But then something will remind you and every consuming feeling you feel right now will come rushing back, every bit as powerful and deep and strong as it is today. All there, right where you left it.

The friendships you make in fandom will be with you for life. Like all friendships, they will wax and wane as the focus of your life shifts over time, but you will always be able to pick up the thread. You will — to give you a hypothetical example — be 77 years old and discover Tumblr and get a rush of Spirk feels after a decade of not giving TOS a thought, and contact your 83-year-old fangirl friend in the nursing home, to whom you haven’t spoken in several years. You will open the conversation with, “So, Jim and Spock love each other and that just makes me so happy.” And your friend in the nursing home will sigh and say, “Yes. They do love each other. It’s such a comfort.”

That look that Jim and Spock give each other, of absolute adoration and acceptance and love? That’s real. It’s rare, but it’s real. One of my greatest joys in life is to see my son and his husband give each other looks like that. Of course I don’t know you; I don’t know your strengths and struggles or your place on the spectrum of gender or anything about your sexuality or what you look like or what your life has taught you to believe about yourself, but I do know this: YOU DESERVE TO BE LOVED AND LOOKED AT THE WAY JIM AND SPOCK LOOK AT EACH OTHER. Please don’t accept less than that in your life.

The future of our planet does not seem very hopeful at the moment. But please remember that when Gene created Star Trek, the world was in turmoil and the future seemed very bleak. Star Trek is, was, always shall be about hope. Reach for it. When TOS first aired, we hoped to see some form of a Starfleet on the horizon in our lifetimes. That vision must be passed on to you. Do it. Make the world worthy of launching the human race out into space. CREATE STARFLEET.

You are all creative and funny and amazing. Far more amazing than you know. Be kind to yourselves. Live long and prosper, kids.

Tags are in reference to my first bullet point. Meant as a kudos to your work, but feel free to untag yourself if you don’t want to be linked to my ramblings; I won’t be offended! (Also, this extends to a thousand other artists and writers out there who deserve kudos. tag at will.)


Sometimes I wonder why I bother making plans, since things so seldom go the way I hope they will, even when I’m working hard to make them. March, in this case, featured a lot of health nonsense, and a number of demands on my time—and, as a result, I wasn’t able to write as often as I wanted to. Despite that, I’m proud of the fact that I managed to mostly stay on-track with my biggest goal during March, and make the days I wasable to write really count. 

Total wordcount: 9, 046 


  • I did, in fact, go back to the novel rewrite the way I’d planned to, writing about 4.3k of it, which was about half of the total words I wrote in March 
  • I finished the short piece I’d started at the end of February—a Steter birthday piece for asarcasticwitch, which can be found here 
  • I worked a little on the Hanahaki AU 

Plans for April: 

  • Finish either the Hanahaki AU, or chapter 7 of the Kinky Stargent fic
  • Post something in April 
  • Bang out at least 5k of the novel rewrite

Reblogging for the night owls


Sometimes I wonder why I bother making plans, since things so seldom go the way I hope they will, even when I’m working hard to make them. March, in this case, featured a lot of health nonsense, and a number of demands on my time—and, as a result, I wasn’t able to write as often as I wanted to. Despite that, I’m proud of the fact that I managed to mostly stay on-track with my biggest goal during March, and make the days I wasable to write really count. 

Total wordcount: 9, 046 


  • I did, in fact, go back to the novel rewrite the way I’d planned to, writing about 4.3k of it, which was about half of the total words I wrote in March 
  • I finished the short piece I’d started at the end of February—a Steter birthday piece for asarcasticwitch, which can be found here 
  • I worked a little on the Hanahaki AU 

Plans for April: 

  • Finish either the Hanahaki AU, or chapter 7 of the Kinky Stargent fic
  • Post something in April 
  • Bang out at least 5k of the novel rewrite

Reblogging for the evening crowd


Sometimes I wonder why I bother making plans, since things so seldom go the way I hope they will, even when I’m working hard to make them. March, in this case, featured a lot of health nonsense, and a number of demands on my time—and, as a result, I wasn’t able to write as often as I wanted to. Despite that, I’m proud of the fact that I managed to mostly stay on-track with my biggest goal during March, and make the days I wasable to write really count. 

Total wordcount: 9, 046 


  • I did, in fact, go back to the novel rewrite the way I’d planned to, writing about 4.3k of it, which was about half of the total words I wrote in March 
  • I finished the short piece I’d started at the end of February—a Steter birthday piece for asarcasticwitch, which can be found here 
  • I worked a little on the Hanahaki AU 

Plans for April: 

  • Finish either the Hanahaki AU, or chapter 7 of the Kinky Stargent fic
  • Post something in April 
  • Bang out at least 5k of the novel rewrite

Reblogging for the afternoon crowd
